Finally a way to smoke a cigarette on the Flipper Zero
Download the flipper_cigarette.fap from the latest release and copy it to the apps/Games directory on your Flipper Zero
Clone both the repository for the firmware and and copy flipper_cigarette directory to the applications_user folders within the firmware:
git clone
git clone flipperzero-firmware/applications_user/flipper_cigarette
Plug in your Flipper Zero and build the app from within the firmware base-directory:
cd flipperzero-firmware
./fbt launch_app APPSRC=applications_user/flipper_cigarette
The Flipper Cigarette app will automatically be launched on your Flipper after compilation is done.
- add content for "about"
- include counter for cigarettes smoked
- cancer progress-bar
- add different cigarettes to choose from
xoxo - maz <3