Navigation bar is a common design asset used widely in web site design. But it is - sometimes - not so handy,
- When it just stucked at top : Scrolling up to the bar in long long page makes me crazy.
- When it had
: My phone screen size is not so tall.
Sounds familiar? then just add shy-navbar
into your one.
- Need
. - Download and include shy-navbar.js at the end of your project or wherever you want.
- Call
. - Change threshold and other variables to suit your taste.
- Done.
Facebook mobile app provides a 'quick-accessible' sub-navigation bar contains buttons in their 'news feed' page.
It hides automatically when it scrolled down and appears again if user scrolled up rapidly, even not at top.
( It makes me little bit confused - up-down
or down-up
, whatever, (sigh). )
Distributed under MIT license.