A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries and software.
- ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1500+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- nvm-sh/nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Simplified and community-driven man pages
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
- pi-hole/pi-hole - A black hole for Internet advertisements
- acmesh-official/acme.sh - A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
- fish-shell/fish-shell - The user-friendly command line shell.
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
- Bash-it/bash-it - A community Bash framework.
- denysdovhan/spaceship-prompt - 🚀⭐ A Zsh prompt for Astronauts
- Nyr/openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS
- zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
- babun/babun - Babun - a Windows shell you will love!
- kaldi-asr/kaldi - This is the official location of the Kaldi project.
- sindresorhus/pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup - Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
- thoughtbot/laptop - A shell script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
- dnschneid/crouton - Chromium OS Universal Chroot Environment
- asdf-vm/asdf - Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more
- CISOfy/lynis - Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish - The Fish Shell Framework
- holman/dotfiles - @holman does dotfiles
- zsh-users/antigen - The plugin manager for zsh.
- holman/spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your shell.
- spotify/docker-gc - INACTIVE: Docker garbage collection of containers and images
- niieani/bash-oo-framework - Bash Infinity is a modern boilerplate / framework / standard library for bash
- dehydrated-io/dehydrated - letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water
- git-ftp/git-ftp - Uses Git to upload only changed files to FTP servers.
- Mayccoll/Gogh - Color Scheme for Gnome Terminal and Pantheon Terminal
- petervanderdoes/gitflow-avh - AVH Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
- jorgebucaran/fisher - A package manager for the fish shell.
- todotxt/todo.txt-cli - ☑️ A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
- arzzen/git-quick-stats - ▁▅▆▃▅ Git quick statistics is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in git repository.
- oldratlee/useful-scripts - 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc.
- zsh-users/zsh-completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
- cknadler/vim-anywhere - Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- KittyKatt/screenFetch - Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots.
- teddysun/across - Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world
- jessfraz/dotfiles - My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)
- kewlbear/FFmpeg-iOS-build-script - Shell scripts to build FFmpeg for iOS and tvOS
- jamesob/desk - A lightweight workspace manager for the shell
- OpenVPN/easy-rsa - easy-rsa - Simple shell based CA utility
- GameServerManagers/LinuxGSM - The command-line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of Linux dedicated game servers.
- paulirish/git-open - Type
git open
to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser. - laurent22/rsync-time-backup - Time Machine style backup with rsync.
- teddysun/lamp - Install LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server + PHP ) for CentOS/Fedora/Debian/Ubuntu
- ekalinin/github-markdown-toc - Easy TOC creation for GitHub README.md
- mathiasbynens/evil.sh - 🙊 Subtle and not-so-subtle shell tweaks that will slowly drive people insane.
- fengyuhetao/shell - Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全案例
- licess/lnmp - Auto compile and install LNMP/LNMPA/LAMP on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon,Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux. Easy install,upgrade and use.
- silinternational/ecs-deploy - Simple shell script for initiating blue-green deployments on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
- tmux-plugins/tmux-yank - Tmux plugin for copying to system clipboard. Works on OSX, Linux and Cygwin.
- huyng/bashmarks - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- hnarayanan/shpotify - A command-line interface to Spotify
- postmodern/ruby-install - Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby or MRuby
- simonwhitaker/gibo - Easy access to gitignore boilerplates
- tony/tmux-config - 📗 Example tmux configuration - screen + vim key-bindings, system stat, cpu load bar.
- b4b4r07/enhancd - 🚀 A next-generation cd command with your interactive filter
- WritingMinds/ffmpeg-android - FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi and lame (Supports Android 4.1+)
- bats-core/bats-core - Bash Automated Testing System
- isaacs/nave - Virtual Environments for Node
- bpkg/bpkg - Lightweight bash package manager
- anudeepND/whitelist - A simple tool to add commonly white listed domains to your Pi-Hole setup.
- dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk - backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
- adtac/climate - The swiss-army knife of utility tools for Linux.
- scop/bash-completion - Programmable completion functions for bash
- chriskempson/base16-shell - Base16 for Shells
- mrworf/plexupdate - Plex Update script to simplify the life of Linux Plex Media Server users.
- xero/dotfiles - custom linux config files - managed via gnu stow
- dylanaraps/pure-sh-bible - 📖 A collection of pure POSIX sh alternatives to external processes.
- kerl/kerl - Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
- mchav/with - Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool.
- megastep/makeself - A self-extracting archiving tool for Unix systems, in 100% shell script.
- Winetricks/winetricks - Winetricks is an easy way to work around problems in Wine
- ZZROTDesign/docker-clean - A script that cleans docker containers, images, volumes, and networks.
- pch/welder - 👨🏭Set up your Linux server with plain shell scripts
- shellfire-dev/shellfire - A repository of namespaced, composable shell (bash, sh and dash) function libraries. Takes aware the pain of shell scripting, making it robust and reusable. Includes secure curl usage, JSON, XML and Debian control file parsers, dependency documentation via attributes, and more. Batteries ARE included.
- visionmedia/deploy - Minimalistic deployment shell script
- trapd00r/LS_COLORS - A collection of LS_COLORS definitions; needs your contribution!
- billw2/rpi-clone - A shell script to clone a booted disk.
- kuoruan/shell-scripts - Linux Shell Scripts
- esc0rtd3w/wifi-hacker - Shell Script For Attacking Wireless Connections Using Built-In Kali Tools. Supports All Securities (WEP, WPS, WPA, WPA2)
- jayrambhia/Install-OpenCV - shell scripts to install different version of OpenCV in different distributions of Linux
- alrra/dotfiles - 💻 macOS / Ubuntu dotfiles
- fsquillace/junest - The lightweight Arch Linux based distro that runs upon any Linux distros without root access
- dsixda/Android-Kitchen - A text-based kitchen for Android ROM customization. Uses shell scripts and works with Cygwin/OS X/Linux.
- elasticdog/transcrypt - transparently encrypt files within a git repository
- kward/shunit2 - shUnit2 is a xUnit based unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts.
- aqzt/kjyw - 快捷运维,代号kjyw,项目基于shell、python,运维脚本工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、php、redis、nagios、运维经常使用的脚本等等...
