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Running the app during development

我们开发利用到Node.js以及gulp, LiveReload.


$ [sudo] npm install -g gulp    
$ npm install  
$ gulp  
  • 点击这里安装
  • 在浏览其中打开下面网址http://localhost:8000/app/index.html
  • 在Chrome右上角面板中点击启用LiveReload,将圈中小点变深黑。


  • TextMate中编辑代码并保存
  • 切换至Chrome,页面应该自动刷新成最新代码

Running the app in production

This really depends on how complex is your app and the overall infrastructure of your system, but the general rule is that all you need in production are all the files under the app/ directory. Everything else should be omitted.

Angular apps are really just a bunch of static html, css and js files that just need to be hosted somewhere, where they can be accessed by browsers.

If your Angular app is talking to the backend server via xhr or other means, you need to figure out what is the best way to host the static files to comply with the same origin policy if applicable. Usually this is done by hosting the files by the backend server or through reverse-proxying the backend server(s) and a webserver(s).

Running unit tests

We recommend using jasmine and Karma for your unit tests/specs, but you are free to use whatever works for you.

Requires node.js, Karma (sudo npm install -g karma) and a local or remote browser.

  • start scripts/ (on windows: scripts\test.bat)
    • a browser will start and connect to the Karma server (Chrome is default browser, others can be captured by loading the same url as the one in Chrome or by changing the config/karma.conf.js file)
  • to run or re-run tests just change any of your source or test javascript files

End to end testing

Angular ships with a baked-in end-to-end test runner that understands angular, your app and allows you to write your tests with jasmine-like BDD syntax.

Requires a webserver, node.js + ./scripts/web-server.js or your backend server that hosts the angular static files.

Check out the end-to-end runner's documentation for more info.

  • create your end-to-end tests in test/e2e/scenarios.js
  • serve your project directory with your http/backend server or node.js + scripts/web-server.js
  • to run do one of:
    • open http://localhost:port/test/e2e/runner.html in your browser
    • run the tests from console with Karma via scripts/ or script/e2e-test.bat

Continuous Integration


Receiving updates from upstream

When we upgrade angular-seed's repo with newer angular or testing library code, you can just fetch the changes and merge them into your project with git.

Directory Layout

app/                --> all of the files to be used in production
  css/              --> css files
    app.css         --> default stylesheet
  img/              --> image files
  index.html        --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  index-async.html  --> just like index.html, but loads js files asynchronously
  js/               --> javascript files
    app.js          --> application
    controllers.js  --> application controllers
    directives.js   --> application directives
    filters.js      --> custom angular filters
    services.js     --> custom angular services
  lib/              --> angular and 3rd party javascript libraries
      angular.js        --> the latest angular js
      angular.min.js    --> the latest minified angular js
      angular-*.js      --> angular add-on modules
      version.txt       --> version number
  partials/             --> angular view partials (partial html templates)

config/karma.conf.js        --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
config/karma-e2e.conf.js    --> config file for running e2e tests with Karma

scripts/            --> handy shell/js/ruby scripts       --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (*nix)
  e2e-test.bat      --> runs end-to-end tests with Karma (windows)
  test.bat          --> autotests unit tests with Karma (windows)           --> autotests unit tests with Karma (*nix)
  web-server.js     --> simple development webserver based on node.js

test/               --> test source files and libraries
  e2e/              -->
    runner.html     --> end-to-end test runner (open in your browser to run)
    scenarios.js    --> end-to-end specs
    angular/                --> angular testing libraries
      angular-mocks.js      --> mocks that replace certain angular services in tests
      angular-scenario.js   --> angular's scenario (end-to-end) test runner library
      version.txt           --> version file
  unit/                     --> unit level specs/tests
    controllersSpec.js      --> specs for controllers
    directivessSpec.js      --> specs for directives
    filtersSpec.js          --> specs for filters
    servicesSpec.js         --> specs for services





Angular.js tmbundle - 可以帮助你快速的编辑Angular.js脚本 jasmine-tmbundle - 快速的编写测试脚本


git clone以后open tmbundle,TextMate将会自动安装。


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