Releases: ga4gh/vrs
What's Changed
- GKS core doc mod by @larrybabb in #637
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.3...2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.4
What's Changed
- Update gks core 2025 02.3 by @larrybabb in #635
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.2...2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.3
pass thru update to gks-core 1.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.2 changes to maturity levels for some classes
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.1...2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.2
What's Changed
- Merge 2.0.0 ballot work since PRC
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-ballot.2024-11.3...2.0.0-snapshot.2025-02.1
VRS 2.0.0 Community Review Ballot
This is the ballot pre-release of the VRS 2.0 specification, open for community review following the GA4GH Product Development and Approval process.
Important Links
Release log:
Discussion: #605
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...2.0.0-ballot.2024-11.1
2.0.0 GA4GH 12th Plenary Connect Pre-Release
This is a pre-release version prepared for the GA4GH 12th Plenary Connect (2024) in Melbourne, AUS.
All content in this version is at a DRAFT maturity level.
VRS 2.0.0 Trial Use Ballot
The first ballot release for the VRS specification, this ballot covers models under consideration for advancement to trial use in v2.0.0, including:
- Expression
- Allele
- CisPhasedBlock
- CopyNumberCount
- CopyNumberChange
- SequenceLocation
- SequenceReference
- ReferenceLengthExpression
- LengthExpression
- LiteralSequenceExpression
- Range
- Residue
- SequenceString
- Adjacency
- Terminal
- DerivativeMolecule
- TraversalBlock
GA4GH Connect - April 2024
Initial work on the VRS 2.0 draft specification, including:
- Application of maturity model to VRS data classes
- SV support: Adjacency model
- Class refactor: Haplotype / CisPhasedBlock
- GA4GH Digest key support
- Reference Length Expression encoding
1.3.0 Release: Genotype, Copy Changes, and Composed SEs
Release summary
The v1.3.0 release of VRS includes two new systemic variation concepts:
- the Genotype model for representing all variants present at a given genomic locus
- the CopyNumberChange model for representing copy number changes from a regional base ploidy
It also includes support for composed sequence expressions, for expressing sequences composed of multiple underlying expressions.
Additional minor changes include cleanup of the allele normalization guidance, haplotype member minimum, and updates to the processing tools (i.e. gks.metaschema) used to build and represent the schema artifacts. This has also enabled explicity class inheritance and explicit declaration of array ordinality for processing computed digests.
What's Changed
- remove ComposedSequenceExpression from 1.2, belongs in 1.3+ by @ahwagner in #380
- relative copy number by @ahwagner in #382
- Update validation models for Copy Number variation by @korikuzma in #383
- Fix Allele state type priority by @jsstevenson in #384
- 386: revise base64url description by @ahwagner in #387
- explain ref agree normalization rules by @reece in #381
- Add default value for types + update readme for using smoketests by @korikuzma in #390
- C & P error fix in CytobandInterval by @mbaudis in #392
- fix: get smoketests to pass by @korikuzma in #402
- VRS Hackathon Genotype draft by @ahwagner in #394
- Update validation models by @korikuzma in #407
- fix: models.yaml to take ordered property in account by @korikuzma in #409
- Add tests to check schema validation in models.yaml (#406) by @korikuzma in #412
- Add tests for ComposedSequenceExpression (#408) by @korikuzma in #413
- 1.2: Add default value for type in schemas, update smoketests readme by @korikuzma in #391
- Issue 404 by @ahwagner in #416
- relative_copy_class -> copy_assessment in
example by @mbaudis in #419 - v1.3 release candidate by @ahwagner in #418
New Contributors
- @jsstevenson made their first contribution in #384
- @mbaudis made their first contribution in #392
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.3.0
Definition reconciliation and metaschema
This patch version release shores up inconsistencies in the JSON Schema and definitions, and adds a single source-of-truth document from which the JSON Schema and .rst documentation is derived.