Game data for 3D Pinball Space Cadet must be placed in SD card/data/SpaceCadetPinball
- Fixed game not working under DS mode
- Now, when running on DS mode, all the bitmaps are downscaled by half while loading, and the game now works. However, playing on DSi mode (TWLMenu++) is recommended to avoid some slight visual/sprite bugs as a consequence of the downscaling, e.g. some lights on the pinball table not lighting up. (This does NOT mean it only works on DSi, you can play it on a regular DS just fine)
- Fixed lag by only redrawing "dirty" regions of the bitmaps. Game runs at full speed most of the time
- Fixed bug where some sound effects were not loading. All of them work correctly now
- Added "rotated" view mode
- When starting the game, you have the option to pick a screen mode. The rotated mode gives you a larger view of the pinball table