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Iso2Mesh 2018 (v1.9)

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@fangq fangq released this 19 Jul 16:25
· 239 commits to master since this release

Iso2Mesh 2018 (1.9.0, codename: Century Egg) is a milestone towards the 2.0 release. It now contains the source codes and makefiles to compile the embedded open-source meshing utilities to binary - so that Linux package maintainers can distribute Iso2Mesh via the software repository without concerning the licenses of the embedded binary tools. Further more, it adds a number of new features, such as extruding curves to form surfaces, importing/exporting NIRFAST files, mesh interpolations, as well as increased robustness in surface boolean, surf2mesh etc.

A number of modules received updates - JSONLab was updated to 1.8, tetgen got a Windows binary for 1.5.1, meshfix's windows binary was also upgraded to v2.1.

The detailed ChangeLog is listed below (key features marked by *):

2018-07-19*[67ae478] update jsonlab to v1.8
2018-07-19 [0af072c] compiling jmeshlib and tetgen1.5 from source
2018-07-19 [c75ce08] use meshfix 1.2 from an old copy
2018-07-18 [f49286b] use system binaries first, then use locally built suffix-less binaries, then prebuilt ones
2018-07-18 [8d015f4] add makefile to compile all external tools and copy exe to bin
2018-07-18*[17bf732] add source codes for embedded tool for deployment
2018-06-27 [2baaf0d] fix bugs in meshinterp and meshremap when elemid contains nan
2018-06-26 [3413cf6] add meshremap and meshinterp to map values between a pair of meshes
2018-05-30 [f111940] add examples for readnirfast and savenirfast
2018-05-30*[6ec9dbc] support importing and exporting NIRFAST mesh files
2018-05-25 [312d1ff] nodevolume can be calculated using elemvolume
2018-05-02 [39bc663] fix missing command in the meshconn output
2018-04-11 [65a0f2a] Update tetgen1.5 executable for Windows to TetGen v1.5.1-beta1
2017-11-08*[98d9fb4] add extrudesurf function to expand an open surface into a solid
2017-10-02 [9f5e9f1] support cone trunk in meshacylinder
2017-09-13 [914d9e9] Fix bug in surf2mesh
2017-08-30*[a6070a9] add top and bottom faces for extrudecurve
2017-08-06 [6cd2747] merge phong's surfboolean, make s2m/surf2mesh support tetgen1.5
2017-07-19 [f6d8d7f] remove isoloated nodes for cell represented surfaces
2017-06-29 [4ff9ed9] support removing duplicated nodes in cell face input
2017-06-20 [dab6afe] close open surfaces by the bounding box
2017-06-20 [059f98a] support initial angle in orthdisk
2017-06-12 [5d22c41] apply a patch from Riccardo to correct surface orientation
2017-05-29 [48f30d5] update meshfix binary for windows, add 64bit meshfix from
2017-05-11 [d11dbc4] add new function to create extruded surfaces from orthogonal 2D spline curves
2017-03-05 [41da47d] create 10-node tet from 4-node tet