is the code generator plug-in for O/R Mapper Free. Even if you use any O/R mapper framework, DAOs are automatically generated by this plug-in functions.
Add this to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.github.sbt-dao-generator" % "sbt-dao-generator" % "1.1.0")
Add this to your build.sbt file:
// JDBC Driver Class Name (required)
generator / driverClassName := "org.h2.Driver"
// JDBC URL (required)
generator / jdbcUrl := "jdbc:h2:file:./target/test"
// JDBC User Name (required)
generator / jdbcUser := "sa"
// JDBC Password (required)
generator / jdbcPassword := ""
// The Function that convert The Column Type Name to Property Type Name (required)
generator / propertyTypeNameMapper := {
case "INTEGER" => "Int"
case "VARCHAR" => "String"
case "BOOLEAN" => "Boolean"
case "DATE" | "TIMESTAMP" => "java.util.Date"
case "DECIMAL" => "BigDecimal"
// Schema Name (Optional, Default is None)
generator / schemaName := None,
// The Function for filtering the table to be processed (Optional, default is the following)
generator / tableNameFilter := { tableName: String => tableName.toUpperCase != "SCHEMA_VERSION"}
// The Function for converting Table Name to Class Name (Optional, default is the following)
generator / classNameMapper := { tableName: String =>
// e.g.) If you want to specify multiple output files, you can configure it as follows.
generator / classNameMapper := {
case "DEPT" => Seq("Dept", "DeptSpec")
case "EMP" => Seq("Emp", "EmpSpec")
// The Function for converting Column Name to Property Name (Optional, default is the following)
generator / propertyNameMapper := { columnName: String =>
// The Function that decides which Template Name for Model Name (Optional, defaults below)
generator / templateNameMapper := { className: String => "template.ftl" },
// e.g.) If you want to specify different templates for the model and spec, you can configure it as follows.
generator / templateNameMapper := {
case className if className.endsWith("Spec") => "template_spec.ftl"
case _ => "template.ftl"
// The Directory where template files are placed (Optional, default is the following)
generator / templateDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "templates"
// The Directory where source code is output (Optional, default is the following)
generator / outputDirectoryMapper := { className: String => (Compile / sourceManaged).value }
// e.g.) You can change the output destination directory for each class name dynamically.
generator / outputDirectoryMapper := { className: String =>
className match {
case s if s.endsWith("Spec") => (Test / sourceManaged).value
case s => (Compile / sourceManaged).value
The supported template syntax is FTL(FreeMarker Template Language).Please refer to the official FreeMarker document for details.
case class ${className}(
<#list allColumns as column>
<#if column.nullable>
${column.propertyName}: Option[${column.propertyTypeName}]<#if column_has_next>,</#if>
${column.propertyName}: ${column.propertyTypeName}<#if column_has_next>,</#if>
) {
You can use the following template contexts.
Top level objects
Variable name | Type | Description |
tableName |
String | Table Name (USER_NAME ) |
className |
String | Class Name (UserName ). The string converted tableName by classNameMapper |
decapitalizedClassName |
String | Decapitalized Class Name (userName ) |
primaryKeys |
java.util.List<Column> |
Primary Keys |
columns |
java.util.List<Column> |
Columns without Primary Keys |
allColumns |
java.util.List<Column> |
Columns with Primary Keys |
Column objects
Variable name | Type | Description |
columnName |
String |
Column Name (FIRST_NAME ) |
columnTypeName |
String |
Column Type Name (VARCHAR , DATETIME , ...) |
propertyName |
String |
Property Name (firstName ). The string converted columnName by propertyNameMapper |
propertyTypeName |
String |
Property Type Name (String , java.util.Date ,...). The string converted columnTypeName by propertyTypeNameMapper |
capitalizedPropertyName |
String |
Capitalized Property Name (FirstName ) |
nullable |
Boolean |
NULL is true |
- When processing all tables
$ sbt generator::generateAll
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[info] tableName = EMP, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Emp.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20
- When processing multiple tables
$ sbt generator::generateMany DEPT EMP
[info] tableNames = EMP, DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[info] tableName = EMP, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Emp.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20
- When processing one table
$ sbt generator::generateOne DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT
[info] tableName = DEPT, generate file = /Users/sbt-user/myproject/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/Dept.scala
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2015/06/24 18:17:20
If you want to run generator::generateAll
at sbt compile
, add the following to build.sbt:
Compile / sourceGenerators += (generator / generateAll).value
The following parameters have been changed. Please change your project accordingly.
- projectSettings
Modify type | Old name | New name |
Modified | typeNameMapper | propertyTypeNameMapper |
- Top level objects
Modify type | Old name | New name |
Modified | name | className |
Added | - | tableName |
Modified | primaryKeysWithColumns | allColumns |
- Column objects
Modify type | Old name | New name |
Modified | columnType | columnTypeName |
Modified | propertyType | propertyTypeName |