- andreyvit/create-dmg - A shell script to build fancy DMGs
- denilsonsa/prettyping -
is a wrapper around the standardping
tool, making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read. - rmarquis/pacaur - [unmaintained] An AUR helper that minimizes user interaction
- ivandavidov/minimal - Minimal Linux Live (MLL) is a tiny educational Linux distribution, which is designed to be built from scratch by using a collection of automated shell scripts. Minimal Linux Live offers a core environment with just the Linux kernel, GNU C library, and Busybox userland utilities.
- polybar/polybar-scripts - This is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
- ohmybash/oh-my-bash - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your bash configuration, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- wslutilities/wslu - A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystems
- aurora/rmate - Remote TextMate 2 implemented as shell script
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-python - The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps.
- riobard/bash-powerline - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script. See also https://github.com/riobard/zsh-powerline
- dyne/Tomb - the Crypto Undertaker
- justinmayer/virtualfish - A Fish wrapper for Ian Bicking's virtualenv, based loosely on Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper for Bash.
- driesvints/dotfiles - Get started with your own dotfiles
- StarshipEngineer/OpenVPN-Setup - Shell script to set up Raspberry Pi (TM) as an OpenVPN server
- carloscuesta/materialshell - A material design theme for your terminal. ✨
- clangcn/kcp-server - kcp-server one key install shell,build for https://github.com/kcptunsocks/kcptun/tree/router
- matchai/spacefish - 🚀🐟 The fish shell prompt for astronauts
- liquanzhou/ops_doc - 运维简洁实用手册
- bash-my-aws/bash-my-aws - Bash-my-AWS provides simple but powerful CLI commands for managing AWS resources
- envygeeks/jekyll-docker - ⛴ Docker images, and CI builders for Jekyll.
- geometry-zsh/geometry - geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
- cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq - A shell script which convert gfwlist into dnsmasq rules. Python version: https://github.com/cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq_python
- udhos/update-golang - update-golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion
- summerblue/laravel-ubuntu-init - A shell script for setting up Laravel Production environment on Ubuntu 14.04 & Ubuntu 16 & Ubuntu 18 system.
- goreliu/zshguide - Zsh 开发指南
- philcook/brew-php-switcher - Brew PHP switcher is a simple shell script to switch your apache and CLI quickly between major versions of PHP. If you support multiple products/projects that are built using either brand new or old legacy PHP functionality. For users of Homebrew (or brew for short) currently only.
- wireghoul/htshells - Self contained htaccess shells and attacks
- monlor/Monlor-Tools - 小米路由器Shell工具箱,本人自用,主要参考了小米的Misstar Tools制作,仅学习之用!Telegram群组:https://t.me/joinchat/FMraA0lwzH9fzEW1wXdCFA
- basherpm/basher - A package manager for shell scripts.
- monfresh/laptop - A shell script which turns your Mac into an awesome web development machine.
- glenpike/npm-g_nosudo - A shell script which will fix the problem where you want to stop using sudo for npm -g on Ubuntu.
- stark/Color-Scripts - User contributed color scripts
- rafaelrinaldi/pure - Port of the
ZSH prompt to Fish 🐟 - paxtonhare/demo-magic - A handy shell script that enables you to write repeatable demos in a bash environment.
- neverpanic/google-font-download - Locally host Google's web fonts
- snwh/ubuntu-post-install - A set of post-installation shell scripts for Ubuntu
- webpro/dotfiles - Dotfiles for macOS
- cloudsec/brootkit - Lightweight rootkit implemented by bash shell scripts v0.10
- modernish/modernish - Modernish is a library for writing robust, portable, readable, and powerful programs for POSIX-based shells and utilities.
- Nick233333/phper-linux-gitbook - 💡PHPer 必知必会的 Linux 命令
- unixorn/git-extra-commands - A collection of git utilities and useful extra git scripts I've discovered or written, packaged for ease of use with shell frameworks.
- jcsalterego/historian - Command-line utility for managing shell history in a SQLite database.
- monetking/AutoPacking-iOS - iOS自动打包脚本 多项选择 一行上传指定位置
- bestswifter/macbootstrap - A bootstrap script for new Mac
- mdo/config - Personal checklist for setting up a new Mac's dev environment.
- wireghoul/graudit - grep rough audit - source code auditing tool
- cloudposse/geodesic - 🚀 Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It's the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/
- caarlos0/dotfiles - Config files for ZSH, Java, Ruby, Go, Editors, Terminals and more.
- konstruktoid/hardening - Hardening Ubuntu. Systemd edition.
- jgmdev/ddos-deflate - Fork of DDoS Deflate with fixes, improvements and new features.
- getfatday/keytool-importkeypair - A shell script to import key/certificate pairs into an existing Java keystore
- raylee/tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages
- alestic/lambdash - Lambda shell - Run sh commands inside AWS Lambda environment
- MvsCode/frps-onekey - Frps 一键安装脚本&管理脚本 A tool to auto-compile & install frps on Linux
- centminmod/centminmod - CentOS Shell menu based Nginx LEMP web stack auto installer (GPLv3 licensed)
- mfaerevaag/wd - 🚀 Jump to custom directories in zsh
- hectorm/hblock - Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
- trick77/ipset-blacklist - A bash script to ban large numbers of IP addresses published in blacklists.
- loyess/Shell - Shadowsocks-libev with plugins one-click installation. For example: v2ray-plugin, kcptun, simple-obfs, goquiet, cloak, mos-tls-tunnel...
- cdown/clipmenu - Clipboard management using dmenu
- centos-bz/ezhttp - The bash shell script stack for installation of Nginx OpenResty Tengine lua_nginx_module nginx_concat_module nginx_upload_module ngx_substitutions_filter_module Apache-2.2 Apache-2.4 MySQL-5.1 MySQL-5.5 MySQL-5.6 MySQL-5.7 PHP-5.2 PHP-5.3 PHP-5.4 PHP-5.5 PHP-5.6 ZendOptimizer ZendGuardLoader Xcache Eaccelerator Imagemagick IonCube Memcache Memcached Redis Mongo Xdebug Mssql Memcached PureFtpd PhpMyAdmin Redis Mongodb PhpRedisAdmin MemAdmin RockMongo Jdk7 Jdk8 Tomcat7 Tomcat8
- gozoinks/unifi-pfsense - A script that installs the UniFi Controller software on pfSense and other FreeBSD systems
- mafredri/zsh-async - Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools!
