Modern MCUs have limited write cycles (>100K cycles for an EEPROM, about 10K cycles for a STM32 chip). Updating the firmware with each release could shorten the life of your MCU.
Every time Klipper mentions to update an MCU at startup, no more.
It will make your life easier when Klipper asks you to update your MCUs.
This is small bash script to update klipper and mcus (main, rpi, can, pico, ... ) and keep trace of config file for the next update !
The actual version is tagged 0.0.6.
Changes :
- Improve verbose mode,
- Error handling allows interactions instead of leaving script,
- Rework config parser,
- Klipper update : Ask to rebase if
git pull
fails, -c
option is allowed when printing.
- typos.
- Disclaimer
- What UKAM does ?
- Installation
- Update UKAM with Moonraker
- Usage
- Edit mcus.ini
- About backup
- Questions & Answers
- Aknowledgments
This script does not replace your brain. If you don't know how to flash your boards, just go away !
I admit that this warning is a little condescending. You can find many guides explaining how to flash your boards, I can't list them all. See below some links i used as reference to build the script.
- Klipper Documentation
- maz0R Canbus guide,
- Manufacturers documentations,
- ...
Update Klipper and apply firmware update for each mcu.
Basically it runs:
git pull
service klipper stop
make clean
make menuconfig
service klipper start
UKAM is also able to rollback Klipper version if thing goes wrong
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/fbeauKmi/update_klipper_and_mcus.git ukam
Copy and edit mcus.ini
from examples
folder to ~/printer_data/config/ukam
Copy ukam.sh
and /scripts/*.sh
in a folder of your pi, ~/ukam/
sounds as a good choice. Let's call this folder ~/<script_folder>
in this Readme.
Copy and edit mcus.ini
from examples
folder to ~/printer_data/config/ukam
Ensure to make ukam.sh
executable :
chmod +x ~/<script_folder>/update_klipper.sh
This method does not track update of the script
Paste the lines below in moonraker.conf
[update_manager update_klipper_and_mcus]
type: git_repo
primary_branch: main
path: ~/ukam
origin: https://github.com/fbeauKmi/update_klipper_and_mcus.git
is_system_service: False
Run ~/<script_folder>/ukam.sh
in a terminal, you can use the following options.
Usage: ukam.sh [<config_file>] [-h]
UKAM, a Klipper Firmware Updater script. Update Klipper repo and mcu firmwares
Optional args: <config_file> Specify the config file to use. Default is 'mcus.ini'
-c, --checkonly Check if Klipper is up to date only.
-b, --rebase use rebase instead of fast forward to update Klipper
-f, --firmware Do not merge repo, force to update firmwares
-m, --menuconfig Show menuconfig for all Mcus (default do not show menuconfig)
-r, --rollback Rollback to a previous version
-q, --quiet Quiet mode, proceed all if needed tasks, !SKIP MENUCONFIG!
-v, --verbose For debug purpose, display parsed config
-h, --help Display this help message and exit
Check if Klipper is up-to-date, if not, it displays latest commits.
Skip Klipper update to repo or force Mcus update if Klipper is already up to date
Rollback to the previous version saved by this script. It proceed a hard reset if the repo is dirty, untracked files will be erased, plugins will need to be reinstalled
NEW : You can now go back to any commit if the saved value doesn't suit you.
Do make menuconfig
before firmware build, without this option the
Menuconfig is displayed only while config file for the mcu doesn't exists.
Quiet mode allows you to update all you configure without any interaction. Just run the script and all is done. But ....
- To use it, you need to run th script in interactive mode at least the first time.
- while features are modified/added/removed from menuconfig by klipper update, the config file is not updated. It may yield to a build issue.
contains :
- sections : the name you give to your mcu between brackets [] (not necessarly the name in Klipper config)
: the name of section in Klipper without the bracket. It helps to track firmware version on mcus. Tip : You can use same section name in mcus.ini as klipper instead.config_name
[optional] : The name of the file used by menuconfig. Multiple MCU entries can share the sameconfig_name
. See Toolchanger config example.- NEW
Determines whether Klipper firmware should be built. By default,true
for sections starting withmcu
for other section types (e.g.,beacon
, ...). See Non Klipper firmwares examples action_command
[required] : command executed after the firmware build, whatever you need to prepare, flash or switch off/on the mcu. You can separate command by;
or use several action_command in a section, they are executed in order of appearance.quiet_command
: same as action_command but without stdout in QUIET mode
The flash command depends on you mcus and the way you choose to flash your board : dfu-util, make flash, flashtool, flash_sdcard, mount/cp/umount ... refer to your board documentation to choose the right command
Helpers makes easier to enter bootloader,(Thanks to @beavis) : bootloader_serial.py
, bootloader_usb.py
or newer enter_bootloader
can be used
Usage: enter_bootloader -t <usb|serial|can> -d <serial> [-b baudrate] | -u <canbus_uuid>
-t type of actual firmware connection (serial|usb|can)
-d serial id, only for serial and usb ( /dev/ttyAMA0, /dev/serial/by-id/...)
