meteor add gandev:server-eval
meteor smartpackage which provides a client api to evaluate expressions on a meteor server. This package was created to use with meteor-server-console.
server-eval is meant to be a development tool and therefore utilizes the debugOnly flag, so meteor doesn't put it in production!
exports: "ServerEval" symbol which provides the following functions:
- .results() returns a Meteor.Collection cursor with all evaluation results
- .metadata() returns a Meteor.Collection cursor with various infos like a list with supported packages
- .watch() returns a Meteor.Collection cursor with evaluation results identified by watches
- .eval(expression, options) calls "eval" function with the given expression and options:
- package: "your-package to use as scope",
- watch: true to create or update a watch,
- ignore_size: true to ignore the 5MB result object limit
- autocomplete: true if eval for autocomplete, runs _.keys(expr),
- search: ... / eval with autocomplete true only return keys starting with this string
- .removeWatch(id) remove watch by id
- .clear() removes all evaluation results
- .execute(command, scope, args) execute helper (command) function with given arguments array or executes command with node child_process.exec (scope is used to execute in package folder)
the .eval, .clear and .removeWatch functions are realized with it's corresponding Meteor.methods (same args):
- 'serverEval/eval'
- 'serverEval/removeWatch'
- 'serverEval/clear'
- 'serverEval/execute'
Unfortunately, to use the package scope functionality you have to add following code snippet to your package:
Custom.__serverEval = function(expression) { return eval(expression); };
Custom has to be a arbitrary server api.export('...') in your package.js Package.on_use(function(api){})
maybe if pull request meteor/meteor#1207 or something like this is implemented i can create a source handler plugin to add it automatically.