Releases: fossasia/pslab-android
PSLab Version 3.2.4
- Bug fixes and improvements.
PSLab Version 3.2.2
- Bug fixes and improvements
PSLab Version 3.2.1
- Bug fixes and improvements.
PSLab Version 3.2.0
Support for wireless communication with the PSLab board is introduced !
- Improvements to multiple features.
- Bugs, Crashes and Performance fixes.
PSLab Version 3.1.36
- Improvements to multiple features
- Support for multiple orientations
- Bugs, Crashes and Performance fixes
PSLab Version 2.1.0
- chore(deps): bump gradle from 7.0.4 to 7.1.0 (#2313) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump realm-gradle-plugin from 10.10.0 to 10.10.1 (#2312) - @dependabot
- Added CI pipeline using github actions (#2309) - @apoorva-raj
- chore(deps): bump realm-gradle-plugin from 10.9.0 to 10.10.0 (#2310) - @dependabot
- Removed flavor settings from app (#2308) - @apoorva-raj
- feature : Replaced Google maps with open street maps (#2303) - @apoorva-raj
- fix : Recording starts even when device not connected. (#2295) - @apoorva-raj
- Revert "Using TCK Tested JDK builds of OpenJDK" (#2301) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore(deps): bump material from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 (#2298) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump play-services-maps from 18.0.0 to 18.0.2 (#2300) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump realm-gradle-plugin from 10.8.1 to 10.9.0 (#2297) - @dependabot
- Using TCK Tested JDK builds of OpenJDK (#2293) - @carldea
- chore(deps): bump appcompat from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (#2299) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump constraintlayout from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 (#2296) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump speedviewlib from 1.5.53 to 1.6.0 (#2291) - @dependabot
- Upgraded gradle and substituted previously used features (#2294) - @apoorva-raj
- chore(deps): bump constraintlayout from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 (#2289) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump okhttp from 4.9.2 to 4.9.3 (#2288) - @dependabot
- Issue #2267: About us section just after launching app does not close navigation drawer and take longer time than usual (#2286) - @suman-somu
- chore(deps): bump speedviewlib from 1.5.52 to 1.5.53 (#2287) - @dependabot
- Fix the crash on opening of ROBOTIC ARM (#2281) - @suman-somu
- chore(deps): bump play-services-maps from 17.0.1 to 18.0.0 (#2277) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump realm-gradle-plugin from 10.8.0 to 10.8.1 (#2278) - @dependabot
- fix:#2274 back btn in wavegen activity (#2275) - @Wishy-S
- fix: #2268 Wavegen freq btn problem (#2273) - @Wishy-S
- Fixes #2271 crash on closing WaveGenerator Screen (#2272) - @BishyanKar
- chore(deps): bump okhttp from 4.0.1 to 4.9.2 (#2269) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump realm-gradle-plugin from 6.0.2 to 10.8.0 (#2270) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump gradle from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 (#2261) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump android-about-page from 1.2.5 to 1.3.1 (#2265) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump commons-lang3 from 3.5 to 3.12.0 (#2264) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump picasso from 2.5.2 to 2.71828 (#2263) - @dependabot
- fix: bottom sheet in instruments crashing app (#2260) - @CloudyPadmal
- Update all Files to AndroidX for the issue #2242 (#2254) - @MohitGupta121
- chore(deps): bump gradle from 4.1.3 to 7.0.2 (#2251) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump circleimageview from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 (#2249) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.2 (#2248) - @dependabot
- fix: geopack version upgrade (#2241) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore(deps): bump android-adapters from 2.1.1 to 4.0.0 (#2230) - @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump CarouselPicker from v1.0 to 1.2 (#2231) - @dependabot
- add configs to dependabot yml (#2225) - @MohitGupta121
- Fixes #2211 fix rare crash (#2224) - @Low012
- Fix: 2186 Fix crash when searching for bluetooth devices (#2223) - @Low012
- Changing Delete Log SnackBar (#2169) - @KushMehta1511
- Updating guide of multimeter (#2170) - @KushMehta1511
- Accelerometer and gyroscope bottom margin fix. (#2147) - @CodeWithSouma
- fix multimeter layout issue,#2139 (#2140) - @CodeWithSouma
- Main Tiles Resolved (#2132) - @nileshteji
- Fix: Logged data not shown for Gas Sensor. (#2112) - @karvik09
