The Shortcode Owl Carousel plugin makes it trivial to create Owl Carousel based sliders from within your page content. Owl Carousel provides a wide range of features and functionality that are directly accessible via shortcode attributes. Features include:
- Infinity Loop
- Center item
- Smart Speed
- Stage Padding
- Item Margin
- Ability to make almost all options responsive
- Various Widths
- Callback Events
- YouTube/Vimeo/vzaar support (fetching thumbnails as well)
- Anchors navigation
- Merged Items
- and more...
Typically a plugin should be installed via GPM (Grav Package Manager):
$ bin/gpm install shortcode-owl-carousel
Alternatively it can be installed via the Admin Plugin
This is a basic example that shows off how you can easily turn 3 images into a slider:
[owl-carousel items=1 margin=10 loop=true autoplay=true autoplayHoverPause=true nav=true]

In this examaple, we are wrapping 3 markdown-syntax images with the [owl-carousel][/owl-carousel]
shortcode tag. Then we are adding shortcode attributes to set some Owl Carousel options.
Every first-level HTML element that gets rendered between the shortcode tags, is treated as a slider item. This can be images, or even HTML div elements that allow for more complex content.
[owl-carousel items=2 margin=10 loop=true]
<div style="background: url({{['image-1.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 1</h2>
<div style="background: url({{['image-2.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 2</h2>
<div style="background: url({{['image-3.jpg'].url }}) 50% 50%;background-size: cover;color:#fff;">
<h2>This is panel 3</h2>
In this example, we put HTML div tags between the shortcode tags, and set the number of items to display to 2
, the margin between items to 10
and the loop option to true
. We make use of Twig processing to dynamically add the URLs to the images that we are setting as the background of the divs. Then inside of the divs, we have some HTML content.
| Note: Markdown is not able to be processed within HTML tags, but you can use Twig if you enable Twig processing in the page frontmatter.
Options can be passed to Owl Carousel as attributes of the shortcode. Numbers can be passed simply as number=1
, booleans can be entered as boolean=true
, and strings can be entered between quotes such as string="foo"
or string='foo'
The options available are fully documented on the OWL Carousel site:, but a summary of the current ones appears below:
Type: Number
Default: 3
The number of items you want to see on the screen.
Type: Number
Default: 0
margin-right(px) on item.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Infinity loop. Duplicate last and first items to get loop illusion.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Center item. Works well with even an odd number of items.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Mouse drag enabled.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Touch drag enabled.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Stage pull to edge.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Item pull to edge.
Type: Number
Default: 0
Padding left and right on stage (can see neighbours).
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Merge items. Looking for data-merge='{number}' inside item..
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Fit merged items if screen is smaller than items value.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Set non grid content. Try using width style on divs.
Type: Number/String
Default: 0
Start position or URL Hash string like '#id'.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Listen to url hash changes. data-hash on items is required.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Show next/prev buttons.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Go backwards when the boundary has reached.
Type: Array
Default: ['next','prev']
HTML allowed.
Type: String
Default: div
DOM element type for a single directional navigation link.
Type: Number/String
Default: 1
Navigation slide by x. 'page' string can be set to slide by page.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Show dots navigation.
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
Show dots each x item.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Used by data-dot content.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Lazy load images. data-src and data-src-retina for highres. Also load images into background inline style if element is not
Type: Boolean
Default: false
lazyContent was introduced during beta tests but i removed it from the final release due to bad implementation. It is a nice options so i will work on it in the nearest feature.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Type: Number
Default: 5000
Autoplay interval timeout.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Pause on mouse hover.
Type: Number
Default: 250
Speed Calculate. More info to come..
Type: Boolean
Default: Number
Speed Calculate. More info to come..
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
autoplay speed.
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
Navigation speed.
Type: Boolean
Default: Number/Boolean
Pagination speed.
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
Drag end speed.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Enable callback events.
Type: Object
Default: empty object
Object containing responsive options. Can be set to false to remove responsive capabilities.
Type: Number
Default: 200
Responsive refresh rate.
Type: DOM element
Default: window
Set on any DOM element. If you care about non responsive browser (like ie8) then use it on main wrapper. This will prevent from crazy resizing.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Enable fetching YouTube/Vimeo/Vzaar videos.
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
Set height for videos.
Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false
Set width for videos.
Type: String/Boolean
Default: false
Class for CSS3 animation out.
Type: String/Boolean
Default: false
Class for CSS3 animation in.
Type: String
Default: swing
Easing for CSS2 $.animate.
Type: Function
Default: false
Callback to retrieve basic information (current item/pages/widths). Info function second parameter is Owl DOM object reference.
Type: String/Class
Default: false
Use it if owl items are deep nested inside some generated content. E.g 'youritem'. Don't use dot before class name.
Type: String
Default: div
DOM element type for owl-item.
Type: String
Default: div
DOM element type for owl-stage.
Type: String/Class/ID/Boolean
Default: false
Set your own container for nav.
Type: String/Class/ID/Boolean
Default: false
Set your own container for nav.