An audio library server written in Typescript for NodeJS
This is my long term pet project to manage/stream/edit my own music collection. It's work in progress and probably always will be.
This is the backend development repository. See
Jamberry for web-client development
Jampacked for mobile app development
Jam-Dockerimage Docker-Image for JamServe & Jamberry
Jam-Docker run JamServe & Jamberry with Docker
- REST & GraphQL API for Media Scanning, Streaming, Transcoding, MP3 ID3v2 Editing, User Management
- API Specs & Documentation with OpenAPI, see JamAPI
- Enhance Metadata via Musicbrainz, LastFM, Wikipedia, lyricsOVH & AcoustID
- Database Support for postgresql and SQLite for local development
install FFMPEG
apt-get install ffmpeg
manual installation: available in PATH or environment variable: FFPROBE_PATH and FFMPEG_PATH
optional for metadata matching & mp3 repair support
install fpcalc
apt-get install libchromaprint-tools
manual installation: available in PATH or environment variable FPCALC_PATH
install mp3val
apt-get install mp3val
manual installation: available in PATH or environment variable MP3VAL_PATH
install flac
apt-get install flac
manual installation: available in PATH or environment variable FLAC_PATH
- run command
npm install
in the root folder of this repository - in folder
: copy filefirststart.config.dist.json
and add an admin user / add some media folders (can be changed on runtime via the frontend UI) - set environment variables or create an environment variables file
Example .env
file for debugging on localhost
## Server
# Server Domain URL (e.g. https://music.yourdomain.somewhere)
# Server listen address
# Server listen port
# Log Level, possible values: 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'debug'
# JamServe data directory (NOT the media files)
# JamServe Frontend Path
## JSON Web Token
# An unique string for your instance to sign the jwt tokens
JAM_JWT_SECRET=keyboard cat is stomping
# Max Age for a valid jwt (set 0 for no expiration)
# possible values: 'year' | 'month' | 'week' | 'day' | 'hour' | 'minute'
## Login: Cookie Session
# Due to CORS security you MUST name all domains where login with session cookie is allowed
# (background: random sites cannot access/create cookies for your domain)
# An unique string for your instance to sign the session cookie (change it!)
JAM_SESSION_SECRET=keyboard cat is dancing
# If true, session cookies are only available for https, NOT http
# If true, server trusts first reverse proxy like nginx
# Max Age for a valid session cookie (set 0 for no expiration)
# DB to use: "postgres"
# or: "sqlite" (does not support multiuser, so only use it for testing/development)
# Database name
# Database user
# Database user password
# Datebase Unix Socket Path to connect (or use host/port)
# NOT the socket itself /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432
# Datebase Host
# Datebase Port
Example config/firststart.config.json:
Add Admin user and media folders on first start
Default Admin user
"adminUser": {
"name": "admin",
Since the default admin password is stored in clear in this file,
you MUST change it on first login
"pass": "your admin password"
Default Media folders
Scan strategies:
'auto' -- try to figure it out
'artistalbum' -- artist/album folder structure
'compilation' -- bunch of compilation folders
'audiobook' -- bunch of audiobook folders
"roots": [
{"name": "Music", "path": "path/to/music", "strategy": "auto"},
{"name": "Compilations", "path": "path/to/compilations", "strategy": "compilation"},
{"name": "Soundtracks", "path": "path/to/soundtracks", "strategy": "compilation"},
{"name": "Audiobooks", "path": "path/to/audiobooks", "strategy": "audiobook"}
npm run start
to run the server (available after a successful build)
npm run build
to build the server into dist/
npm run build:prod
to clean & build the server into dist/
npm run develop
to run the server & rebuild/reload on source file changes
npm run clean
to clean up the distribution folder
npm run test
to run all tests
npm run coverage
to run all tests & generate a coverage report