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Merge pull request #9 from fzsun/alg-var-names
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Alg var names
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fzsun authored Feb 21, 2019
2 parents 53df55a + a39b6fd commit bbde0a3
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128 changes: 74 additions & 54 deletions algorithm/
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Expand Up @@ -29,79 +29,91 @@ def input(self, input_data, sysnum, t_lim = 10, jit=False, **kwargs):
self.jit = jit
self.sysnum = sysnum
self.params = create_data(input_data, self.sysnum, **kwargs)
(*_, self.a, self.c_op, self.c_op_jit, self.c_pen, self.cfs, self.cs, self.cs_jit,
self.csk, self.d, self.hf, self.hs, self.U, self.UE, self.UE_jit) = self.params.values()
(*_, self.harvested, self.operating_cost, self.operating_cost_jit, self.c_pen, self.farm_ssl_trans_cost, self.ssl_refinery_trans_cost, self.ssl_refinery_jit_trans_cost,
self.fixed_cost_ssls, self.demand, self.farm_holding_cost, self.ssl_holding_cost, self.upperbound_inventory, self.upperbound_equip_proc_rate, self.upperbound_equip_proc_rate_jit) = self.params.values()

def solve(self):
T = list(range(1, len(self.d)))
F = list(range(len(self.cfs)))
S = list(range(len(self.csk)))
K = list(range(len(self.U)))
a = np.array(self.a)
M = a.sum(axis=0)
c_zfs = (np.array(self.cfs) + self.c_op).tolist()
c_z_jit = (np.array(self.cs_jit)[None] + np.array(self.cfs) + self.c_op_jit).tolist()
# T, F, S, K : Set of time periods, farms, potential SSL sites, and available types of SSLs, respectively
# t, f, s, k : element of T, F, S, K
T = list(range(1, len(self.demand)))
F = list(range(len(self.farm_ssl_trans_cost)))
S = list(range(len(self.fixed_cost_ssls)))
K = list(range(len(self.upperbound_inventory)))

harvested = np.array(self.harvested)
M = harvested.sum(axis=0)
farm_ssl_cost_per_period = (np.array(self.farm_ssl_trans_cost) + self.operating_cost).tolist()
jit_trans_costs = (np.array(self.ssl_refinery_jit_trans_cost)[None] + np.array(self.farm_ssl_trans_cost) + self.operating_cost_jit).tolist()"Parameters created. Begin building model.")

m = Model('ms1m_base')

# ++++++ Linear Programming Notation ++++++
# ====== Create vars and objectives ======
w = m.addVars(S, K, obj=self.csk, vtype='B', name='w')

# w[s][k] = 1 => is an ssl of type k is built at site s; otherwise 0
w = m.addVars(S, K, obj=self.fixed_cost_ssls, vtype='B', name='w')

# y[f][s] = 1 => if farm f supplies ssl s; 0 otherwise
y = m.addVars(F, S, vtype='B', name='y')
zfs = m.addVars(T, F, S, obj=c_zfs * len(T), name='zfs')
zs = m.addVars(T, S, obj=self.cs * len(T), name='zs')
Is = m.addVars([0] + T, S, obj=self.hs, name='Is')
If = m.addVars([0] + T, F, obj=self.hf, name='If')

shipped_farm_ssl = m.addVars(T, F, S, obj=farm_ssl_cost_per_period * len(T), name='shipped_farm_ssl')
shipped_ssl_refinery = m.addVars(T, S, obj=self.ssl_refinery_trans_cost * len(T), name='shipped_ssl_refinery')

# Note: inventory levels taken at the end of period t
inventory_level_ssl = m.addVars([0] + T, S, obj=self.ssl_holding_cost, name='inventory_level_ssl')
inventory_level_farm = m.addVars([0] + T, F, obj=self.farm_holding_cost, name='inventory_level_farm')

if self.jit:
z_jit = m.addVars(T, F, S, obj=c_z_jit * len(T), name='z_jit')
z_jit = m.addVars(T, F, S, obj=jit_trans_costs * len(T), name='z_jit')
penalty = m.addVars(T, obj=self.c_pen, name='penalty')

m.setAttr('UB',, '*'), [0] * len(S))
m.setAttr('UB',, '*'), [0] * len(F))
m.setAttr('UB',, '*'), [0] * len(S))
m.setAttr('UB',, '*'), [0] * len(F))

