Releases: google/dwh-migration-tools
Releases · google/dwh-migration-tools
What's Changed
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.12.773 to 1.12.778 by @dependabot in #648
- Adding new columns for segment-stats.sql by @sayuzbas-google in #646
- Update dependabot config for spring framework by @vladislav-sidorovich in #649
- Update spring to the latest version by @vladislav-sidorovich in #650
- [b/367261072] Cloudera API integration - main data by @vladislav-sidorovich in #621
- Enable Kerberos keytab auth for HdfsConnector by @sten1ee in #635
- [improve] add unit test for services endpoint in Cloudera manager API by @vladislav-sidorovich in #651
- [b/371118648] When using DBMS_METADATA.GET_XML exclude system-generat… by @ikhavkin-google in #574
- [b/375191371] Add an option to specify the uri scheme for ranger and … by @kajgol in #652
- Kerberos auth for HdfsConnector: Applying mods suggested by Radek by @sten1ee in #654
- [b/375191371] Fix flaky tls test by @kajgol in #662
- [b/381361432] hdfs connector may use kinit-cached credentials for auth by @sten1ee in #661
- [b/377657866] Remove ClouderaMetadataConnector from the code by @vladislav-sidorovich in #664
- [b/381400224] Rename ClouderaMetadata connector to HadoopMetadata by @rocgranada in #665
- [b360554196] remove log4j implementation by @vladislav-sidorovich in #669
- [/b376629469] Cloudera timeseries for CPU usage by @zaldis in #668
- Adding 2 new columns for SegmentStatistics table by @sayuzbas-google in #671
- [b/376629469] Upgrade avro library to version 1.11.4 by @kaxuna in #667
- [b/376629469] Add a task to fetch RAM usage per host by @zaldis in #672
- Rename classes -Dto -> -DTO by @zaldis in #674
- [b/380000872] Dump hosts components by @vladislav-sidorovich in #675
- [b/380000872] Add hostId to jsonl by @vladislav-sidorovich in #676
- [b/356461225] Add progress during HDFS dumping by @sten1ee in #673
- Remove writeRecordsCsv, refactor the usage metrics task for Redshift by @misolt in #660
- [b/382467945] Move parts of JdbcHandle logic to a util class by @misolt in #679
New Contributors
- @kajgol made their first contribution in #652
- @zaldis made their first contribution in #668
- @kaxuna made their first contribution in #667
Full Changelog: v1.0.65...v1.0.66
What's Changed
- Bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.19.0 to 3.19.1 by @dependabot in #624
- Bump nl.littlerobots.version-catalog-update from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 by @dependabot in #623
- Class design cleanup for Snowflake Logs by @misolt in #590
- [improve] Configure dependabot by @vladislav-sidorovich in #629
- Bump from 0.127.25 to 0.127.26 by @dependabot in #630
- Reduce code duplication between metadata and lite connectors, allow non-enum connector properties by @misolt in #602
- Remove another connector's configuration from snowflake-lite by @misolt in #634
- [b/377253441] Add a task to get aggregate events in snowflake-lite by @misolt in #633
- [b/376638949] Don't use INFORMATION_SCHEMA in snowflake-lite by @misolt in #636
- Bump jackson from 2.18.0 to 2.18.1 by @dependabot in #637
- Bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.19.1 to 3.20.0 by @dependabot in #641
- Bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to by @dependabot in #639
- [improve] configure dependabot for hikari and JDK 8 by @vladislav-sidorovich in #642
- Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.48.1 to 3.48.2 by @dependabot in #645
Full Changelog: v1.0.64...v1.0.65
What's Changed
- Bump joda-time:joda-time from 2.12.7 to 2.13.0 by @dependabot in #597
- Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.48.0 to 3.48.1 by @dependabot in #601
- Bump org.postgresql:postgresql from 42.7.3 to 42.7.4 by @dependabot in #599
- Fix bugs in ZonedIntervalIterableTest by @misolt in #598
- [b/370703701] Add more descriptive connection error message for Oracle by @kpiotrowski in #609
- Bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.18.0 to 3.19.0 by @dependabot in #613
- [b/375140671] Create a new connector for SF TCO Lite by @misolt in #620
- [b/368222012] Report AccessControlException(s) in HdfsExtractionTask separately by @sten1ee in #619
- fix compile warnings by @vladislav-sidorovich in #622
- [b/374026408] Fix Hive extraction for Iceberg raw tables by @rocgranada in #614
- [b/368220129] HdfsContentSummaryTask should not fail hard on AccessControlException(s) by @sten1ee in #615
New Contributors
- @rocgranada made their first contribution in #614
Full Changelog: v1.0.63...v1.0.64
What's Changed
- Remove redundant arguments from AutoService in Snowflake by @misolt in #576
- Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.46.0 to 3.48.0 by @dependabot in #569
- Bump org.apache.commons:commons-csv from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 by @dependabot in #578
- Output first and last query log entries for Teradata with a new task by @sayuzbas-google in #571
- Bump com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle from 6.4.1 to 6.25.0 by @dependabot in #568
- Rollback spotless plugin to 6.4.1 because of java 8 support by @vladislav-sidorovich in #584
- fix spotless codestyle by @vladislav-sidorovich in #585
- Clean up class design for Snowflake Metadata by @misolt in #586
- Bump jackson from 2.17.2 to 2.18.0 by @dependabot in #588
- Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.27.0 to 1.27.1 by @dependabot in #589
- Bump from 0.127.21 to 0.127.25 by @dependabot in #587
- [issue 114] improve error messages for JDBC driver by @vladislav-sidorovich in #579
