Thruk is a widely used tool which serves the purpose of aggregating the information generated by several Nagios servers into a single application.
It does this by interfacing with another thruk server running alongside each nagios server. Each of these remote thruks are called "peers" in thruk's configuration. A peer is just the URL where the remote thruk lives and a couple of other pieces of info.
This Kubernetes charm, if deployed with the
meyer91/thruk image, will create a
pod running said image and automatically start up Thruk. Peers are added by
relating this charm's application with others providing the thruk-agent
On host1
juju deploy nagios --config enable_livestatus=true
juju deploy thruk-agent
juju relate nagios thruk-agent
On host2
juju deploy proxy-thruk-agent thruk-peer-host1 --resource image=alpine \
--config nagios_context=host1 \
--config url=http://host1 \
--config thruk_key=94dlks
juju deploy thruk-master-k8s --resource image=meyer91/thruk
juju relate thruk-master-k8s:thruk-agent thruk-peer-host1:thruk-agent
Currently, the Nagios + Thruk agent deployment has to be made on a non-kubernetes juju deployment. Neither of Nagios nor the Thruk agent have charm versions suitable for Kubernetes deployments yet.
On the contrary, if using this example as is, both the proxy Thruk agent and the Thruk master itself have to be installed on a Kubernetes juju deployment. However, there are non-kubernetes versions for the proxy Thruk agent and the Thruk master.
Once deployed, Thruk's Web UI will be available on the URL:
Username and password are the defaults provided by the meyer91/thruk
ie. thrukadmin/thrukadmin