A Vim plugin for gptme integration, allowing you to interact with gptme directly from your editor.
- Run gptme queries with context from your current buffer
- Automatically includes surrounding lines as context
- Results shown in a new buffer
- Configurable context size and key mappings
The plugin assumes you have gptme installed and available in your PATH.
Add this to your .vimrc
Plug 'ErikBjare/gptme.vim'
Then run:
The plugin provides both a command and a default mapping:
- Prompts for input and runs gptme with context<Leader>g
- Same as:Gptme
When invoked, it will:
- Prompt for your input
- Get lines around cursor as context
- Get file content as context
- Run gptme with the prompt and context interactively in a new buffer
You can configure the following settings in your .vimrc
Set the number of context lines to include before and after cursor (default: 3):
let g:gptme_context_lines = 5
Configure how the terminal window opens (default: auto-detected based on window width):
let g:gptme_terminal_position = 'vertical' " or 'horizontal'
Set the size of the terminal window in columns (vertical) or lines (horizontal):
let g:gptme_terminal_size = 80 " default: 80 columns for vertical, 15 lines for horizontal
Disable default key mappings:
let g:gptme_no_mappings = 1
If you disable the default mappings, you can set your own:
nnoremap <Leader>G :Gptme<CR>
If you're working on improving this plugin, you can use your development version instead of the installed version:
vim -c "set runtimepath+=/path/to/your/gptme.vim"
This adds the development directory to Vim's runtime path for that session only.
If you're using vim-plug, you can temporarily modify your .vimrc
" Comment out the GitHub version
" Plug 'ErikBjare/gptme.vim'
" Add the local version
Plug '~/path/to/your/gptme.vim'
Then run :PlugUpdate
to use the local version.
Same as Vim itself - see :help license