Discrete Variable Representation (DVR) for Rovibrational structure of a closed-shell diatomic molecule
This repository contains code that computes the rovibrational structure of a diatomic molecule in a given closed-shell electronic potential curve. The eigensystem is obtained by using Discrete Variable Representation (DVR).
The DVR Hamiltonian for a given potential energy curve + rotational structure is implemented using a Fourier basis and an uniform grid approach, it follows reference J. Chem. Phys. 96(3) 1982 (1992). For radial coordinates, the represetation uses eigenfunctions of a particle-in-a-box for a semi-infinite interval and the mass is included explicitly in the kinetic energy operator.
- Electronic potential energy curve file: it should have two columns, 1st: radial coordinate and 2nd: potential energy
- Input file: DVR step, reduced mass of the molecule in amu, maximum values of the rotational and vibrational quantum number to be considered.
- Eigensystem written in an external files.
- Scalar product of the wavefunctions to check orthonormality.
- Comparition between the Dumham expation series (only for LiCs) and the eigenenergies obtained.
The main program rovib.f90 is set to computed the rovibrational structure of a LiCs in the electronic state, with
. The potential energy curve for this state is shown in the figure below:
The main program uses other routines to interpolate the curve values (spline.90) integrate the eigenfunctions to check orthonormality (double_integral.f90) and change measurement units (unit_convertion.f90).
This folder has the output files from the LiCs example.
In order to run other examples, you must supply the potential energy curve file (molecule_PEC.in) and set the input values for your system.
It can be run normally as a regular Fortran program after compilation with:
gfortran -w unit_conversion.f90 spline.f90 integration_double.f90 rovib.f90 -o rovib2 -llapack -lblas
Or it can be used in Python running Numpy's f2py with the following command:
python3 -m numpy.f2py -c rovib.f90 spline.f90 unit_conversion.f90 integration_double.f90 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/liblapack.so -m rovibpy
LAPACK needs to be installed in order to run the command above, and you may have to change the location of the liblapack file if it's located in a different place (check its location by running dpkg -L liblapack3
This program was written by Felipe Herrera and modified by Vanessa Olaya as a part of her Master thesis project.