State-of-the-art analogical modeling plugin for Weka.
Download Weka. You need at least 3.8.5 to use this package. You can download Weka here:
Start up Weka, and in the initial screen ("GUI Chooser") go to the tools menu and select "Package Manager". You'll see the screen below. Select "AnalogicalModeling" and click "Install".
Close the package manager and click on the "Experimenter" button in the GUI Chooser window. In the "Preprocess" tab, open your arff file. If you need an example file, try
from this repository. (This contains a toy example from chapter 3 of Royall Skousen's Analogical Modeling of Language). -
Analogical modeling can only work with nominal data, so if your dataset contains other types of data (e.g. numeric), you'll need to pre-process it. For example, to discretize a continuous numeric attribute into bucketed nominal attributes, in the "Preprocess" tab you can add the following filter:
. More information on this filter is available via the Weka MOOC. Screenshot below:
- In the "Classify" tab, click "Choose" and select the AnalogicalModeling classifier from the "lazy" package. Screenshot below:
Under "Test options", select "Supplied test set" and open the arff file containing your test set. If you used
earlier, you can usedata/ch3exampleTest.arff
here. -
Click the "More options..." button, then the "Choose" button labeled "Output predictions". From there, select AnalogicalModelingOutput. Please note that this output option can ONLY be used with the Analogical Modeling classifier; If you switch to another classifier, you will also need to change this field. Screenshot below:
- Click on the
text that appeared in the field next to the "Choose" button. From here, you can configure what information you want printed, including analogical sets and gang effects, as well as the desired output format. You can also choose to suppress the output in the window and write it to a file instead. Screenshot below:
- Back on the "Classify" tab again, click "Start". If you used the chapter 3 data and enabled output for analogical sets and gang effects, the results should appear as in the below screenshot:
Analogical Modeling (or AM) was developed as an exemplar-based approach to modeling language usage, and has also been found useful in modeling other "sticky" phenomena. AM is especially suited to this because it predicts probabilistic occurrences instead of assigning static labels for instances.
AM was not designed to be a classifier, but as a cognitive theory explaining variation in human behavior. As such, though in practice it is often used like any other machine learning classifier, there are fine theoretical points in which it differs. As a theory of human behavior, much of the value in its predictions lies in matching observed human behavior, including non-determinism and degradations in accuracy caused by paucity of data.
The AM algorithm could be called a probabilistic, instance-based classifier. However, the probabilities given for each classification are not degrees of certainty, but actual probabilities of occurring in real usage. AM models "sticky" phenomena as being intrinsically sticky, not as deterministic phenomena that just require more data to be predicted perfectly.
Though it is possible to choose an outcome probabilistically, in practice users are generally interested in either the full predicted probability distribution or the outcome with the highest probability.
AM practitioners generally use terminology taken from statistics, most of which has equivalent terminology used by computer scientists (and most machine learning frameworks in general). Examples are 'exemplar' (training instance), 'outcome' (class label), and 'variable' (feature). This software uses the CS terminology internally, but user-facing reports use the AM terminology.
The running time for analogical modeling is exponential in the number of features (variables); exact calculation becomes impractical after about 50 features. Therefore, this tool will automatically use an approximation algorithm when there are 50 or more features.
As an evolving project, the most important design principle has been modularity and ease of experimentation with core algorithms. As such, the system is able to adapt for data of different cardinalities:
- Context labels scale up from
s tolong
s andBigInteger
s - Very small vectors are placed in a single lattice
- Larger vectors are placed in a distributed lattice, with the number of lattices increasing with size
- Very large vectors (50 or more features) are classified approximately using Monte Carlo simulation
Some algorithmic improvements have been made to the distributed lattice and approximate lattice filling algorithms. Concurrency is also used extensively so that 8 CPU cores will fill lattices roughly 8 times faster, etc.
The project JavaDoc is uploaded to GitHub pages automatically via a GitHub Action. Browse here.
An additional GitHub Action builds and tests the project for every branch and pull request, so contributors should get feedback quickly if a change breaks anything.
This project is managed with Gradle, and the project includes the gradle wrapper. The following build commands are available:
# build and test the project
./gradlew build
# just run unit tests
./gradlew test
# generate HTML documentation
./gradlew javadoc
# build the project archive for release as a Weka plugin
./gradlew weka_package
To release a new version of the plugin:
- Update and commit Description.props
- version number is in several locations
- date
- Create and push a new git tag with the next version number
- run
./gradlew weka_package
, and upload the resulting artifact (distributions/ to the GitHub release - send the new Description.props file to Mark Hall
Under construction; try testing with -t data/ch3example.arff -x 5
Released under the Apache 2.0 license (see the LICENSE file for details). Copyright Nathan Glenn, 2021.