- iljaiwas/objc-run - A shell script that makes it easy to use Objective-C files for shell script-like tasks.
- clangcn/onekey-install-shell - 一大坨一键安装脚本
- EivindArvesen/prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal.
- bmizerany/roundup - eliminate bugs and weeds from shell scripts
- servisys/ispconfig_setup - ISPConfig autoinstaller and setup
- odb/shml - SHell Markup Language | Style Framework for The Terminal
- Screetsec/Vegile - This tool will setting up your backdoor/rootkits when backdoor already setup it will be hidden your spesisifc process,unlimited your session in metasploit and transparent. Even when it killed, it will re-run again. There always be a procces which while run another process,So we can assume that this procces is unstopable like a Ghost in The Shell
- churchers/vm-bhyve - Shell based, minimal dependency bhyve manager
- ericoc/zabbix-slack-alertscript - Zabbix AlertScript for Slack.com chat
- na--/ebook-tools - Shell scripts for organizing and managing ebook collections
- dylanaraps/pfetch - 🐧 A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
- spencerwooo/dotfiles - Dotfiles for all :D
- changs/slimzsh - Small, usable configuration for ZSH
- flplv/ssh-allow-friend - A shell script to temporary allow ssh logins for friends
- zoltan-dulac/css3FontConverter - A shell script that can use other command line tools to produce @font-face compatible fonts in all browsers. Works under Windows (using Cygwin), Mac OS X and Linux
- sapegin/dotfiles - My macOS environment: zsh, Git, Visual Studio Code, etc.
- Checksum/critic.sh - Dead simple testing framework for Bash with coverage reporting
- plyint/encpass.sh - Lightweight solution for using encrypted passwords in shell scripts
- vmavromatis/gnome-layout-manager - A bash script that batch installs and tweaks GNOME extensions as well as GTK/Shell themes. There are currently three options available: Unity, Windows and macOS.
- colbycheeze/dotfiles - Setup and install scripts for a new machine + dotfiles for various apps. Linux, Mac, and Mac (Amazon specific) branches are included.
- oscm/shell - Infrastructure Management Shell - Linux
- anrip/dnspod-shell - 基于DNSPod用户API实现的纯Shell动态域名客户端
- kasparsd/php-7-debian - Install PHP 7 on Debian/Ubuntu
- fteem/git-semantic-commits - Tiny semantic commit messages for Git.
- github-modules/ghwd - Open the github URL that matches your shell's current branch and working directory
- Ventto/mons - POSIX Shell script to quickly manage monitors on X
- natelandau/shell-scripts - Shell scripting utility functions and a bash script boilerplate template
- petrockblog/OwncloudPie - Shell script for installing Owncloud on the Raspberry Pi
- anti-ddos/Anti-DDOS - 🔒 Anti DDOS | Bash Script Project 🔒
- swoodford/aws - A collection of bash shell scripts for automating various tasks with Amazon Web Services using the AWS CLI and jq.
- evanlucas/fish-kubectl-completions - kubectl completions for fish shell
- alphabetum/bash-boilerplate - A collection of Bash scripts for creating safe and useful command line programs.
- rylnd/shpec - Test your shell scripts!
- docopt/docopts - Shell interpreter for docopt, the command-line interface description language.
- marzocchi/zsh-notify - Desktop notifications for long-running commands in zsh.
- ekalinin/envirius - Universal Virtual Environments Manager
- 18F/laptop - A shell script which turns your Mac into an awesome web development machine.
- nystudio107/craft-scripts - Shell scripts to manage database backups, asset backups, file permissions, asset syncing, cache clearing, and database syncing between Craft CMS environments
- RayViljoen/Raspberry-PI-SD-Installer-OS-X - Shell Script for creating Raspberry PI SD card on OS X.
- ellipsis/ellipsis - ◦◦◦ Ellipsis is a package manager for dotfiles.
- ellerbrock/fish-shell-setup-osx - 🐡 Tutorial: Fish, Fisher, Powerline Fonts + iTerm2
- SafeBreach-Labs/pwndsh - Post-exploitation framework (and an interactive shell) developed in Bash shell scripting
- myxuchangbin/dnsmasq_sniproxy_install - One-click Install and Configure Dnsmasq and Sniproxy for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- mstinaff/PMS_Updater - Shell script for updating the Plex Media Server inside the FreeNAS Plex plugin
- llitfkitfk/docker-tutorial-cn - docker 教程
- changyuheng/fz - Cli shell plugin, the missing fuzzy tab completion feature of z jump around command.
- whiteinge/ok.sh - A Bourne shell GitHub API client library focused on interfacing with shell scripts
- Nefelim4ag/systemd-swap - Script for creating hybrid swap space from zram swaps, swap files and swap partitions.
- hamvocke/dotfiles - A collection of my personal dotfiles
- pr1ntf/iohyve - FreeBSD bhyve manager utilizing ZFS
- freekmurze/dotfiles - My personal dotfiles
- codigofuerte/GeoNames-MySQL-DataImport - Shell Script to download and import geonames.org dumps into a mysql database.
- sund/auto-gitlab-backup - A simple script to backup your Gitlab data. This script will copy the backup archives of your gitlab installation via rsync, or scp. Also, you can copy backups to Backblaze’s B2 Cloud Storage service.
- bkuhlmann/mac_os - Shell scripts for automated macOS machine setup.
- andrep/git-svn-clone-externals - Simple shell script to import svn:externals into a local git-svn repository
- dougborg/gdub - A gradlew / gradle wrapper.
- bluezio/ipwebcam-gst - Simple shell script for using IP Webcam as a V4L2 webcam / sound source
- examplecode/unused-image - This is shell script used to check and clean unused image resource , support Android and IOS project
- budlabs/i3ass - A collection of shell scripts to ease the use of i3wm
- chriscool/sharness - Shell library to test your Unix tools like Git does
- slashbeast/better-initramfs - Small and reliable initramfs solution supporting (remote) rescue shell, lvm, dmcrypt luks, software raid, tuxonice, uswsusp and more.
- bntzio/wipe-modules - 🗑️ Easily remove the node_modules folder of non-active projects
- adoyle-h/lobash - A modern, safe, powerful utility library for Bash script development.
