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Releases: gplepage/gvar

gvar version 11.11.5

10 May 19:32
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Fixing online documentation.

gvar version 11.11.4

10 May 19:12
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Fixing problem with installation of .pxd files.

gvar version 11.11.3

10 May 14:02
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Introduces somewhat more modern installation code: pyproject.toml, setup.cfg and a simplified

gvar version 11.11.2

03 Mar 21:36
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Fixes inconsistent treatment of data types by gvar.BufferDict.

gvar version 11.11.1

12 Nov 21:46
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Minor bug fixes for gvar.dump/load.

gvar version 11.11

02 Nov 15:43
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gvar.load/dump add support for classes with __slots__. Otherwise, changes are minor bug fixes (e.g., in gvar.var and gvar.BufferDict, and pickling of GVar objects). is modified so that Cython *.c files are regenerated when using Python 3.11 or later, which deals with incompatibilities introduced by 3.11.

gvar version 11.10.1

02 Aug 18:50
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Minor bug fixes.

gvar version 11.10

12 May 19:39
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Adds option to build correlated GVar\s incrementally. gvar(ymean, ycov, x, xycov) returns an array y of GVar\s that are correlated with each other and with previously defined primary GVar\s in array x. The x-y covariance matrix is xycov. This feature and interface were suggested by Giacomo Petrillo.

gvar version 11.9.7

01 May 04:31
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Fixes bug in raniter and makes str(b) and repr(b) more legible for a BufferDict b. Adds a new method all_keys() to BufferDict. The following no longer crash: var([]), sdev([]), evalcorr([]). Thanks to Giacomo Petrillo for pointing out these issues and for providing code for str(b) and all_keys().

gvar verssion 11.9.6

13 Mar 20:41
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Fixes bug in BufferDict.del_distribution that caused it to crash. Also
adds more protection to BufferDict.add_distribution. Adds new
static method BufferDict.has_distribution.