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Datetime, timestamp, time should support fraction precision s: accepted was accepted or confirmed
#89 opened May 31, 2020 by tanapoln
add datetime precision for mysql enhancement New feature or request s: triage
#90 opened May 31, 2020 by tanapoln Loading…
Proposal: Move Migration/Schema Tools out of Pop to Fizz proposal A suggestion for a change, feature, enhancement, etc s: triage
#4 opened Jun 30, 2018 by markbates
Provide Reference Documentation for DDL documentation Improvements or additions to documentation
#66 opened Nov 26, 2019 by aeneasr
v2 / review and unify column type translation breaking change This feature / fix introduces breaking changes proposal A suggestion for a change, feature, enhancement, etc s: accepted was accepted or confirmed
#138 opened Sep 7, 2022 by sio4
19 tasks
Create Auto inc fields s: triage
#13 opened Aug 6, 2018 by guxx
Unsigned integer s: triage
#46 opened Mar 29, 2019 by fnaysee
Add columns with default zero values. enhancement New feature or request s: accepted was accepted or confirmed
#102 opened Oct 30, 2020 by duckbrain
Support null: false option s: triage
#63 opened Nov 18, 2019 by YasukeXXX Loading…