- Fixes #2070 Add missing elements to Oscilloscope layout for tablets (#2120) - @Low012
- Updated strings.xml (#2115) - @Shivam7-1
- Updated Documentation of (#2113) - @Shivam7-1
- Updated Documentation of (#2111) - @Shivam7-1
- Fix failing build due to inconsistent development branch (#2105) - @Low012
- Fixes #2046 Fixes crash when data is loaded which has been written on… (#2094) - @Low012
- Added strings.xml in Arabic (#2038) - @moizhanali
- fixes #2048 - add a Polish language (#2049) - @rradzzio
- feat: added developers section in about us (#2096) - @991rajat
- Update Methods to Setup PSLab in Android Studio. (#2075) - @aryanguls
- Add Sinhala (Sri Lanka) Locale Support (#2090) - @kumuditha-udayanga
- fix #2020: Alignment of "Time Interval" dropdown (#2057) - @dheerajkotwani
- Fixes #2004 Fixes the menu button in the webview of the website (#2069) - @AkshobhyaP
- Fixes #2009 Fixed the issue of 'Show Logged Data' menu option of Dust… (#2023) - @abhishekbisht1429
- Update (#2062) - @Rajchowdhury420
- feat: Added input limit (#2073) - @991rajat
- Add Language to PSLab Android (#2074) - @aryanguls
- Fixed bug : Settings tab in an application with a different language does not open (#2031) - @Mister-Casper
- Added missing screenshots (#2025) - @Hasala123
- Fixes #2021 Improving application localization (#2022) - @Mister-Casper
- Add Russian language (#2013) - @Mister-Casper
- Fix: #2005 Letters of the Spinner are corrupted (#2006) - @dheerajkotwani
- Fixes #2000 Fixed the repeated display of 'Not Connected' Toast messa… (#2002) - @abhishekbisht1429
🚀 Features and Enhancements
- Fixes #2206 getDrawable() replaced with ResourcesCompat.getDrawable() (#2259) - @sakshampruthi
- Fixes #2208 Card Layout Implemented for Generate Config Layout (#2210) - @kartikaysharma01
- feat: improve compass UI (#2183) - @CodeWithSouma
- fix: change border color with red (#2203) - @CodeWithSouma
- fix: updating "Delete All Data" operation (#2185) - @KushMehta1511
- Minor improvement in faq fragment (#2201) - @Abhinavtdk
- fix: app bar and back button in all sensor activity and add missing MPU925X sensor in sensor list index (#2158) - @CodeWithSouma
- Update pin names (#2135) - @CodeWithSouma
- Fixes #2119 #2118 (#2134) - @riturajjain2000
- Fixed the display issue of multimeter layout on tablet devices … (#2129) - @Girish-Bharadwaj
- fix generate config file layout and modify item checkbox margin. (#2124) - @CodeWithSouma
- Fixes issue #2024 - Implemented Soundmeter (#2107) - @abhishekbisht1429
- fix: #2088 Effect on click event for logged data item (#2091) - @dheerajkotwani
- Fixes #2097 Remove black screen overlay on start of Activity (#2104) - @Low012
- First steps for issue #2024 - implemented the basic functionality of sound meter (#2054) - @abhishekbisht1429
- feat #2086: Add Ripple effect on Card in Dashboard (#2087) - @dheerajkotwani
- add rate button (#2036) - @makoteq
- Fixes #1999 Replaced Toast Messages with Snackbar messages (#2012) - @abhishekbisht1429
- fix: navigation drawer lag (#2007) - @harshshinde07
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixes #2166 faq section selection of navigation drawer (#2266) - @developer-nobita
- fix: dependabot dep issues (#2253) - @CloudyPadmal
- Changing to androidx for issues #2242 (#2244) - @MohitGupta121
- fix: upgrading xml files (#2243) - @CloudyPadmal
- fix: added android-x compatibility (#2239) - @CloudyPadmal
- Fix:2213 Sound paused on exiting Wave Generator Activity (#2214) - @kartikeysaran
- Fix: Wave Generator saving empty csv file (#2215) - @kartikeysaran
- fix: rate app navigate back to FAQ (#2199) - @Abhinavtdk
- Fix:2172 Added change listener for Category Objects Size To update Delete all Menu Item Visibility (#2212) - @kartikeysaran
- fix: extract switch case statement and introduce a private method (#2202) - @CodeWithSouma
- fix: same blutooth device shown multiple times (#2205) - @CodeWithSouma
- fix: done button on keyboard will connect to ESP (#2174) - @asaikarthikeya
- Fixed NullPointerException in HomeFragment by initializing wvProgressBar (#2154) - @Ekagra
- fix: FAQFragment crash #2126 (#2138) - @CodeWithSouma
- added a else statement to revert the color (#2137) - @Mayank9mare
- Fixed Map Icon click in Accelerometer Logs (#2130) - @nileshteji
- Fixes: PSLabSensor Activity decoupled from fragments (#2110) - @karvik09
- Fixes #2032 Fixes crash which occurred in the oscilloscope (#2102) - @Low012
- Fixes #2008 Fixes crash which occurred in Create Config File (#2103) - @Low012
- fix: Snackbar sensor view (#2029) - @abhishekbisht1429
- fix : Correcting LA pins description. (#1993) - @dipu989
🔧 Maintenance
