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Emacs 29 configuration following daviwil/emacs-from-scratch

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A vanilla Emacs 29 configuration following with some additions for scientific computing

  • Installation

git clone

Install in some usual places, like: cp -r runemacs ~/.config/emacs or cp -r runemacs ~/.emacs.d

Make sure not to overwrite .emacs.d if you need to save your old configuration. Remove ~/.emacs so that it doesn't interrupt the initialization.

Invoke emacs and open

M-x org-babel-tangle

to create the ~/.emacs.d/init.el file. Close and open emacs and you should have the new configuration. It will download many packages, including those from MELPA, the first time, but startup will be faster on subsequent occasions.

The use of the vterm in various packages requires compilation in your system. Emacs will ask for confirmation a few times during the first startup.

For ubuntu users, the first startup will not be complete unless a few fonts packages are installed on the system. Installation can be done using: sudo apt install fonts-firacode
sudo apt install fonts-cantarell

The emacs directory editor "dired" uses some fancy icons. In earlier versions, it appears that they need to be manually installed by invoking the command: M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts

Now I am using nerd-fonts and I don't think this step is necessary anymore.

  • Keyboard suggestion

Emacs frequently relies upon the Control key. It is recommended to use the left Control with right-hand keys, and vice versa. The left Control is more ergonomic if remapped to the Caps Lock key. Then, shift-CapsLock could retain the CapsLock function. Or, better yet is to use Home Row Modifiers (HRMs) where holding the middle finger of the home row activates Control.

  • Evil mode

This hand-rolled configuration of Emacs uses the default "vanilla" keybindings. These keybindings have been called many things including "insane." You can use vi modal editing keybindings in emacs by invoking evil mode \ M-x evil-mode \ Alternatively, change to evil mode by default by changing to (evil-mode 1). Uncomment the relevant sections of the configuration file before trying these commands.

  • Julia

julia-snail is the recommended Julia IDE.

julia-repl with the vterm backend is also popular. julia-repl minor mode commands can still work as long as they don't conflict with julia-snail commands, although I have disabled them here.

  • Python

A python IDE using lsp-mode is set up. It requires system installation of pyls with the command \ pip install --user "python-language-server[all]"

Open a python file. Then open an inferior python shell using M-x run-python or maybe even M-x python. Use commands like M-x python-shell-send-region to send code from the python file to the REPL, although there really should be some better shortcuts. Use M-x treemacs-symbols to see a workspace dashboard. You should see a breadcrumb list in the header as well. Linting is on and will detect syntax errors. Code completion and function signatures should work although they might be slow due to pyls. Debugging also available with dap-mode. More info available at

  • R

Use ess to edit R files. The ess-mode interacts poorly with doom-modeline such that the buffer name disappears in the mode line. Use M-x R to open an R REPL. R needs to be independently installed on your system.

  • Things to modify to your preference

Org files are hard coded to go at ~/OrgFiles. Email information should be changed to your preference.


Emacs 29 configuration following daviwil/emacs-from-scratch






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