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Add tx_info command, for looking up translation strings
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Sometimes I want to quickly see whether a string has been translated to other
languages, so I wrote a script to look up the info through the Transifex API:

$  node scripts/tx_info.js modes.add_area.title
  • Loading branch information
bhousel committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 4df4939 commit cd0b8c5
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Showing 4 changed files with 193 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"test:unit": "dotenvx run --quiet -- c8 node --test-reporter spec --test test/unit/**/*.test.js",
"test:unzip-benchmark-data": "tar -xvf test/benchmark/ -C test/benchmark",
"test:cleanup-benchmark-data": "rm test/benchmark/tokyo_*_canned_osm_data.js",
"translations": "dotenvx run --quiet -- node scripts/update_translations.js"
"translations": "dotenvx run --quiet -- node scripts/tx_pull.js"
"dependencies": {
"@mapbox/geojson-area": "^0.2.2",
Expand Down
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions scripts/tx_info.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable no-process-env */
import chalk from 'chalk';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import JSON5 from 'json5';
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import { transifexApi as api } from '@transifex/api';

const localeCompare = new Intl.Collator('en').compare;

// This script gets information about a given transifex key

// see also:
// Create a file `transifex.auth` in the root folder of the Rapid project.
// This file should contain your API bearer token, for example:
// { "token": "1/f306870b35f5182b5c2ef80aa4fd797196819cb132409" }
// See: for information on generating an API bearer token.
// (This file is `.gitignore`d)
if (process.env.transifex_token) {
api.setup({ auth: process.env.transifex_token });
} else {
const auth = JSON5.parse(fs.readFileSync('./transifex.auth', 'utf8'));
api.setup({ auth: auth.token });

const { positionals } = parseArgs({ allowPositionals: true });
if (!positionals.length) {
console.error(chalk.yellow(' missing lookup key, example:'));
console.error(chalk.yellow(` tx_info.js modes.add_area.title`));
const LOOKUP_KEY = positionals[0];
console.log(chalk.yellow(`lookup key "${LOOKUP_KEY}"`));

const RAPID_PROJECT = 'o:rapid-editor:p:rapid-editor';
const CORE_RESOURCE = 'o:rapid-editor:p:rapid-editor:r:core';

let project_rapid; // Project
let resource_core; // Resource
let source_string; // ResrouceString
let languageIDs; // Array<languageID>

.then(() => {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`✅ Done!`));

async function getProjectDetails() {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`📥 Fetching project details…`));
project_rapid = await api.Project.get(RAPID_PROJECT);
resource_core = await api.Resource.get(CORE_RESOURCE);

// example ResourceString:
// {
// "id": "o:rapid-editor:p:rapid-editor:r:core:s:9e6b7e75e8405d21eb9c2458ab412b18",
// "attributes": {
// "appearance_order": 0,
// "key": "",
// "context": "",
// "strings": {
// "other": "download"
// },
// "tags": [],
// "occurrences": null,
// "developer_comment": null,
// "instructions": null,
// "character_limit": null,
// "pluralized": false,
// "datetime_created": "2024-06-17T19:23:15Z",
// "metadata_datetime_modified": "2024-06-17T19:23:15Z",
// "strings_datetime_modified": "2024-06-17T19:23:15Z"
// },
// "links": {…}
// "relationships": {…}
// "related": {…}
// }

// getResourceString
async function getSourceString() {
const opts = { resource: CORE_RESOURCE, key: LOOKUP_KEY };
const query = api.ResourceString.filter(opts);
await query.fetch();

if ( === 0) {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`❌ "${LOOKUP_KEY}" not found…`));
} else {
source_string =[0];
console.log(chalk.yellow(`✅ found "${LOOKUP_KEY}":`));

// getRapidLanguages
async function getRapidLanguages() {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`📥 Fetching Rapid languages…`));
const opts = { project: RAPID_PROJECT, resource: CORE_RESOURCE };
const iter = api.ResourceLanguageStats.filter(opts).all();
return getCollection(iter)
.then(vals => {
languageIDs = =>;

// example ResourceTranslation:
// {
// "id": "o:rapid-editor:p:rapid-editor:r:core:s:9e6b7e75e8405d21eb9c2458ab412b18:l:eo",
// "attributes": {
// "strings": {
// "other": "elŝuti"
// },
// "reviewed": false,
// "proofread": false,
// "finalized": false,
// "origin": "EDITOR",
// "datetime_created": "2018-10-11T20:31:55Z",
// "datetime_translated": "2018-10-14T13:34:50Z",
// "datetime_reviewed": null,
// "datetime_proofread": null
// },
// "links": {…}
// "relationships": {…}
// "related": {…}
// }

async function getTranslationStrings() {
// Print English first
const sstrings = JSON.stringify(source_string.attributes.strings);
console.log(chalk.yellow.inverse('l:en:') + chalk.reset.yellow(` \t` + sstrings));

for (const languageID of languageIDs) {
if (languageID === 'l:en') continue; // skip `l:en`, it's the source language

const opts = { resource: CORE_RESOURCE, language: languageID, resource_string__key: LOOKUP_KEY, translated: true };
const query = api.ResourceTranslation.filter(opts);
await query.fetch();

if ( === 0) {
console.log(chalk.yellow.inverse(`${languageID}:`) + chalk.reset.yellow.dim(` \t` + 'untranslated'));
} else {
const tstrings = JSON.stringify([0].attributes.strings);
console.log(chalk.yellow.inverse(`${languageID}:`) + chalk.reset.yellow(` \t` + tstrings));

// getCollection
// This just wraps a `for await` that gathers all values from the given iterable.
// The iterables we are using here represent collections of stuff fetched lazily from Transifex.
async function getCollection(iterable, showCount = true) {
const results = [];

if (!process.stdout.isTTY) showCount = false;

if (showCount) {

for await (const val of iterable) {
if (showCount) {

if (showCount) {

return results;

File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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