Game entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2019
Theme: only one
- One-Bit
- One Button
- One Dimension
- One Sprite
- One Man Standing
- One Try Only
- Only One Arrow/Weapon
- Wave-Survival
- Only have one arrow/spear to throw
- Enemies are OHKO
- player has to retrieve arrow/spear
- 18xx Birding
- Flugzeug/Vogel steuern, der nur einen Flügel (see Google Doc for more)
Platformer á la Celeste, Super Meat Boy etc. Player controls character via "Morse Movement"! (i.e. press-release -> short, press-hold-release -> long) Movements have designated morse code (e.g. short -> jump) Levels have moving platforms, traps and require slight timing skills Each level is one screen, no scrolling elements
- Jump
- Walk
- Run
- Turn Around
- (Stop)
- Dash
- Crouch?
- Cheatsheet PDF
- UI showing controls?
- Morse Control for menus
- 2D
- Pixelart
- Mars/Curiosity setting
- Player sits in NASA HQ, controls Curiosity drone via Morse signals
- Low gravity settings, slow movement, long frame animations
- Curiosity's antenna blinks when receiving signals
- When player beats last level, Curiosity dies ("It's getting dark here...")
- Flying rocks for platforms, space garbage for obstacles
- Screen may be designed like the view from an old observation cam
- Obstacles:
- Space Garbage
- Meteoroids
- Mars Storm/Wind/Gust
- Crater
- Sounddesign
- Damped sounds from Curiosity's mic?
- SciFi-like quiet background noise (á la StarTrek theremin)