2.19.0 (2025-02-07)
bigfile: configurable average line length (default = 1000). Useful for minified files. Closes #576 . Closes #372 (7fa92a2 )
explorer: add hl groups for ignored / hidden files. Closes #887 (85e1b34 )
explorer: added ctrl+f to grep in the item's directory (0454b21 )
explorer: added ctrl+t to open a terminal in the item's directory (81f9006 )
explorer: added diagnostics file/directory status (7f1b60d )
explorer: added quick nav with [
, ]
with d/w/e
for diagnostics (d1d5585 )
explorer: added support for live search (82c4a50 )
explorer: allow disabling untracked git status. Closes #983 (a3b083b )
explorer: different hl group for broken links (1989921 )
explorer: disable fuzzy searches by default for explorer since it's too noisy and we can't sort on score due to tree view (b07788f )
explorer: file watcher when explorer is open (6936c14 )
explorer: file watching that works on all platforms (8399465 )
explorer: focus on first file when searching in the explorer (1d4bea4 )
explorer: git index watcher (4c12475 )
explorer: rewrite that no longer depends on fd
for exploring (6149a7b )
explorer: show symlink target (dfa79e0 )
matcher: call on_match after setting score (23ce529 )
picker.git: add confirmation before deleting a git branch (#951 ) (337a3ae )
picker.git: add create and delete branch to git_branches (#909 ) (8676c40 )
picker.lazy: don't use grep
. Parse spec files manually. Closes #972 (0928007 )
picker.lsp: use existing buffers for preview when opened (d4e6353 )
picker.matcher: internal on_match
(47b3b69 )
picker.preview: allow confguring preview = {main = true, enabled = false}
(1839c65 )
picker.undo: added ctrl+y to yank added lines from undo (811a24c )
picker: picker:dir()
to get the dir of the item (when a directory) or it's parent (when a file) (969608a )
picker: added git_grep
picker. Closes #986 (2dc9016 )
picker: allow configuring file icon width. Closes #981 (52c1086 )
picker: better checkhealth (b773368 )
picker: get filetype from modeline when needed. Closes #987 (5af04ab )
picker: opts.on_close (6235f44 )
picker: pin picker as a split to left/bottom/top/right with ctrl+z+(hjkl)
(27cba53 )
rename: add old
to on_rename
callback (455228e )
scope: allow injected languages to be parsed by treesitter (#823 ) (aba21dd )
statuscolumn: added mouse click handler to open/close folds. Closes #968 (98a7b64 )
terminal: added start_insert
(64129e4 )
terminal: auto_close and auto_insert. Closes #965 (bb76cae )
Bug Fixes
bigfile: check that passed path is the one from the buffer (8deea64 )
explorer.git: better git status watching (09349ec )
explorer.git: dont reset cursor when git status is done updating (bc87992 )
explorer.git: vim.schedule git updates (3aad761 )
explorer.tree: fix linux (6f5399b )
explorer.tree: symlink directories (e5f1e91 ) pcall watcher, since it can give errors on windows (af96818 )
explorer: always refresh state when opening the picker since changes might have happened that were not monitored (c61114f )
explorer: call original on_close
. Closes #971 (a0bee9f )
explorer: check that picker is still open (50fa1be )
explorer: clear cache after action. Fixes #890 (34097ff )
explorer: clear selection after delete. Closes #898 (44733ea )
explorer: disable follow for explorer search by default. No longer needed. Link directories may show as files then though, but that's not an issue. See #960 (b9a17d8 )
explorer: don't use --absolute-path option, since that resolves paths to realpath. See #901 . See #905 . See #904 (97570d2 )
explorer: dont focus first file when not searching (3fd437c )
explorer: dont process git when picker closed (c255d9c )
explorer: last status for indent guides taking hidden / ignored files into account (94bd2ef )
explorer: strip cwd from search text for explorer items (38f392a )
explorer: windows (b560054 )
exporer.tree: and now hopefully on windows (ef9b12d )
git: use nul char as separator for git status (8e0dfd2 )
health: better health checks for picker. Closes #917 (427f036 )
picker.actions: close preview before buffer delete (762821e )
picker.actions: don't reuse_win in floating windows (like the picker preview) (4b9ea98 )
picker.actions: fix qflist position (#911 ) (6d3c135 )
picker.actions: get win after splitting or tabnew. Fixes #896 (95d3e7f )
picker.colorscheme: use wildignore. Closes #969 (ba8badf )
picker.db: better script to download sqlite3 on windows. See #918 (84d1a92 )
picker.finder: correct check if filter changed (52bc24c )
picker.input: fixed startinsert weirdness with prompt buffers (again) (c030827 )
picker.input: set as not modified when setting input through API (54a041f )
picker.list: better wrap settings for when wrapping is enabled (a542ea4 )
picker.list: let user override wrap (22da4bd )
picker.list: nil check (c22e46a )
picker.lsp: fix indent guides for sorted document symbols (17360e4 )
picker.lsp: sort document symbols by position (cc22177 )
picker.matcher: don't optimize pattern subsets when pattern has a negation (a6b3d78 )
picker.preview: don't clear preview state on close so that colorscheme can be restored. Closes #932 (9688bd9 )
picker.preview: update main preview when changing the layout (604c603 )
picker.projects: add custom project dirs (c7293bd )
picker.projects: use fd or fdfind (270250c ) default height shows just the items. See #902 (c667622 )
picker: better handling when entering the root layout window. Closes #894 (e294fd8 )
picker: consider zen windows as main. Closes #973 (b1db65a )
picker: disabled preview main (9fe43bd )
picker: exit insert mode before closing with <c-c>
to prevent cursor shifting left. Close #956 (71eae96 )
picker: initial preview state when main (cd6e336 )
picker: only show extmark errors when debug is enabled. Closes #988 (f6d9af7 )
win: apply win-local window options for new buffers displayed in a window. Fixes #925 (cb99c46 )
win: better handling of alien buffers opening in managed windows. See #886 (c8430fd )
Performance Improvements
explorer: disable watchdirs fallback watcher (5d34380 )
explorer: early exit for tree calculation (1a30610 )
explorer: no need to get git status with -uall
. Closes #983 (bc087d3 )
picker.list: only re-render when visible items changed (c72e62e )
picker: cache treesitter line highlights (af31c31 )
picker: cache wether ts lang exists and disable smooth scrolling on big files (719b36f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.