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Releases: gplepage/gvar

gvar version 13.1.5

31 Jan 23:06
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Fixes problem with pxd files introduced by last update.

gvar version 13.1.4

31 Jan 22:08
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Minor release that cleans up the Cython code. Functionality is unaffected.

gvar version 13.1.3

06 Dec 16:51
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Fixes numpy2 incompatibility in gvar.bootstrap_iter.

gvar version 13.1.2

23 Nov 17:51
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Fixes problem with pyproject.toml which prevented proper installation in some cases.

gvar version 13.1.1

06 Jul 21:49
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Updated so it works with numpy 2.0 as well the latest 1.2x versions.

gvar version 13.1

21 May 21:27
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Improvements to gvar.PDFStatistics, including new keywords for PDFStatistics.plot_histogram.

gvar version 13.0.2

08 Mar 15:06
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Minor fix concerning location of .pxd files for Cython.

gvar version 13.0.1

05 Mar 16:18
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Fixes minor bugs in gvar.sample and gvar.raniter.

gvar version 13.0

04 Mar 23:02
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Substantial rewrite of gvar.PDF and gvar.PDFStatistics to support new functionality in vegas.PDFIntegator and lsqfit.vegas_fit. Numerous minor bug fixes as well.

gvar version 12.1

04 Dec 18:04
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Adds batch capability to gvar.sample and gvar.raniter so samples can be created in large batches, which is much more efficient if large numbers of samples are needed. Also adds similar capability to gvar.BufferDict when making clones. These changes are useful for (fast) Monte Carlo simulations: see the section on Sampling GVars in the tutorial.

In addition to several minor bug fixes and optimizations (e.g., reduced import time), this version also updates the random number generator to conform with changes in numpy v1.17.