- fix: codacy errors when merging development branch (#2318) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: upgraded minor version (#2316) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: updated ga scripts to upload apks (#2314) - @CloudyPadmal
- docs: updated codacy badge (#2236) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: updated dependabot configuration (#2229) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: updated github actions and pull request template (#2228) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: substitute Travis with Github Actions (#2149) - @CodeWithSouma
📄 Documentation
- updated setupGuideLayout in abstract class PSLabSensor to hide image if not available in a sensor's bottomsheet guide (#2178) - @Ekagra
- docs: update guide of Wave generator in strings.xml (#2171) - @KushMehta1511
- docs: icon for developers added (#2196) - @sakshi-1604
- Correcting spelling in guide of Oscilloscope (#2165) - @KushMehta1511
This release was made possible thanks to @991rajat, @Abhinavtdk, @AkshobhyaP, @BishyanKar, @CloudyPadmal, @CodeWithSouma, @Ekagra, @Girish-Bharadwaj, @Hasala123, @KushMehta1511, @Low012, @Mayank9mare, @Mister-Casper, @MohitGupta121, @Rajchowdhury420, @Shivam7-1, @Wishy-S, @abhishekbisht1429, @apoorva-raj, @aryanguls, @asaikarthikeya, @carldea, @cweitat, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @developer-nobita, @dheerajkotwani, @dipu989, @harshshinde07, @kartikaysharma01, @kartikeysaran, @karvik09, @kumuditha-udayanga, @makoteq, @mariobehling, @moizhanali, @neel1998, @nileshteji, @riturajjain2000, @rradzzio, @sakshampruthi, @sakshi-1604, @suman-somu and Vikas Sharma
PSLab Version 2.0.20
- chore: upgrade app to 2.0.20 (#1988) - @CloudyPadmal
- Improved UI Of Config Activity (#1977) - @kshitiz-kumar
- feat: Dust Sensor (#1986) - @CloudyPadmal
- Toast message in gas sensor made consistent with all instruments (#1983) - @ho-dor
🚀 Features and Enhancements
- feat: Use phone speaker to produce sound (#1969) - @neel1998
- icon added for gas sensor (#1981) - @ho-dor
- feat: Add wave generator preview (#1959) - @neel1998
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Crash in robotic arm resolved (#1982) - @ho-dor
- fix: deg text to symbol. (#1972) - @IamRavikantSingh
- fix: degree and second symbols added to robotic arm timeline (#1968) - @neel1998
📄 Documentation
This release was made possible thanks to @CloudyPadmal, @IamRavikantSingh, @ho-dor, @kshitiz-kumar, @mariobehling and @neel1998
PSLab Version 2.0.19
🚀 Features and Enhancements
- fix: scroll added to create config layout (#1960) - @neel1998
- fix: osc main screen ui changes (#1955) - @neel1998
- fix: Wave generator UI changes (#1957) - @neel1998
- feat: bluetooth wifi connection option moved to Connect device menu (#1952) - @neel1998
- feat: new FAQs added (#1951) - @neel1998
- feat: new Wave Generator UI (#1943) - @neel1998
- fix: Actionbar added to Oscilloscope and Robotic Arm (#1940) - @neel1998
- feat: add Httphandler class (#1927) - @neel1998
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: action bar added to logic analyzer (#1948) - @neel1998
- fix: Wave generator active even without pressing view button (#1949) - @neel1998
- fix: side navbar rearranged (#1942) - @neel1998
- fix: multimeter action bar fixed (#1941) - @neel1998
🔧 Maintenance
- chore: upgrade app version (#1961) - @CloudyPadmal
📄 Documentation
- docs: added change logs for 2.0.19 (#1962) - @CloudyPadmal
- docs: readme images changed (#1958) - @neel1998
This release was made possible thanks to @CloudyPadmal, @cweitat, @mariobehling and @neel1998
PSLab Version 2.0.18
- chore: upgrade app version (#1932) - @CloudyPadmal
🚀 Features and Enhancements
- feat: feature to see altitude from pressure added in Barometer (#1924) - @neel1998
- feat: logging added to mq135 (#1922) - @neel1998
- feat: MQ135 Gas sensor added (#1913) - @neel1998
- feat: interface for ESP wifi module added (#1911) - @neel1998
- feat: logic analyzer logging/ playback added (#1910) - @neel1998
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: unstable oscilloscope bug fixed (#1923) - @neel1998
- fix: logic analyzer bug fixed (#1908) - @neel1998
🔧 Maintenance
- chore: updated release-draft (#1918) - @CloudyPadmal
- chore: automatic release drafting (#1917) - @CloudyPadmal
📄 Documentation
- docs: update readme (#1920) - @CloudyPadmal
- docs: updated fastlane metadata files (#1915) - @CloudyPadmal
- docs: read me updated (#1907) - @neel1998
This release was made possible thanks to @CloudyPadmal, @cweitat and @neel1998
PSLab Version 2.0.17
This version includes
- Improved logs
- Enhanced oscilloscope
- Updated wave generator
- Smaller apk file
and minor bug fixes