m.ModelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE

# ====== Create constraints ======
m.addConstrs((w.sum(s, '*') <= 1 for s in S), name='c1')
m.addConstrs((y[f, s] <= w.sum(s, '*') for f in F for s in S), name='c2')
m.addConstrs((y.sum(f, '*') == 1 for f in F), name='c3')
m.addConstrs((Is[t, s] == Is[t - 1, s] - zs[t, s] + zfs.sum(t, '*', s)
m.addConstrs((inventory_level_ssl[t, s] == inventory_level_ssl[t - 1, s] - shipped_ssl_refinery[t, s] + shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, '*', s)
for t in T for s in S),
m.addConstrs((Is[t, s] <= quicksum([self.U[k] * w[s, k] for k in K]) for t in T
m.addConstrs((inventory_level_ssl[t, s] <= quicksum([self.upperbound_inventory[k] * w[s, k] for k in K]) for t in T
for s in S),
m.addConstrs((zfs.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum([self.UE[k] * w[s, k] for k in K])
m.addConstrs((shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum([self.upperbound_equip_proc_rate[k] * w[s, k] for k in K])
for t in T for s in S),
if not self.jit:
m.addConstrs((If[t, f] == If[t - 1, f] + a[t, f] - zfs.sum(t, f, '*')
m.addConstrs((inventory_level_farm[t, f] == inventory_level_farm[t - 1, f] + harvested[t, f] - shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, f, '*')
for t in T for f in F),
m.addConstrs((zs.sum(t, '*') + penalty[t] == self.d[t] for t in T),
m.addConstrs((shipped_ssl_refinery.sum(t, '*') + penalty[t] == self.demand[t] for t in T),
(zfs.sum('*', f, s) <= M[f] * y[f, s] for f in F for s in S),
(shipped_farm_ssl.sum('*', f, s) <= M[f] * y[f, s] for f in F for s in S),
(zfs.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum([self.UE_jit[k] * w[s, k] for k in K])
(shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum([self.upperbound_equip_proc_rate_jit[k] * w[s, k] for k in K])
for t in T for s in S),
m.addConstrs((If[t, f] == If[t - 1, f] + a[t, f] - zfs.sum(t, f, '*') -
m.addConstrs((inventory_level_farm[t, f] == inventory_level_farm[t - 1, f] + harvested[t, f] - shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, f, '*') -
z_jit.sum(t, f, '*') for t in T for f in F),
(z_jit.sum(t, '*', '*') + zs.sum(t, '*') + penalty[t] == self.d[t]
(z_jit.sum(t, '*', '*') + shipped_ssl_refinery.sum(t, '*') + penalty[t] == self.demand[t]
for t in T),
(z_jit.sum('*', f, s) + zfs.sum('*', f, s) <= M[f] * y[f, s]
(z_jit.sum('*', f, s) + shipped_farm_ssl.sum('*', f, s) <= M[f] * y[f, s]
for f in F for s in S),
m.addConstrs((z_jit.sum(t, '*', s) + zfs.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum(
[self.UE_jit[k] * w[s, k] for k in K]) for t in T for s in S),
m.addConstrs((z_jit.sum(t, '*', s) + shipped_farm_ssl.sum(t, '*', s) <= quicksum(
[self.upperbound_equip_proc_rate_jit[k] * w[s, k] for k in K]) for t in T for s in S),
name='c9b')"Model created. Begin solving.")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,60 +155,68 @@ def solve(self):

cost_total_lb = m.objBound
# Total cost
cost_total = m.objVal
gap = (cost_total - cost_total_lb) / cost_total
cost_loc ={(s, k): self.csk[s][k] for s in S for k in K}).getValue()
# what does cost locations mean?
cost_loc ={(s, k): self.fixed_cost_ssls[s][k] for s in S for k in K}).getValue()

cost_op = shipped_farm_ssl.sum().getValue() * self.operating_cost
cfs_dict = {(t, f, s): self.farm_ssl_trans_cost[f][s] for t, f, s in setprod(T, F, S)}

cost_op = zfs.sum().getValue() * self.c_op
cfs_dict = {(t, f, s): self.cfs[f][s] for t, f, s in setprod(T, F, S)}
cost_tran_fs =
cost_tran_sb ={(t, s): self.cs[s]
# cost of transporting from f to s in time t
cost_tran_fs =
cost_tran_sr ={(t, s): self.ssl_refinery_trans_cost[s]
for t in T for s in S}).getValue()
if self.jit:
cost_op += z_jit.sum().getValue() * self.c_op_jit
cost_op += z_jit.sum().getValue() * self.operating_cost_jit
cost_tran_fs +=
cost_tran_sb +={(t, f, s): self.cs_jit[s]
cost_tran_sr +={(t, f, s): self.ssl_refinery_jit_trans_cost[s]
for t in T for f in F
for s in S}).getValue()

cost_inv_S = Is.sum().getValue() * self.hs
cost_inv_F = If.sum().getValue() * self.hf
cost_inv_S = inventory_level_ssl.sum().getValue() * self.ssl_holding_cost
cost_inv_F = inventory_level_farm.sum().getValue() * self.farm_holding_cost

K_cnt = dict(Counter(k for s in S for k in K if w[s, k].x > 0.5))
jit_amount = z_jit.sum().getValue() if self.jit else np.nan

# maybe a function for getting all the variables that are active and convert to lat, lng?
# getActiveRoutes()
# Binary encoding of open ssls
solution = [[v.VarName, v.X] for v in m.getVars() if v.X > 1e-6]
summary = dict()
summary['others'] = {
'status': status[m.status],
'CPU_time': m.runtime,
'gap': gap,
'K': len(K),
'T': len(T),
'F': len(F),
'S': len(S),
'num_SSL': w.sum().getValue(),
'available_types_ssl': len(K),
'num_weeks_horizon': len(T),
'num_farms': len(F),
# I'm not super sure about the ssl one
'num_ssls_considered': len(S),
'num_ssls_used': w.sum().getValue(),
'SSL_type_cnt': K_cnt,
summary['cost'] = {
'lb': cost_total_lb,
'ub': cost_total,
'total_lb': cost_total_lb,
'total_ub': cost_total,
'penalty': penalty.sum().getValue(),
'operation': cost_op,
'loc_own': cost_loc,
'tran_fs': cost_tran_fs,
'tran_sb': cost_tran_sb,
'inv_f': cost_inv_F,
'inv_s': cost_inv_S,
'tran_farms_ssl': cost_tran_fs,
'tran_ssl_refinery': cost_tran_sr,
'farm_inventory': cost_inv_F,
'ssl_inventory': cost_inv_S,
a_sum = float(a.sum())
harvested_sum = float(harvested.sum())
summary['per_dry_Mg'] = {
k: v / a_sum
k: v / harvested_sum
for k, v in summary['cost'].items()
summary['trans_amount'] = {
'base_fs': zfs.sum().getValue(),
'base_sb': zs.sum().getValue(),
'base_fs': shipped_farm_ssl.sum().getValue(),
'base_sb': shipped_ssl_refinery.sum().getValue(),
'jit': jit_amount

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