-b baudrate for serial default is 250000
-u canbus_uuid (if set -t become optional)
# For Rpi
klipper_section: mcu rpi
action_command: make flash
source : Klipper doc
# For a MCU in usart, using flash_sdcard
# The second arg of flash_sdcard.sh is the cpu reference.
# A list of available values can be found here :
# https://github.com/Klipper3d/klipper/blob/master/scripts/spi_flash/board_defs.py
flash_command: ./scripts/flash-sdcard.sh /dev/ttyAMA0 btt-octopus-f446-v1
source : Klipper doc
# For mainboard using bootloader_serial helper
klipper_section: mcu
# spider on serial port (rpi gpio)
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/ukam/bootloader_serial.py /dev/ttyAMA0 250000
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -d /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 250000
source : Klipper doc
# For a MCU in USB to Can bridge using Katapult as bootloader
# You have to insert your Canbus_uuid and Usb serial below
klipper_section: mcu
quiet_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -i can0 -r -u <YOUR_CANBUS_UUID>; sleep 2
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-katapult_stm32f446xx_<BOARD_ID>-if00
# using enter_bootoader function
klipper_section: mcu
quiet_command: enter_bootloader -u <YOUR_CANBUS_UUID>
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-katapult_stm32f446xx_<BOARD_ID>-if00
source : Roguyt_prepare_command branch ^^
# For Pico RP2040
klipper_section: mcu nevermore
# No boot loader, need to manually enter in boot mode
action_command: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; sudo cp out/klipper.uf2 /mnt ; sudo umount /mnt
klipper_section: mcu
# With katapult as bootloader
action_command: make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<BOARD_ID>-if00
klipper_section: mcu
# With katapult as bootloader
quiet_command: enter_bootloader -t usb -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<BOARD_ID>-if00
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtools.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Katapult_rp2040_<BOARD_ID>-if00
source: Cannot remember lol ;)
klipper_section: mcu
# catalyst on usb-serial port (using bootloader_usb.py)
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/ukam/bootloader_usb.py /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f401xc_<board_serial>
quiet_command: sleep 1
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-katapult_stm32f401xc_<board_serial> -b 250000
source : Klipper doc
klipper_section: mcu
# catalyst on usb-serial port (using make flash)
action_command: make flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f401xc_<board_serial>
source : Klipper doc
klipper_section: mcu ebb36
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtool.py -u <canbus_uuid>
[mcu tool1]
quiet_command: enter_bootloader -t usb -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<BOARD1_ID>-if00
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtools.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Katapult_rp2040_<BOARD1_ID>-if00
[mcu tool2]
# Share menuconfig with mcu tool1
config_name: mcu tool1
quiet_command: enter_bootloader -t usb -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<BOARD2_ID>-if00
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtools.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Katapult_rp2040_<BOARD2_ID>-if00
[mcu toolN]
# Share menuconfig with mcu tool1
config_name: mcu_tool1
quiet_command: enter_bootloader -t usb -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_<BOARDN_ID>-if00
action_command: ~/klippy-env/bin/python3 ~/katapult/scripts/flashtools.py -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Katapult_rp2040_<BOARDN_ID>-if00
source : issue #10
klipper_section: mcu scanner
is_klipper_fw: false
action_command: ~/cartographer-klipper/scripts/firmware.py -d <canbus_uuid> -f CAN
# Crampon ADXL
klipper_section: mcu crampon
is_klipper_fw: false
action_command: ~/crampon_anchor/update.sh
source : issue #12
A common way to backup your printer config and history is to save ~/printer_data
folder. To help to backup Ukam create a simlink at ~/printer_data/ukam
Klipper-backup from Armchair-Engineering is an easy tool to backup/restore your printer on a github account
Q : Can I rename a section ?
A : You can, but unless you rename the config file in ~/printer_date/ukam/config
you'll lose mcu config, and the menuconfig will appear the next times you Ukam.\
In config name, a [space] becomes an underscore character
Q : For some reason Mcu flash failed, what should I do ?
A : If mcus.ini
is properly set. Check the board state (depends on the way
you connect your board : lsusb
, flashtool.py
are common tools). If board is
visible, run the ./ukam.sh
Q: Does UKAM update Katapult ?
A : No, there's no point to update the bootloader.
Not to much, the script works. If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me on Voron discord @fboc
This script would be nothing without the development of Klipper, Moonraker and Katapult. Many thanks to all contributors to these projects.
Thanks to OldGuyMeltPlastic and the Voron community who inspires the early version of this tool (Video from OGMP and Voron documentation)
Thanks to the Voron french community for supporting/tolerating me everyday ^^.