Telegram bot and user bot that utilizes the Whisper model for transcription of voice messages and video notes. It is designed to run with arguments such as token, CPU threads, and model size. The bot uses Pyrogram library for interaction with Telegram, and it employs asyncio and threading for asynchronous and parallel processing.
- Clone the repository: Clone this repository using
git clone
. - Create Virtual Env: Create a Python Virtual Env
to download the required dependencies and libraries. - Download Dependencies: Download the required dependencies into the Virtual Env
git clone
cd whisper_tg_bot
python -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/python -m pip install uv
.venv/bin/python -m uv sync
Run the bot:
TG_TOKEN="your_telegram_bot_token" CPU_THREADS="4" MODEL_SIZE="tiny" uv run
Other working env's:
LOG_LEVEL="INFO" MODE="bot" #bot, user, mixed TG_ID="your_telegram_api_id" TG_HASH="your_telegram_api_hash" TG_TOKEN="your_telegram_bot_token" CPU_THREADS="number" MODEL_SIZE="tiny" #tiny, tiny.en #base, base.en #small, small.en #medium, medium.en #large-v1, large-v2 #large-v3, or large
Pull container:
podman pull
Deploy in container as bot:
mkdir -p $HOME/whisper_cache/ && \ podman run --tmpfs /tmp \ --name whisper_tg_bot \ -v $HOME/whisper_cache/:/root/.cache/huggingface/:z \ -e MODE="bot" \ -e TG_TOKEN="your_telegram_bot_token" \ -e MODEL_SIZE="tiny" \ -e CPU_THREADS="4" \
Deploy in container as user bot:
mkdir -p $HOME/whisper_cache/ && \ mkdir -p $HOME/sessions/ && \ podman run --tmpfs /tmp \ --name whisper_tg_bot \ -v $HOME/whisper_cache/:/root/.cache/huggingface/:z \ -v $HOME/sessions/:/app/sessions/:z \ -e MODE="user" \ -e TG_ID="your_telegram_api_id" \ -e TG_HASH="your_telegram_api_hash" \ -e MODEL_SIZE="tiny" \ -e CPU_THREADS="4" \
use MODE="mixed" to combine modes
- Transcribes
voice messages
andvideo notes
into text using the Whisper model. - Supports multiple Whisper model sizes for transcription.
- Utilizes multithreading for efficient processing of
voice messages
and video notes. - Selection of the bot operating
, as auser
bot or as aregular
bot, as well asmixed