- ID 11232324
- NAME: Gbadago Frank Mawuli
Welcome to the CS Department Website, a comprehensive platform designed to streamline information and resources for the Computer Science department at our institution. This website aims to serve students, faculty, and visitors by providing easy access to essential updates, course details, and event information. Explore the user-friendly interface to stay informed and engaged with the vibrant CS community.
Through this project my knowledge on HTML An CSS has improved significantly.
Proficiency in using semantic HTML tags to enhance the structure and accessibility of web content. Understanding the importance of choosing the right tags for better SEO and screen reader compatibility.
Skill in applying CSS styles to create visually appealing and consistent designs across the website. Knowledge of selectors, properties, and values to achieve the desired layout and aesthetics.
Application of responsive design principles to ensure the website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. Understanding media queries and flexible layout techniques for a mobile-friendly experience.
Through this project my thinking and problem solving tecniques has been improved.
Make sure you have git on your computer. If you don't you can download it from https://git-scm.com/
Before cloning the project open the directory you want to clone the project to on the command prompt using cd [name of directory]
After executing the git clone [repository URL] command to initiate the cloning process, you can verify its success by navigating to the folder from your desktop. Ensure that the folder is named after the remote repository and contains a 'git' folder within it.