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Usage: Embedding campaign contribution cards

chrislkeller edited this page Oct 20, 2014 · 1 revision

Prop 1:

<p><a href="">Prop 1 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more</a><iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Prop 1 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more<iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

Prop 2:

<p><a href="">Prop 2 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more</a><iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Prop 2 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more<iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

Prop 45:

<p><a href="">Prop 45 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more</a><iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Prop 45 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more<iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

Prop 46:

<p><a href="">Prop 46 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more</a><iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Prop 46 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more<iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

Prop 47:

<p><a href="">Prop 47 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more</a><iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Prop 47 FAQ: What it will do, who's funding it and more<iframe frameborder="no" height="493px" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>