Script that adds a Pokedex chapter to the Pokemon: Origin of the Species epub and links Pokemon to the respective section in that chapter.
It works with the epub that you can download from Daystar Eld's Patreon.
pip install --user pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python "DaystarEld - Pokemon The Origin of Species.epub"
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pytest
The Pokemon information and pictures are part of the repository.
To redownload the data delete the contents of the pokemon
directory and run
the script with the --download
flag. This takes a while which is why I decided
that checking in the data is a good idea.
Install pngquant
to compress the PNGs and get a smaller epub file. Thanks to
C0rn3j for suggesting that. The images are checked in in their compressed form.
Full credit for the Pokemon names, images, and descriptions goes to Bulbapedia under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5.