- xwp/wp-dev-lib - Common code used during development of WordPress plugins and themes
- karek314/macOS-home-call-drop - Simple shell script to fix macOS privacy issues and remove mostly useless macOS calls to cupertino
- chris-marsh/pureline - A Pure Bash Powerline PS1 Command Prompt
- miohtama/ztanesh - Improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with ztanesh project: the tools will make your shell more powerful and easier to use.
- MinecraftServerControl/mscs - Powerful command-line control for UNIX and Linux powered Minecraft servers
- bkuhlmann/mac_os-config - Shell scripts for customized macOS machine setup and configuration.
- epety/100-shell-script-examples - Collection of shell scripts found on the internet
- szepeviktor/debian-server-tools - Tools and living docs 🧬 for Debian-based servers
- rjbaker/simple-magento-vagrant - A VERY simple Magento environment provisioner for Vagrant
- JElchison/format-udf - Bash script to format a block device (hard drive or Flash drive) in UDF. The output is a drive that can be used for reading/writing across multiple operating system families: Windows, macOS, and Linux. This script should be capable of running in macOS or in Linux.
- x1mdev/ReconPi - ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive scanning with the latest tools.
- TheSecondSun/Revssl - A simple script that automates generation of OpenSSL reverse shells
- sheharyarn/mongo-sync - Sync Remote and Local MongoDB Databases 🔥
- jorgebucaran/fishtape - TAP-based test runner for the fish shell.
- danhper/fundle - A minimalist package manager for fish shell
- minamarkham/yonce - 👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
- erichs/composure - Don't fear the Unix chainsaw
- franciscolourenco/done - A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
- w00fz/xdebug-osx - Simple bash script to toggle xdebug on/off in OSX
- kvz/cronlock - cronlock lets you deploy cronjobs cluster-wide without worrying about overlaps. It uses Redis to keep track of locks.
- jgigault/42FileChecker - 42FileChecker is a tiny bash script developed at 42 school for testing and checking files according to the rules of the subjects
- chrismytton/shoreman - foreman in shell
- geerlingguy/dotfiles - My configuration. Minimalist, but helps save a few thousand keystrokes a day.
- ftrvxmtrx/split2flac - Split flac/ape/wv/wav + cue sheet into separate tracks
- cykerway/complete-alias - automagical shell alias completion;
- FabioAntunes/fish-nvm - nvm wrapper for fish-shell
- haskell/ghcup - !! THIS IS A MIRROR !!
- davidosomething/dotfiles - mac OS, Arch Linux, and Debian/Ubuntu
- DFabric/DPlatform-Shell - Deploy self-hosted apps easily: simple, bloat-free, independent installation
- mattly/bork - the Bash-Operated Reconciling Kludge
- kaelzhang/shell-safe-rm - 😎 Safe-rm: A drop-in and much safer replacement of bash rm with nearly full functionalities and options of the rm command! Safe-rm will act exactly the same as the original rm command.
- petobens/trueline - Fast and extensible bash powerline prompt with true color and fancy icon support
- pretzelhands/jinx - ✨jinx - a magical nginx wrapper
- xuxiaodong/tmuxen - tmux environment made easy.
- chromedp/docker-headless-shell - Minimal container for Chrome's headless shell, useful for automating / driving the web
- KeepWannabe/Remot3d - Remot3d: is a simple tool created for large pentesters as well as just for the pleasure of defacers to control server by backdoors
- jakewmeyer/Geo - 🌎 A Bash utility for easy wan, lan, router, dns, mac address, and geolocation output, with clean stdout for piping
- FICS/atcmd - Android AT command scripts and firmware extraction
- breunigs/bravia-auth-and-remote - Shell snippets to auth and send remote control commands to Sony Bravia TVs
- graysky2/pulseaudio-ctl - Control pulseaudio volume from the shell or mapped to keyboard shortcuts. No need for alsa-utils.
- archlinux/asp - Arch Build Source Management Tool
- codeship/scripts - Scripts for use on Codeship Basic
- Washington-University/HCPpipelines - Processing pipelines for the HCP
- jgamblin/MacOS-Maid - Shell Script I Use To Automatically Clean Up My Mac.
- whihail/AutoArchive - 一个基于Jenkins的iOS/Android自动构建系统,它实现了最大程度的自动化,让你的iOS自动打包,Android自动打包流程变得更加高效。此项目包含了各种实现细节的讲解说明,你能够使用它解决大多数跟客户端构建/分发相关的问题,并将这种能力进行开放,提高研发效率。
- pstadler/ticker.sh - Real-time stock tickers from the command-line.
- matthewmccullough/dotfiles - Shell Config
- dotzero/vagrant-debian-jessie - Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
- gaenserich/hostsblock - an ad- and malware-blocking script for Linux
- oldmanpushcart/shell - 我在unix/linux下积累的常用工具
- njhartwell/pw3nage - If you get pw3ned, might want to fix your shell
- mbucc/shmig - Database migration tool written in BASH.
- jorgebucaran/fish-spark - ▁▂▃▅▂▇ in your fish shell.
- SixArm/sixarm_zsh_config - SixArm.com → Z shell → zsh configuration
- ghaiklor/iterm-fish-fisher-osx - Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisher + Plugins for development purposes
- kdabir/has - ✅checks presence of various command line tools and their versions on the path
- vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts - Collection of small scripts
- tokyoneon/Armor - Armor is a simple Bash script designed to create encrypted macOS payloads capable of evading antivirus scanners.
- konstruktoid/Docker - Docker playground
- sheerun/dotfiles - My lovely dotfiles. Chocolate and unicorns.
- passcod/nvm-fish-wrapper - NVM wrapper for the fish shell - NOT MAINTAINED
- tlevine/urchin - Shell tests
- rocky/zshdb - gdb-like "trepan" debugger for zsh
- ninrod/dotfiles -
Ninrod's sharpened dotfiles for emacs, vim, zsh, tmux and friends.
- meitar/git-archive-all.sh - A bash shell script wrapper for git-archive that archives a git superproject and its submodules, if it has any.
- justinmayer/tacklebox - Framework for organizing and sharing fish shell functions
- atarallo/TECMINT_MONITOR - A Shell Script to Monitor Network, Disk Usage, Uptime, Load Average and RAM Usage in Linux. Originally published on http://www.tecmint.com
- cyphunk/humanism.sh - subjective but sensible defaults for shell use. Ubuntu, OSX, FreeBSD tested.
