- 069bc43: improvement file fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#147 (Max) #66
- 94b972d: Add Department Component fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#147 (Max) #66
- 17d8cf9: Trying config Department in Service fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#147 (Max) #66
- 8e0f1e1: #158 add searchbar (ericoBandeira) #62
- 18bc3b5: #158 add all filters search (ericoBandeira) #62
- d8d61f6: #158 add search button to all records (ericoBandeira) #62
- 6edae4e: Adicionando filtro nos campos (ericoBandeira) #62
- 7c5b08c: #158 add filter to list all user page (ericoBandeira) #62
- 6569d1f: #147 add departamet list and search (ericoBandeira) #66
- 34629d8: 147 Add create department (ericoBandeira) #66
- 742ff99: #147 Add text lines to instructions (ericoBandeira) #66
- 18bd4fb: Create function to verify if user is logged fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#171 (Victor Rodrigues) #63
- 41e2005: #147 add routes (ericoBandeira) #66
- 09b3c06: Comenting function fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#171 (Victor Rodrigues) #63
- 45a7b98: #147 Add link to see all sections (ericoBandeira) #66
- b18663b: #147 Fix heandleSeeSections (ericoBandeira) #66
- 6a87299: #147 fix merge and add see all sections (ericoBandeira) #66
- bc41585: Displaying correct name os section and department fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#172 (Victor Rodrigues) #65
- 79aa2e0: #147 add route to create section (ericoBandeira) #66
- 52b75eb: Removing logs fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#172 (Victor Rodrigues) #65
- b07e5a0: fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#173 changed value created_by (GabrielSSAraujo) #64
- 11d3062: Adding comments fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#172 (Victor Rodrigues) #65
- 01ce4a8: Displaying sections for common user, department for admin fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#172 (Victor Rodrigues) #65
- bd3875f: #147 add create section (ericoBandeira) #66
- 99cf632: #147 fix toast text (ericoBandeira) #66
- 7859609: Merge branch 'devel' into 172-Nome-secao-departamento-homepage (Victor Rodrigues) #65
- 0ac763f: #147 fix routes (ericoBandeira) #66
- 43e3e5f: #147 fix create department and section img (ericoBandeira) #66
- 1f58180: Removing magic numbers fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#174 (Victor Rodrigues) #67
- 6e9e0c1: Removing unused vars and state fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#174 (Victor Rodrigues) #67
- 8de073f: Removing code smel fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#174 (Victor Rodrigues) #67
- d5a707a: Adding comment fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#174 (Victor Rodrigues) #67
- 82a25f3: Changing variable name fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#175 (Victor Rodrigues) #68
- b682bec: Filtering departments fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#175 (Victor Rodrigues) #68
- 36faf2a: Adding comments fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#175 (Victor Rodrigues) #68
- b0a39cb: Filtering Sections fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#176 (Victor Rodrigues) #69
- b0bdf53: Add comments fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#176 (Victor Rodrigues) #69
- d5f39fc: Remove quotation marks from Departments fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#177 (Victor Rodrigues) #70
- a7fb1c0: Remove quotation marks from sections fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#177 (Victor Rodrigues) #70
- 88a985c: Correcting dropdown menu and spacing on header fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#178 (Victor Rodrigues) #71
- a1930fc: Adding styles fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#178 (Victor Rodrigues) #71
- 05a93c8: Remove Token Verification fga-eps-mds/2021.1-Oraculo#181 (Victor Rodrigues) #72
- ab33251: #182 Fix user bug (ericoBandeira) #73
- 9ddd754: #182 remove hardcode of sections list (ericoBandeira) #73
- 7e605ea: #182 remove none (ericoBandeira) #73