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sbt-dao-generator is the code generator plug-in for O/R Mapper Free. Even if you use any O/R mapper framework, DAOs are automatically generated by this plug-in functions.

How to use plugin

Add this to your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("io.github.sbt-dao-generator" % "sbt-dao-generator" % "1.1.0")

How to configuration

Add this to your build.sbt file:

// JDBC Driver Class Name (required)
generator / driverClassName := "org.h2.Driver"

// JDBC URL (required)
generator / jdbcUrl := "jdbc:h2:file:./target/test"

// JDBC User Name (required)
generator / jdbcUser := "sa"

// JDBC Password (required)
generator / jdbcPassword := ""

// The Function that convert The Column Type Name to Property Type Name (required)
generator / propertyTypeNameMapper := {
  case "INTEGER" => "Int"
  case "VARCHAR" => "String"
  case "BOOLEAN" => "Boolean"
  case "DATE" | "TIMESTAMP" => "java.util.Date"
  case "DECIMAL" => "BigDecimal"

// Schema Name (Optional, Default is None)
generator / schemaName := None,

// The Function for filtering the table to be processed (Optional, default is the following)
generator / tableNameFilter := { tableName: String => tableName.toUpperCase != "SCHEMA_VERSION"}

// The Function for converting Table Name to Class Name (Optional, default is the following)
generator / classNameMapper := { tableName: String =>

// e.g.) If you want to specify multiple output files, you can configure it as follows.
generator / classNameMapper := {
  case "DEPT" => Seq("Dept", "DeptSpec")
  case "EMP" => Seq("Emp", "EmpSpec")

// The Function for converting Column Name to Property Name (Optional, default is the following)
generator / propertyNameMapper := { columnName: String =>

// The Function that decides which Template Name for Model Name (Optional, defaults below)
generator / templateNameMapper := { className: String => "template.ftl" },

// e.g.) If you want to specify different templates for the model and spec, you can configure it as follows.
generator / templateNameMapper := {
  case className if className.endsWith("Spec") => "template_spec.ftl"
  case _ => "template.ftl"

// The Directory where template files are placed (Optional, default is the following)
generator / templateDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "templates"

// The Directory where source code is output (Optional, default is the following)
generator / outputDirectoryMapper := { className: String => (Compile / sourceManaged).value }

// e.g.) You can change the output destination directory for each class name dynamically.
generator / outputDirectoryMapper := { className: String =>
  className match {
    case s if s.endsWith("Spec") => (Test / sourceManaged).value
    case s => (Compile / sourceManaged).value

How to configure a model template

The supported template syntax is FTL(FreeMarker Template Language).Please refer to the official FreeMarker document for details.


case class ${className}(
<#list allColumns as column>
<#if column.nullable>
${column.propertyName}: Option[${column.propertyTypeName}]<#if column_has_next>,</#if>
${column.propertyName}: ${column.propertyTypeName}<#if column_has_next>,</#if>
) {


You can use the following template contexts.

Top level objects

Variable name Type Description
tableName String Table Name (USER_NAME)
className String Class Name (UserName). The string converted tableName by classNameMapper
decapitalizedClassName String Decapitalized Class Name (userName)
primaryKeys java.util.List<Column> Primary Keys
columns java.util.List<Column> Columns without Primary Keys
allColumns java.util.List<Column> Columns with Primary Keys

Column objects

Variable name Type Description
columnName String Column Name (FIRST_NAME)
columnTypeName String Column Type Name (VARCHAR, DATETIME, ...)
propertyName String Property Name (firstName). The string converted columnName by propertyNameMapper
propertyTypeName String Property Type Name (String, java.util.Date,...). The string converted columnTypeName by propertyTypeNameMapper
capitalizedPropertyName String Capitalized Property Name (FirstName)
nullable Boolean NULL is true

Code generation

  • When processing all tables
$ sbt generator::generateAll
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[info] tableName = EMP, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Emp.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20
  • When processing multiple tables
$ sbt generator::generateMany DEPT EMP
[info] tableNames = EMP, DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[info] tableName = EMP, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Emp.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20
  • When processing one table
$ sbt generator::generateOne DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20

If you want to run generator::generateAll at sbt compile, add the following to build.sbt:

Compile / sourceGenerators += (generator / generateAll).value

How to migration from v1.0.4 to v1.0.8

The following parameters have been changed. Please change your project accordingly.

  • projectSettings
Modify type Old name New name
Modified typeNameMapper propertyTypeNameMapper
  • Top level objects
Modify type Old name New name
Modified name className
Added - tableName
Modified primaryKeysWithColumns allColumns
  • Column objects
Modify type Old name New name
Modified columnType columnTypeName
Modified propertyType propertyTypeName


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  • Scala 97.4%
  • FreeMarker 2.6%