- matteocorti/check_ssl_cert - check_ssl_cert is a shell script (that can be used as a Nagios plugin) to check the CA and validity of an X.509 certificate
- kyle8998/Sudo-Productivity - Boost your "productivity" to the max! A fun project made for slackers by slackers.
- grrnikos/pma - Simple shell script that installs phpMyAdmin on a Laravel Homestead box.
- Cyclenerd/gallery_shell - 📷 Bash Script to generate static responsive image web galleries.
- jaywcjlove/shell-tutorial - Shell入门教程(Shell tutorial book)
- dunwu/linux-tutorial - 🐧 Linux教程,主要内容:Linux 命令、Linux 系统运维、软件运维、精选常用Shell脚本
- rafritts/bunit - A unit testing framework for Shell scripts - namely Bash.
- simnalamburt/shellder - 🐚 Featured zsh/fish shell theme
- cryptojuice/gobrew - Shell script to download and set GO environmental paths to allow multiple versions.
- jreinke/modgit - Shell script for Git module deployment with include/exclude filters.
- exceedhl/toft - toft is a library currently supporting testing infrastructure code such as chef, shell scripts with cucumber and lxc on linux machine
- denysdovhan/dotfiles - My lovely dots ~/.💖
- rachpt/AutoSeed - 全自动发种姬 [流程图 https://www.processon.com/view/link/5c088855e4b0ca4b40c93a49 ]
- puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE - woof - the Puppy builder
- IsaacSchemm/MultiCD - A shell script package for creating combination disks from Linux ISOs.
- aqingsao/nana - A lightweight Nginx log analyzer written in shell(statistics of traffic/rate/response time/upstream servers/spiders/response codes)
- brandonprry/wicked_cool_shell_scripts_2e - Full shell scripts for the second edition of Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
- denisidoro/navi - An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
- excitedleigh/virtualfish - A Fish wrapper for Ian Bicking's virtualenv, based loosely on Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper for Bash.
- MikeMcQuaid/dotfiles - 💻 My dot files shared between machines.
- kward/shflags - shFlags is a port of the Google gflags library for Unix shell.
- barnybug-archive/docker-fish-completion - ARCHIVED: docker command completion for the fish shell
- jnwatts/pushover.sh - Shell script wrapper around curl for sending messages through PushOver
- Neilpang/acme.sh - A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
- lukas2511/dehydrated - letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water
- bill-auger/git-branch-status - A shell script that prints out pretty git branch sync status reports
- bfontaine/rfc - 📄 Read RFCs from the command-line
- raphaelcohn/bish-bosh - MQTT shell script client, for bash, dash, BusyBox ash and others. Gives you MQTT on anything Unix like, from embedded routers to AIX servers with almost no dependenices.
- codecov/codecov-bash - Global coverage report uploader for Codecov
- KnpLabs/symfony2-autocomplete - [UNMAINTAINED] A very simple script to autocomplete Symfony2 commands in a bash shell.
- GeekCloud-Team/login-shell - SSH登陆显示脚本
- chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Arch - Porting Ubuntu's Unity Shell to Arch Linux
- Heckie75/eQ-3-radiator-thermostat - Full-Featured shell script in order to control the eQ-3 radiator thermostat via linux and Raspberry Pi
- loftuxab/alfresco-ubuntu-install - Alfresco script based install for Ubuntu
- anapsix/zabbix-haproxy - HAProxy Zabbix Discovery and Template
- myplaceonline/posixcube - posixcube.sh is a POSIX compliant, shell script-based server automation framework.
- teracow/googliser - a fast BASH multiple-image downloader
- realtho/PartyLoud - A simple tool to generate fake web browsing and mitigate tracking
- qdaxb/wtool - shell toolkit
- SpiderLabs/jboss-autopwn - A JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access
- joukewitteveen/netctl - Profile based systemd network management
- tmux-plugins/tmux-cpu - Plug and play cpu percentage and icon indicator for Tmux.
- Spearfoot/disk-burnin-and-testing - Shell script for burn-in and testing of new or re-purposed drives
- rupa/j - semi clone of autojump (http://github.com/joelthelion/autojump) in shell/awk
- Sepero/temp-throttle - A shell script for throttling system CPU frequency based on a desired maximum temperature
- jiangxianli/SSHAutoLogin - 一个使用expect免输入密码自动登录ssh的shell脚本,方便好用,适用Mac、Linux
- PeterMosmans/security-scripts - A collection of security related Python and Bash shell scripts. Analyze hosts on generic security vulnerabilities. Wrapper around popular tools like nmap (portscanner), nikto (webscanner) and testssl.sh (SSL/TLS scanner)
- canha/golang-tools-install-script - Simple Bash script to automate Go language tools single user installation or even removal.
- zmalltalker/fish-nuggets - Completions, code snippets helping you to get even more out of the amazing Fish shell
- zhwj184/shell-work - shell常用分析命令和脚本
- brujoand/sbp - Simple Bash Prompt (SBP) is a bash prompt, which strives to be simple. But it isn't. But it looks kind of nice. I think.
- kisslinux/kiss - 🧱 Package manager for KISS
- IzzySoft/Adebar - Android DEvice Backup And Report, using Bash and ADB
- chris-rock/vesper - 🍸Vesper - HTTP Framework for Bash Shell
- systematicat/hack-captive-portals - Hack any Captive portal using MAC-spoofing technique
- shellhub/shellhub - shell script hub
- WazeHell/PE-Linux - Linux Privilege Escalation Tool By WazeHell
- tanersener/ffmpeg-video-slideshow-scripts - Shell scripts to create video slideshows using images and videos
- lumerit/s3-shell-backups - Shell scripts to backup files and databases to Amazon S3
- scponly/scponly - The scponly pseudo-shell provides a file-transfer only shell for *Nix systems with optional support for using a chrooted environment.
- rukshn/pomodoro - A simple pomodoro shell script
- rafaelstz/simplesh - 🐧 Quick installation for Ubuntu terminal.
- LukeSmithxyz/lb - Blog & RSS system in less than 100 lines of shell script
- jorgebucaran/fish-bax - Run bash utilities right from your fish shell.
