Simple pomodoro timer app residing in tray.
There is no need to install the app. Single file executables are provided.
You can grab latest build artifacts from a successful GitHub action run.
The application runs as tray icon and shows current task progress in minutes.
Initial stopped state (if autostart is not enabled):
Focus task runs after tray icon is clicked:
Break runs after tray icon is clicked again:
Another focus task runs after tray icon is clicked again:
After few iterations large break runs:
The tasks, breaks and their meaning can be fully customized in the configuration file.
The behavior may depend on the desktop environment.
- Left mouse button click - Starts next task (the first one if stopped)
- Right mouse button click - Opens menu
- Middle click - Stops and resets progress
The configuration file contains general settings and task definitions.
The default configuration file location:
- Linux and macOS -
- Windows -
See xitomatl.ini for the default configuration.
Qt 6 libraries must be installed on the system.
Clone repository and start the app with:
poetry run python -m ensurepip --upgrade
poetry install
poetry run xitomatl
Install pre-commit for local repository clone:
pre-commit install
Run all checks:
pre-commit run --all-files
poetry run pytest