UDP echo example - UDP read/write.
SODAQ Sara R410m board - tested
- other uBlox N2XX, R4XX chips - untested. Check AT commands manual for your board and add support in preprocessors directives
- SODAQ Sara board support
- Arduino-Log library
- any echo UDP server. You may use this code to host your own: https://github.com/garagelabbelgrade/gl-udp-test-echo-server
This code is for demo (educational) purpose only! It is not production-ready, performance optimized or intended to be used as seed project. Usage may result in charges by telecom carrier. Use at your own risk
- Edit sourcecode to set echo server's IP address:
String SERVER_PORT = "2222";
- Connect to serial/debug console. Controller will print out welcome message. Example:
: **** Initializing... ****
N: ###################### DEMO ##############
-? - help (prints this text)
-proba - Proba slanja UDP poruke;
-debug - executes debug command
<any other string> - sends data to a modem to execute as AT command. Example: AT+CCLK?
- Send
command via serial/debug console. Controller will send pre-fixed UDP message to defined ip/port; Example output:
N: Izvrsavam UDP Probu!
N: Initializing socket...N:
>> Komanda za slanje : AT+USOCR=17
<< Odgovor sa na AT komandu : AT+USOCR=17
N: Socket initialization done;N:
Komanda za slanje : AT+USOST=0,"",2222,13,"trla baba lan"
>> Komanda za slanje : AT+USOST=0,"",2222,13,"trla baba lan"
<< Odgovor sa na AT komandu : AT+USOST=0,"",2222,13,"trla baba lan"
+USOST: 0,13
N: Salje se komanda za citanje odgovora : AT+USORF=0,1024
>> Komanda za slanje : AT+USORF=0,1024
<< Odgovor sa na AT komandu : AT+USORF=0,1024
+USORF: 0,"",2222,13,"trla baba lan"
Odgovor: AT+USORF=0,1024
+USORF: 0,"",2222,13,"trla baba lan"
- ... inspect source code and learn how to send AT commands to controller programmatically.
For full reference quide check official SODAQ Sara support website.
AT Command | Comment |
AT+URAT=8 | Locks module to NB-IoT protocol |
AT+COPS=1,2,"22005" | Locks module to specific telecom operater. 22005 in this example represents VIP Mobile from Serbia (c220 o05). |
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","vip.iot" | APN settings (for VIP Mobile in this example) |
AT+UBANDMASK=1,524288 | setting specific band if needed (check with your carrier before usage) |
AT+CFUN=15 | Saves previouslly-entered settings to internal memory and reboots communicational chip to apply settings. |
AT+CSQ | Checks for base signal. will be ~30 if ok. 99 - no signal. |
AT+CGATT? | Checks if connected. Will return 1 if connected and ready. |
AT+CCLK? | Queries for current UTC time broadcasted by carrier |
AT+USOCR=17 | Opens new UDP socket. Will return socket identifier (0 - 6) |
AT+USOST=0,"",2222,4,"asdf" | Sends UDP message to server. parts: >0 - socket identifier (socket created in previous step) > server 's ip address > server's port > length of our UDP message > data (message) |
#Serial console commands
List of suppored commands:
- prints help text-proba
- initializes outbound UDP socket and sends test UDP message asdf-debug
- does nothing- [any other text] - if you send any other string it will be passed to modem (use for AT commands).
Made with ❤️ by the GarageLab Belgrade team using vscode ©️ 2019