Testing GraphQL queries using fixture responses runs the risk of false-positive tests when a query changes without its static response getting updated. This gem provides a simple utility for validating response fixtures against the shape of a query to assure that they match.
gem "graphql-response_validator"
require "graphql/response_validator"
Build a test query and its response data into a GraphQL::ResponseValidator
, then assert that the fixture is correct for the query as part of your test:
def test_my_stuff
request = %|{ widget { id title } }|
response = {
"data" => {
"widget" => {
"id" => "1",
"name" => "My widget", # << wrong, should be `title`
# check that the query is valid...
query = GraphQL::Query.new(MySchema, query: request)
assert query.static_errors.none?, query.static_errors.map(&:message).join("\n")
# check that the response is valid...
fixture = GraphQL::ResponseValidator.new(query, response)
assert fixture.valid?, fixture.errors.map(&:message).join("\n")
# Results in: "Expected data to provide field `widget.title`"
Abstract selections must include a type identity so that the validator knows what selection path(s) to follow. This can be done by including a __typename
in abstract selection scopes:
def test_my_stuff
request = %|{
node(id: 1) {
... on Product { title }
... on Order { totalCost }
response = {
"data" => {
"node" => {
"title" => "Ethereal wishing well",
"__typename" => "Product",
query = GraphQL::Query.new(MySchema, query: request)
fixture = GraphQL::ResponseValidator.new(query, response)
assert fixture.valid?, fixture.errors.first&.message
Alternatively, you can use a system __typename__
hint that exists only in response data, and this can be pruned from the response data after validating it:
def test_my_stuff
request = %|{
node(id: 1) {
... on Product { title }
... on Order { totalCost }
response = {
"data" => {
"node" => {
"totalCost" => 23,
"__typename__" => "Order",
query = GraphQL::Query.new(MySchema, query: request)
fixture = GraphQL::ResponseValidator.new(query, response)
assert fixture.valid?, fixture.errors.first&.message
expected_result = { "data" => { "node" => { "totalCost" => 23 } } }
assert_equal expected_result, fixture.prune!.to_h