I am Giorgio Gamba and I am a software engineer based in Turin, Italy. I love Computer Science in every aspect, that's why I try to study and improve as much as I can in every field.
- 🔭 I’m currently working @ 34BigThings, a game studio. Some of my personal projects are related to Game Engines, Audio Programming and low-level coding.
I always though programming is a way to shape the world following my needs, that's why I use it to solve my real-life problems and ease it. I also love the deepest knowledge about languages and computers, parallel programming and Artificial Intelligence
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects related to those fields, but you can reach me out for whatever you want
I have always been passionate about music, and thus I am connecting it to computers in order to blend my two biggest passions in the best way.
📫 How to reach me: Here's how you can reach me:
You can visit my personal website: https://giorgiogamba.com