This is a homework project for Indrivo where I had to do:
Front End stuff:
- Login Form - available at [site]/login
- SignUP Form - available at [site]/signup
- Foorgot Password Form - available at [site]/reset-password
- 404 Form - available at [site]/random
- Message Form (Popup) - visible when creating a new account
Also Front End, but with a little bit of Back End:
- For Admin Role:
- All User List - available at [site]/users
- Profile Setting - available when clicking on the user button in the top right of the screen and settings
- Login History - available at [site]/loginhistory
- Pentru User Role:
- Profile Setting - available when clicking on the user button in the top right of the screen and settings
- ASP.NET Core Blazor Server - framework for building interactive website
- MSSQL Database - for storing user related data
- MudBlazor nuget - ui component library for blazor
- Dapper nuget - Micro ORM for working with database
- FluentValidation nuget - for validating user input
To run this project on your local machine, all you need to do is download the project or clone it and run it. The project has a connection string inside the appSettings file to a hosted database.
The project is hosted on here so anyone can access it and make an account.