A REST API for retrieving and managing information about movies with core functionality similar to (Open Movie Database API)
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /v1/healthcheck | Show application health and version information |
GET | /v1/movies | Show the details of all movies |
POST | /v1/movies | Create a new movie |
GET | /v1/movies/:id | Show the details of a specific movie |
PATCH | /v1/movies/:id | Update the details of a specific movie |
DELETE | /v1/movies/:id | Delete a specific movie |
POST | /v1/users | Register a new user |
PUT | /v1/users/activated | Activate a specific user |
PUT | /v1/users/password | Update the password for a specific user |
POST | /v1/tokens/authentication | Generate a new authentication token |
POST | /v1/tokens/password-reset | Generate a new password-reset token |
GET | /debug/vars | Display application metrics |
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/hayohtee/greenlight.git
cd greenlight
- Install dependencies:
go get ./...
Ensure PostgreSQL is installed
Create DATABASE greenlight and ROLE greenlight using PostgreSQL (psql)
// First connect as postgres user psql -U postgres -d postgres // Inside psql shell run the following CREATE DATABASE greenlight; CREATE ROLE greenlight WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE greenlight TO greenlight; \c greenlight postgres // You are now connected to database "greenlight" as user "postgres". GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO greenlight;
Set up environment variables: Create enivronment variable for GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN
export GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN='postgres://greenlight:yourpassword@localhost/greenlight?sslmode=disable';
Ensure the environemt variable was setup properply (you might need to close and open the terminal again).
- Run the command
go run ./cmd/api -db-dsn=$GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN
If you want to customize the default configurations, there is commandline flags option. Run the following to show the list of all commamdline options.
go run ./cmd/api -help
For Makefile users
Make sure you create .envrc in the project directory.
inside .envrc
Then run:
make run/api
You can also run the following to see available commands
- github.com/go-mail/mail
- github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter
- github.com/lib/pq
- github.com/tomasen/realip
- golang.org/x/crypto