A Phoenix Live View inspired library for Go!
Currently under development. API might change at any time.
Here is a simple counting application as seen in examples/counter
func main() {
h := golive.NewHub()
http.Handle("/live", h)
p := golive.NewPage(controller, view)
h.RegisterPage("/", p)
http.Handle("/", p)
log.Println("listening on :3000")
log.Fatalln(http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil))
func controller(ctx context.Context, e golive.Event, state interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := state.(int); ok {
switch e.Action {
case "inc":
return v + 1
case "clear":
return 0
return 1
func view(ctx context.Context, info interface{}) []byte {
if v, ok := info.(int); ok {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<h1>Count: %d</h1>
<button golive-onclick="inc">Increment</button>
<button golive-onclick="clear">Clear</button>`, v))
return []byte(`<button golive-onclick="inc">Start Counting</button>`)
- Implement HTML diff instead of sending whole document every time
- Open event channel to let other goroutines access to send events to sessions