2.18.0 (2025-02-03)
dashboard: play nice with file explorer netrw replacement (5420a64 )
explorer.git: added git_status_open. When false, then dont show recursive git status in open directories (8646ba4 )
explorer: added ]g
and [g
to jump between files mentioned in git status
(263dfde )
explorer: added git status. Closes #817 (5cae48d )
explorer: hide git status for open directories by default. it's mostly redundant (b40c0d4 )
explorer: keep expanded dir state. Closes #816 (31984e8 )
explorer: more keymaps and tree rework. See #837 (2ff3893 )
explorer: navigate with h/l to close/open directories. Closes #833 (4b29ddc )
explorer: new explorer
module with shortcut to start explorer picker and netrw replacement functionlity (670c673 )
explorer: recursive copy and copying of selected items with c
(2528fcb )
explorer: update on cwd change (8dea225 )
explorer: update status when saving a file that is currently visible (78d4116 )
picker.commands: do not autorun commands that require arguments (#879 ) (62d99ed )
picker.frecency: added frecency support for directories (ce67fa9 )
picker.input: search syntax highlighting (4242f90 )
picker.lines: jump to first position of match. Closes #806 (ae897f3 )
picker.list: use regular CursorLine when picker window is not focused (8a570bb )
picker.matcher: added opts.matcher.history_bonus that does fzf's scheme=history. Closes #882 . Closes #872 (78c2853 )
picker.pickwin: optional win/buf filter. Closes #877 (5c5b40b )
picker.projects: added <c-t>
to open a new tab page with the projects picker (ced377a )
picker.projects: allow disabling projects from recent files (c2dedb6 )
picker.projects: default to tcd instead of cd (3d2a075 )
picker.projects: enabled frecency for projects picker (5a20565 )
picker.projects: projects now automatically processes dev folders and added a bunch of actions/keymaps. Closes #871 (6f8f0d3 )
picker.undo: better undo tree visualization. Closes #863 (44b8e38 )
picker.undo: make diff opts for undo configurable (d61fb45 )
picker: added support for double cliking and confirm (8b26bae )
picker: automatically download sqlite3.dll on Windows when using frecency / history for the first time. (65907f7 )
picker: beter API to interact with active pickers. Closes #851 (6a83373 )
picker: better health checks. Fixes #855 (d245925 )
picker: history per source. Closes #843 (35295e0 )
Bug Fixes
dashboard: open pull requests with P instead of p in the github exmaple (b2815d7 )
dashboard: update on VimResized and WinResized (558b0ee )
explorer: after search, cursor always jumped to top. Closes #827 (d17449e )
explorer: always use --follow
to make sure we see dir symlinks as dirs. Fixes #814 (151fd3d )
explorer: cwd is now changed automatically, so no need to update state. (5549d4e )
explorer: don't disable netrw fully. Just the autocmd that loads a directory (836eb9a )
explorer: don't try to show when closed. Fixes #836 (6921cd0 )
explorer: fix git status sorting (551d053 )
explorer: fixed hierarchical sorting. Closes #828 (fa32e20 )
explorer: keep global git status cache (a54a21a )
explorer: remove sleep :) (efbc4a1 )
git: use os.getenv to get env var. Fixes #5504 (16d700e )
layout: adjust zindex when needed when another layout is already open. Closes #826 (ab8af1b )
layout: destroy in schedule. Fixes #861 (c955a8d )
picker.actions: fix split/vsplit/tab. Closes #818 (ff02241 )
picker.actions: pass edit commands to jump. Closes #859 (df0e3e3 )
picker.actions: reworked split/vsplit/drop/tab cmds to better do what's intended. Closes #854 (2946875 )
picker.actions: tab -> tabnew. Closes #842 (d962d5f )
picker.explorer: do LSP stuff on move (894ff74 )
picker.explorer: use cached git status (1ce435c )
picker.format: extra slash in path (dad3e00 )
picker.format: use item.file for filename_only (e784a9e )
picker.git_log: add extra space between the date and the message (#885 ) (d897ead )
picker.keymaps: added normalized lhs to search text (fbd39a4 )
picker.lazy: don't use live searches. Fixes #809 (1a5fd93 )
picker.lines: col is first non-whitespace. Closes #806 (ec8eb60 )
picker.list: better virtual scrolling that works from any window (4a50291 )
picker.matcher: fix cwd_bonus check (00af290 )
picker.matcher: regex offset by one. Fixes #878 (9a82f0a )
picker.undo: add newlines (72826a7 )
picker.undo: cleanup tmp buffer (8368176 )
picker.undo: copy over buffer lines instead of just the file (c900e2c )
picker.undo: disable swap for tmp undo buffer (033db25 )
picker: better main window management. Closes #842 (f0f053a )
picker: improve resume. Closes #853 (0f5b30b )
picker: make pick_win work with split layouts. Closes #834 (6dbc267 )
picker: multi layouts that need async task work again. (cd44efb )
picker: no auto-close when entering a floating window (08e6c12 )
picker: no need to track jumping (b37ea74 )
picker: propagate WinEnter when going to the real window after entering the layout split window (8555789 )
picker: show regex matches in list when needed. Fixes #878 (1d99bac )
picker: show_empty for files / grep. Closes #808 (a13ff6f )
util: better default icons when no icon plugin is installed (0e4ddfd )
util: better keymap normalization (e1566a4 )
util: normkey. Closes #763 (6972960 )
win: close help when leaving the win buffer (4aba559 )
Performance Improvements
explorer: don't wait till git status finished. Update tree when needed. See #869 (287db30 )
explorer: use cache when possible for opening/closing directories. Closes #869 (cef4fc9 )
git: also check top-level path to see if it's a git root. Closes #807 (b9e7c51 )
picker.files: no need to check every time for cmd availability (8f87c2c )
picker.undo: more performance improvements for the undo picker (3d4b8ee )
picker.undo: use a tmp buffer to get diffs. Way faster than before. Closes #863 (d4a5449 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.