- busterc/xcv - ✂️ Cut, Copy and Paste files with Bash
- vcheckzen/FamilyCloudSpeederInShell - [ 天翼家庭云/天翼云盘提速 Shell 版 ] A Shell Implementation of FamilyCloudSpeeder, ESurfing
- zxui/shell - 🍁 Centos运维常用工具
- junbaor/shell_script - 一键安装 shadowsocks,支持 chacha20-ietf-poly1305 加密方式
- dwmkerr/effective-shell - Text, samples and website for my 'Effective Shell' series.
- katernet/darkmode - Set macOS dark mode and Alfred dark theme at sunset
- geekcomputers/Shell - Some of the handy shell scripts I have created/acquired
- solidsnack/arx - Bundles code and a job to run for local or remote execution.
- OutsideIT/FireMotD - 🔥 Fire Framework Linux MoTD Generator 🔥
- ivandavidov/minimal-linux-script - One script which generates live Linux ISO image with minimal effort. Based on the first published version of Minimal Linux Live: http://github.com/ivandavidov/minimal
- sentora/sentora-installers - Provides a central place to store, version and distribute the Sentora installer and upgrade scripts from.
- gmarik/gist.sh - Bash shell script for getting/posting code snippets (gists) from/to https://gist.github.com
- NullArray/MIDA-Multitool - Bash script purposed for system enumeration, vulnerability identification and privilege escalation.
- arcticicestudio/nord-gnome-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant GNOME Terminal color theme.
- tadly/hideIt.sh - Automagically hide/show a window by its name when the cursor is within a defined region or you mouse over it.
- derekstavis/plugin-nvm - Node version manager wrapper for Fish shell
- thecasualcoder/kube-fzf - Shell commands using kubectl and fzf for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods.
- Spearfoot/FreeNAS-scripts - Handy shell scripts for use on FreeNAS servers
- silvio/docker-matrix - docker image for matrix.org
- raphaelcohn/swaddle - swaddle creates RPM, Deb and tarball packages using shell script. Everything you need to package is in Source Control in simple directories. No rpminfo cruft, no DEB makefile hell. No Python, Ruby, Perl or other unnecessary stuff required
- pschmitt/pia-tools - Shell script to automate privateinternetaccess port forwarding and starting/stopping transmission when connected/disconnected and other stuff
- jgamblin/quickinstall - A Shell Script To Take Care Of Ubuntu Basics
- sharkdp/trigger - Run a user-defined command on file changes
- LLNL/magpie - Magpie contains a number of scripts for running Big Data software in HPC environments, including Hadoop and Spark. There is support for Lustre, Slurm, Moab, Torque. LSF, and more.
- vinhnx/Ciapre-Xcode-theme - An easy on the eyes Xcode color scheme, ported from Ciapre Sublime Text.
- StanAngeloff/vagrant-shell-scripts - A collection of scripts to ease Vagrant box provisioning using the shell.
- sjl/z-fish - A fork of http://github.com/rupa/z to port it to the Fish shell.
- qfish/xproj - A shell script can batch adding compile flags like
for all the files under the same dir by processing the project file. - A-BenMao/pure-bash-bible-zh_CN - 📖 一个纯bash实现外部命令的脚本集合(中文版)【翻译自pure-bash-bible仓库】
- EugeneDae/Force-Paste - Paste text even when not allowed (password dialogs etc) in macOS
- justinmayer/tackle - Collection of fish shell functions, modules, plugins, and themes
- wulabing/SSR-manyuser_glzjin_shell - sspanel v3 魔改版 后端一键安装配置管理脚本
- SimonBaeumer/bash-tricks - Simple bash tricks which will make your life easier.
- edouard-lopez/progress-bar.sh - Simple & sexy progress bar for
, give it a duration and it will do the rest. - bkuhlmann/dotfiles - Shell scripts for applying default settings to UNIX-based operating systems.
- Cyb0r9/winspy - WinSpy a Windows reverse shell Backdoor creator with an Automatic IP Poisener
- wschlich/bashinator - Bashinator: Bash Shell Script Framework
- trapd00r/zsh-syntax-highlighting-filetypes - zsh syntax highlighting with dircolors in realtime
- shubhampathak/autosetup - Auto setup is a bash script compatible with Debian based distributions to install and setup necessary programs.
- laughedelic/pisces - ♓️Fish shell plugin that helps you to work with paired symbols in the command line
- black7375/BlaCk-Void-Zsh - 🔮 Awesome, Customable Zsh Starter Kit 🌠🌠
- OzzyCzech/dotfiles - OzzyCzech dotfiles for macOS
- chrismdp/p - A simple yet powerful pomodoro tracker in pure Shell
- rgomezcasas/dotfiles - 🐧 Simple, fast, productivity-increaser dotfiles
- alex7kom/nvm-fish - Node Version Manager for fish shell - NO LONGER MAINTAINED, DO NOT USE - Use https://github.com/edc/bass instead to wrap the original nvm.
- h46incon/AliDDNSBash - 阿里云域名解析动态更新(DDNS)的 Shell 脚本
- dysosmus/ansible-completion - Basic bash completion for Ansible
- Comcast/k8sh - A simple, easily extensible shell for navigating your kubernetes clusters
- IcaliaLabs/kaishi - A shell script to convert any Mac OS X or Linux computer into a real development machine
- gmacario/easy-build - Collection of Dockerfiles for building embedded software distributions
- denny0223/scrabble - Simple tool to recover .git folder from remote server
- aurasphere/mongodb-university-classes - Courseware and solutions of problems from MongoDB University's classes that I've attended.
- ramnes/context-color - 🌈 To each context its own shell color
- miohtama/sublime-helper - sublime-helper is a shell script collection to setup Sublime Text configuration files and command line aliases based on predefined templates.
- connermcd/gtd - A simple shell script for effective time management.
- alphapapa/bucket - A bucket for your shell (like a set of registers, or a clipboard manager)
- matthiasbeyer/awesome-cli - Dead. Go to https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell
- s0wr0b1ndef/OSCP-note - list of useful commands, shells and notes related to OSCP
- client9/shlib - portable functions for posix shell environments
- sjhcockrell/gsd - WasteNoTime not working? A shell script to keep you distraction-free while you work.
- rcmdnk/sentaku - Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command.