- Bump ch.qos.reload4j:reload4j from 1.2.22 to 1.2.25 by @dependabot in #591
- Bump aws-java-sdk from 1.12.767 to 1.12.773 by @dependabot in #593
- [b/373568138] Change timestamp format used in zip entry files to work on windows by @kpiotrowski in #594
- Bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to by @dependabot in #596
New Contributors
- @sayuzbas-google made their first contribution in #571
Full Changelog: v1.0.62...v1.0.63
What's Changed
- More precise .gitignore rules by @misolt in #575
- [b/368572924] Fix: missing data of public synonym objects by @misolt in #558
Full Changelog: v1.0.61...v1.0.62
What's Changed
- [b/359499526] Dump raw Ranger API entries to output jsonl files. by @aleofreddi in #518
- [b/364818924] Remove all 'owner' filters from stats SQLs by @misolt in #553
- Provide a more descriptive error message when driver JAR does not exist by @misolt in #555
- Extract Cloudera metaconnector in-dump paths to SPI. by @damian-compilerworks in #554
- [b/355196176] Implement fail fast strategy for Teradata logs tables by @vladislav-sidorovich in #557
- [b/370428253] Rename 'Dbid' to 'DbId' by @misolt in #563
- Replace boolean flag with enum by @vladislav-sidorovich in #562
- [b/369075732] Add Teradata tables validation for additional command line options by @vladislav-sidorovich in #561
- Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.2 to 2.3 by @dependabot in #551
- update gradle lockfiles to fix snakeyaml by @vladislav-sidorovich in #564
- Update compliance information with license links by @misolt in #570
- Move license overrides to a util class by @misolt in #572
New Contributors
- @vladislav-sidorovich made their first contribution in #557
Full Changelog: v1.0.60...v1.0.61
What's Changed
- Remove dwh-migration-client by @dawidxc in #521
- [b/361574176] Extract additional software packages by @dawidxc in #523
- [b/361566488] Extract user local libraries by @dawidxc in #525
- [b/353201454] Extract HDFS report by @sten1ee in #524
- Group single-line scripts in a single text file by @dawidxc in #526
- [b/356467392] Remove MIGRATION_METADATA flag by @dawidxc in #530
- [b/361568886] Extract hive properties by @dawidxc in #527
- [b/361572606] Fix the command for extracting spark version by @dawidxc in #528
- [b/353664125] Extract statuses of services by @dawidxc in #529
- [b/353201454] Ignore slow nodes extraction failure by @dawidxc in #535
- [b/362196485] Add db-links, db-link-sources SQLs by @misolt in #539
- [b/362205662] Extend Oracle source-conn-latest sql with additional columns by @kpiotrowski in #537
- [b/360840839] Extract Hadoop native libraries by @dawidxc in #532
- [b/361577312] Extract hardware, storage and HDFS details by @dawidxc in #533
- [b/357517011] Extract filenames from local filesystem by @dawidxc in #531
- [b/352490642] Add cloudera metaconnector by @dawidxc in #538
- Rename hadoop connector to cloudera-metadata by @dawidxc in #542
- Rename hdfs-permissions connector to hdfs by @dawidxc in #543
- [b/352490642] Add HDFS to Cloudera metaconnector by @dawidxc in #544
- [b/352490642] Add child connectors to metadata yaml by @dawidxc in #545
- [b/361371764] Add Java version requirement to README by @dawidxc in #547
- Make HDFS tasks optional by @dawidxc in #548
- Cleanup loggers in HDFS connector by @dawidxc in #549
- [b/364035944] Prevent a NullPointerException where a result's toString has returned null by @misolt in #552
- ParallelTaskGroup fixes by @misolt in #541
Full Changelog: v1.0.59...v1.0.60
What's Changed
- [b/350521386] Add correct Oracle column name for ALL_SEQUENCES.SEQUENCE_OWNER by @ikhavkin-google in #508
- [b/359866106] Add SQLs to discover Oracle exadata and system configuration by @kpiotrowski in #520
- [b/361012673] Extract historical metrics from Oracle cdb_hist_seg_stat view by @kpiotrowski in #522
- [b/342096412] Detect Java version in the main script by @dawidxc in #434
Full Changelog: v1.0.58...v1.0.59
What's Changed
- [b/353960111] Extract additional software versions by @dawidxc in #512
- [b/353527405] Add gradle version lock files by @Hackerpilot in #503
- [b/357128377] Update Java dependencies via ./gradlew versionCatalogApplyUpdates by @ajwelch4 in #504
Full Changelog: v1.0.57...v1.0.58
What's Changed
- Extract metastore connection details by @sten1ee in #499
- [b/352468287] Add non-CDB sql-stats-awr by @misolt in #491
- [b/352468287] Add non-CDB versions of source-conn (latest) and hist-cmd-types-awr by @misolt in #502
- Add a summary success message for each stats SQL group by @misolt in #501
- [b/352468287] Add non-CDB version of db-features SQL by @misolt in #505
- [b/350521386] Improve Oracle sequence metadata collection by @ikhavkin-google in #500
- Move remaining Oracle Task classes to the right package by @misolt in #506
- Remove unused app-schemas-summary by @misolt in #507
- Add non-CDB versions of db-instances, dtl-index-type SQLs by @misolt in #509
- Add non-CDB versions for remaining optional SQLs extracting native data by @misolt in #511
- [b/354721825] Add Apache Ranger connector. by @aleofreddi in #494
- [b/358310586] Fix: 'url' flag does not work with Oracle connectors by @misolt in #513
- [b/355392538] Delete script tmp directory after tests by @dawidxc in #514
- Cleanup of ConnectorArguments by @misolt in #515
- Improve tests of getHost and getHostOrDefault in ConnectorArguments by @misolt in #516
New Contributors
- @ikhavkin-google made their first contribution in #500
- @aleofreddi made their first contribution in #494
Full Changelog: v1.0.56...v1.0.57