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Ws30: The Keyboard-Inspector Edition.

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@godbout godbout released this 07 Dec 15:49
· 10 commits to master since this release

summary: you can now show The Inspector with command h, command i or shift command /. QOL improvements and bug fixes. add Firefox Nightly for Dudu even though he adamantly refused to open a GitHub Issue. Brazilians...


  • fix a bug that could happen when there was no visible Focused Window and as a result the Targets wouldn't show up even in the Menu Bar which was completely not acceptable


  • if you choose to position The Input where you left it off it will now show up at the right place even after you restart Wooshy or your Mac or your modem
  • now if you use The Inspector with the mouse The Input is getting emptied because 1) it makes way more sense that you type from scratch what you've discovered through The Inspector 2) i wanted to make some jokes for point 2 about Wooshy needing to free your mouse but i can't find anything funny ☹️
  • The Input will now always show under kV's Characters Window when they overlap if you use kV and if you use the Characters Window and if you use Wooshy...


  • add ability to show The Inspector through key combinations
  • add support for Firefox Nightly