- spf-tools/spf-tools - Shell scripts for taming the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records in order to fight 10-maximum-DNS-look-ups limit.
- kkkgo/CloudXNS-DDNS-with-BashShell - The CloudXNS DDNS with BashShell
- Fakerr/goto - Navigate long command lines using a minimalistic char-based decision tree.
- breinhart/Lua-In-Xcode - A shell script and xclanspec to add Lua syntax support in Xcode
- vlevit/notify-send.sh - drop-in replacement for notify-send with more features
- shellbound/jwalk - Streaming JSON parser for Unix
- crclark96/ginh - ginh is not a histogram: visually evaluate your shell usage patterns
- benmarten/Monokai_Fish_OSX - Monokai Theme for OS X Terminal & Fish Shell
- Anvil/bash-argsparse - An high level argument parsing library for bash
- rpranshu/EternalView - EternalView is an all in one basic information gathering and vulnerability assessment tool
- pathikrit/mac-setup-script - script to setup my mac
- PhrozenByte/rmtrash - Put files (and directories) in trash using the
command in a way that is, otherwise astrash-put
itself, compatible to GNUsrm
- cornerpirate/socat-shell - Socat can be used to establish a reverse shell with bash tab completion and full shell functionality
- ahmedelgabri/dotfiles - ~ 🍭 ~
- shannonmoeller/up - Quickly navigate to a parent directory via tab-completion.
- kobe1941/shell - 一个根据linkMap文件计算Xcode里各个工程代码占安装包大小的工具
- icy/bocker - Write Dockerfile completely in Bash/Bourne. Extensible and simple.
- fenglh/IPABuildShell - IPABuildShell 一个强大的、轻量的 iOS 自动打包工具,无需手动指定授权文件和证书
- athlite/sqlite3-to-mysql - Make an Sqlite3 export MySQL readable.
- MoOx/setup - My setup... dotfiles, aliases, functions, preferences, apps. Everything.
- hagen1778/grafana-import-export - shell scripts for importing and exporting Grafana's dashboards and datasources
- ggustafsson/Tim - Terminal countdown timer with several modes written in Zsh shell script.
- blacklabelops-legacy/jenkins - Docker Jenkins Swarm-Ready with HTTPS
- rickfarmer/android-vm - Automated provisioning and configuration of an Ubuntu VM containing the Android development environment, including Android ADT Bundle with SDK, Eclipse & the Android NDK using the Vagrant DevOps tool with Chef and shell-scripts.
- josh/senv - Encrypted .env variables
- gavinlyonsrepo/cylon - Updates, maintenance, backups and system checks in a TUI menu driven bash shell script for an Arch based Linux distro
- brigand/fast-nvm-fish - a wrapper around node version manager for fish shell with good performance
- pstadler/metrics.sh - Collect and forward metrics using portable shell scripts
- zpm-zsh/autoenv - Autoenv for zsh
- RenatGilmanov/shell-script-template - Simple (and hopefully useful) shell script template
- luminousmen/Kgif -
Tool for creating gif file from capturing active window.
- jackharrisonsherlock/common - A simple, clean and minimal prompt.
- abemassry/wsend-gpg - Encrypted end to end file transfer
- seebi/rdf.sh - A multi-tool shell script for doing Semantic Web jobs on the command line.
- jlrodriguezf/WhatsPwn - Linux tool used to extract sensitive data, inject backdoor or drop remote shells on android devices.
- qbit/snap - OpenBSD upgrade tool (OpenBSD,Shell)
- connermcd/notes - Shell script for compiling pdf/html notes with pandoc.
- brunelli/gnome-shell-extension-installer - A bash script to search and install extensions from extensions.gnome.org
- 0rax/fish-bd - Quickly go back to a parent directory up in your current working directory tree. Don't write 'cd ../../..' redundantly, use bd instead.
- snwh/fedora-post-install - A set of post-installation shell scripts for Fedora
- adi1090x/termux-style - Simple Program for customizing the termux font and color theme...
- nyarly/simplekey - Compatible shell scripts to make GnuPG more accessible and easier to use.
- louwrentius/PPSS - Parallel Processing Shell Script
- levinit/itnotes - 个人笔记,IT相关。
- cytopia/thunar-custom-actions - Custom actions for Thunar (or Nautilus) File manager
- gliyao/SketchToXcode - Exporting assets(App icon and icons) from sketch to your Xcode Images.xcassets via shell script.
- tlrobinson/martin.sh - A simple web server and Sinatra-like microframework written in shell script. Why? WHY NOT?
- six-ddc/v2ex-shell-client - A v2ex command-line client for shell
- qzb/is.sh - Human readable conditions for bash 👌
- alebcay/pushblast - Get PushBullet notifications when a shell program exits.
- tony/.dot-config - 📚 Example dot configs for tmux, tmuxp, vim, vcspull, i3 and awesome
- primaryobjects/vpndemon - Monitor a VPN connection on Linux and kill a process upon disconnect
- mritd/shell_scripts - 常用的一些 shell 脚本
- hannob/tlshelpers - A collection of shell scripts that help handling X.509 certificate and TLS issues
- ash-shell/ash - 🐚 A Modular Bash Framework
- adi1090x/hackapk - An Advanced Tool For Complete Apk-Modding In Termux ...
- tobiasBora/Scribd-downloader - A little shell script to download a pdf file from a scribd document. This script isn't perfect, but it's enough for me.
- mattstauffer/syncCraft - Simple shell script to sync Craft DB & assets down locally
- vcheckzen/XunleiKuainiaoInShell - [ 迅雷快鸟 Shell 版 ] A Shell Implementation of Kuainiao, Xunlei
- rsp/scripts - Random shell scripts for different tasks
- mm2270/JamfProScripts - A collection of shell scripts created for use in Jamf Pro and elsewhere
- joewalnes/go-getter - Like 'go get' but with pinned package versions. A tiny shell script.
- arcticicestudio/nord-xfce-terminal - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Xfce Terminal color theme.
