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trigger ci on pull_request #152

trigger ci on pull_request

trigger ci on pull_request #152

Workflow file for this run

name: make-ubuntu
on: [push, pull_request]
concurrency: ci-${{ github.ref }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# Allow other runners in the matrix to continue if some fail
fail-fast: false
# For available GitHub-hosted runners, see:
os: [ubuntu-22.04, ubuntu-24.04, ubuntu-24.04-arm]
compiler: [gcc, clang]
- compiler: gcc
compiler-pkgs: "g++ gcc"
cc: "gcc"
cxx: "g++"
extra-config-flags: ""
- compiler: clang
compiler-pkgs: "clang libc++-dev libc++abi-dev"
cc: "clang"
cxx: "clang++ -stdlib=libc++"
extra-config-flags: "--without-spqr --without-magick"
# Clang seems to generally require less cache size (smaller object files?).
- ccache-max: 1.2G
- os: ubuntu-24.04
compiler: gcc
ccache-max: 1.2G
- os: ubuntu-22.04
compiler: gcc
ccache-max: 1.2G
- os: ubuntu-24.04-arm
compiler: gcc
ccache-max: 1.2G
- os: ubuntu-24.04
compiler: clang
ccache-max: 400M
- os: ubuntu-22.04
compiler: clang
ccache-max: 400M
- os: ubuntu-24.04-arm
compiler: clang
ccache-max: 400M
name: ${{ matrix.os }} ${{ matrix.compiler }}
CC: ${{ }}
CXX: ${{ matrix.cxx }}
- name: get CPU information
run: lscpu
- name: checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: install dependencies
COMPILER_PKGS: ${{ matrix.compiler-pkgs }}
run: |
sudo apt -qq update
sudo apt install -y $COMPILER_PKGS autoconf automake bison ccache \
dvipng epstool fig2dev flex gfortran gnuplot-x11 gperf gzip \
icoutils libarpack2-dev libblas-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
libfftw3-dev libfltk1.3-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev libgl2ps-dev libglpk-dev libgraphicsmagick++1-dev \
libhdf5-dev liblapack-dev libosmesa6-dev libpcre2-dev \
libqhull-dev libqscintilla2-qt5-dev libqrupdate-dev \
libreadline-dev librsvg2-bin libsndfile1-dev libsuitesparse-dev \
libsundials-dev libtool libxft-dev make openjdk-8-jdk \
perl portaudio19-dev pstoedit qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev \
qttools5-dev-tools rapidjson-dev rsync tar texinfo \
texlive-latex-extra xvfb zlib1g-dev
- name: prepare ccache
# create key with human readable timestamp
# used in action/cache/restore and action/cache/save steps
id: ccache-prepare
run: |
echo "key=ccache:${{ matrix.os }}:${{ matrix.compiler }}:${{ github.ref }}:$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"):${{ github.sha }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: restore ccache
# setup the github cache used to maintain the ccache from one job to the next
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
path: ~/.ccache
key: ${{ steps.ccache-prepare.outputs.key }}
restore-keys: |
ccache:${{ matrix.os }}:${{ matrix.compiler }}:${{ github.ref }}
ccache:${{ matrix.os }}:${{ matrix.compiler }}:refs/heads/default
- name: configure ccache
CCACHE_MAX: ${{ matrix.ccache-max }}
run: |
test -d ~/.ccache || mkdir ~/.ccache
echo "max_size = $CCACHE_MAX" >> ~/.ccache/ccache.conf
ccache -s
echo "/usr/lib/ccache" >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: bootstrap
run: GNULIB_URL= ./bootstrap
- name: configure
timeout-minutes: 30
run: |
echo $PATH
echo which ccache
which ccache
which $CC
echo $CC --version
$CC --version
which ${CXX% *}
echo ${CXX% *} --version
${CXX% *} --version
which gfortran
echo gfortran --version
gfortran --version
mkdir .build
echo "::group::Run configure script"
cd .build && ../configure \
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/hdf5/serial -I/usr/include/suitesparse" \
LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/hdf5/serial" \
${{ matrix.extra-config-flags }}
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::Show config.log"
cat ./config.log
echo "::endgroup::"
- name: build
# Parallel make seems to fail intermittently when creating the figures
# for the manual. The error message says it fails to connect to a
# display. Maybe an xvfb issue?
# Use single job make for now which seems to work more reliably.
run: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$RUNNER_TEMP xvfb-run -a make -C ./.build all V=1
- name: ccache status
run: ccache -s
- name: save ccache
# Save the cache after we are done (successfully) building
uses: actions/cache/save@v4
path: ~/.ccache
key: ${{ steps.ccache-prepare.outputs.key }}
- name: check
timeout-minutes: 60
run: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$RUNNER_TEMP xvfb-run -a make -C ./.build check | tee ./test-suite.log
- name: display test suite log
continue-on-error: true
# Displaying the log shouldn't take long. Cancel the step if it does.
timeout-minutes: 5
run: cat ./.build/test/fntests.log
- name: test history file creation
# see bug #62365
# Pipe to an interactive session to trigger appending the command to
# the history. This will trigger the creation of a history file.
run: |
echo "history_file (make_absolute_filename ('./a/b/c/history')); disp ('test')" | ./.build/run-octave -i
[ -f ./a/b/c/history ] || echo "::warning::Creating history file failed"
- name: install
run: |
sudo make -C ./.build install
- name: test stand-alone executable
run: |
unset CC
unset CXX
cd examples/code
mkoctfile --link-stand-alone -o embedded
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/octave/$(octave --eval "disp(version())")" \
- name: test Octave packages
# colon separated list of packages
PACKAGE_NAMES: "control:stk"
run: |
unset CC
unset CXX
IFS=':' read -r -a packages <<< "${PACKAGE_NAMES}"
for package in "${packages[@]}"; do
printf " \033[0;32m==>\033[0m Octave package \033[0;32m${package}\033[0m\n"
echo "::group::Install ${package}"
octave --eval "pkg install -verbose -forge ${package}"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::Test ${package}"
octave --eval "pkg test ${package}"
echo "::endgroup::"
echo "::group::Test log for ${package}"
cat ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/fntests.log
echo "::endgroup::"
- name: analyze test suite results
# Make sure the test summary lists 0 "FAIL"s and no "REGRESSION"
run: |
[ -n "$(grep -e "FAIL\s*0" ./test-suite.log)" ] || exit 1
[ -z "$(grep -e "REGRESSION" ./test-suite.log)" ] || exit 1
echo No unknown failing tests.