- rsvp/speedtest-linux - Get download/upload speeds via speedtest.net or fast.com from command line using Bash script -- suitable for logs. POSIX OSX Linux
- excalibur1234/pacui - Bash script providing advanced Pacman and Yay/Pikaur/Aurman/Pakku/Trizen/Pacaur functionality in a simple UI
- dalibo/pitrery - PostgreSQL Point In Time Recovery made easy
- nhoffman/argparse-bash - Use python's argparse module in shell scripts
- goodboy23/shell-script-collection - shell脚本合集,地址:https://www.52wiki.cn/Doc/Read/id/641.html
- devploit/put2win - Script to automate PUT HTTP method exploitation to get shell
- csev/uninstall-python3 - A Simple Shell Script to Uninstall Python 3 versions from Mac OS/X
- 4bitfocus/asc-key-to-qr-code - Shell scripts to convert between ascii armor PGP keys and QR codes for paper backup
- ValeriyKr/sfb - Flappy Bird clone, written in sed
- jalendport/switch-php - Easily switch between PHP versions on your Mac. Requires Homebrew and works with Laravel Valet. 🔀
- gheift/ght-acme.sh - a linux shell script to sign certifactes by the letsencrypt CA
- ddddavidmartin/Pre-commit-hooks - A set of useful (and documented!) git pre-commit hooks.
- zerobyte-id-bak/Bashter - Web Crawler, Scanner, and Analyzer Framework (Shell-Script based)
- Toxic-Cat/Airport-toolkit - 各類方便機場主進行安裝維護的shell腳本
- techwizrd/fishmarks - Bookmark and jump to directories faster than a sailfish! Fishmarks is a clone of bashmarks for the Fish shell.
- kvz/ochtra - One Commit Hook To Rule All
- hertg/egpu-switcher - Setup script for EGPUs in Linux (X-Server)
- esemeniuc/ezpptp - Easy PPTP VPN setup script for Debian based VPS
- arcticicestudio/nord-termite - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Termite color theme.
- zsenliao/shellMonitor - 一个 Linux 下基于 Bash 的文件和数据库监控及备份工具,可发送微信报警通知
- rudiratlos/hotspot - shell script for setup and management of hotspot (hostapd) function on rpi plattform
- zma/usefulscripts - Useful script and configuration files.
- tobykurien/NSA_b_gone - A Linux shell script to improve your privacy online
- liungkejin/Bash-Games - LINUX终端下的贪吃蛇(Snake), 屏保(ClockSaver), 俄罗斯方块(Tetris)游戏(使用Bash shell编写)
- geerlingguy/JJG-Ansible-Windows - [DEPRECATED] Windows shell provisioning script to bootstrap Ansible from within a Vagrant VM.
- dyne/JaroMail - A commandline tool to easily and privately handle your e-mail
- PacktPublishing/Linux-Shell-Scripting-Cookbook-Third-Edition - Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook Third Edition, published by Packt
- meain/dotfiles - If there is a shell, there is a way!
- jnewland/kubernetes-pod-chaos-monkey - Randomly delete pods in a given namespace
- JaderH/GreenBox - 🎲 娱乐项目,使用 Crontab 定时提交 Commits。点亮绿格子;对就是绿
- holman/bandwidth-friends - A shell script for macOS that makes sure you are being nice to your nice coffeeshop internet neighbors. 💖
- blueimp/shell-scripts - A collection of (mostly POSIX compatible) shell scripts.
- amsehili/gspeech-rec - An all-in-one shell script to use Google Speech Recognition API v2
- spencertipping/cd - A better "cd" for bash
- samoshkin/tmux-plugin-sysstat - Prints CPU usage, memory & swap, load average, net I/O metrics in Tmux status bar
- neuronalmotion/qtrpi - An easy-to-use environment to cross-compile Qt applications for Raspberry Pi from your desktop.
- grml/grml-live - build system for creating a Grml (based) live system
- kevinSuttle/dotfiles - My humble list of ~/.dotfiles: an opinionated attempt for a cross-shell setup.
- fnando/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- flaupretre/sysfunc - A sysadmin-oriented shell library
- aspiers/shell-env - Adam's shell environment (bash/zsh) including a bunch of handy home-made utilities
- arzzen/calc.plugin.zsh - zsh calculator - with support for basic math
- thelinuxchoice/keydroid - Android Keylogger + Reverse Shell
- chisui/zsh-nix-shell - zsh plugin that lets you use zsh in nix-shell shell.
- chesty/overlayroot - mounts an overlay file system over root
- toniblyx/alfresco-backup-and-recovery-tool - Alfresco BART is a tool written in shell script on top of Duplicity to do Alfresco backups and restore from a local file system, FTP, SCP or Amazon S3.
- Gisto/nwjs-shell-builder - NW.js (node-webkit) shell script builder and packager scripts
- coderofsalvation/powscript - transpiler written in bash: painless shellscript, indentbased, coffee for the shell with hipster-sparkles v1 BETA LANDED 🎉🎉🎉🎉 thanks fcard!
- sudar/wp-plugin-in-github - Collection of shell scripts that I am using to manage and deploy WordPress Plugins from github into svn
- sakshamsharma/zpyi - The power of python in your Zsh - Unobtrusive and easy python scripting in shell
- rcrowley/json.sh - Pure-shell JSON parser
- nixcraft/domain-check-2 - Domain Expiration Check Shell Script Forked and Maintained by nixCraft
- kdeldycke/dotfiles - 🔧 macOS / Kubuntu / Ubuntu Server dotfiles for Python developers.
- jimeh/zsh-peco-history - Search shell history with peco when pressing ctrl+r.
- fmahnke/shell-semver - Increment semantic versioning strings in Bash shell scripts.
- caarlos0/jvm - Never manually change your JAVA_HOME again
- bittorf/kalua - hardware-independent openWRT-extension (using POSIX-shell as main-language) for setting up, monitor and manage many, large wifi-mesh-networks for different locations including billing, captive portal / splash screen / weblogin, accounting, data retention and layer7/8-QoS
- wffls/waffles - Bash Configuration Management
- KHP-Informatics/ngseasy - Dockerised Next Generation Sequencing Pipeline (QC, Align, Calling, Annotation)
- joelagnel/adeb - A debian-based shell environment designed for Android and adb
- Jintin/aliasme - A shell script to memorize your command in command line.
- inquisb/unix-privesc-check - Shell script that runs on UNIX systems (tested on Solaris 9, HPUX 11, various Linux distributions, FreeBSD 6.2). It detects misconfigurations that could allow local unprivileged user to escalate to other users (e.g. root) or to access local apps (e.g. databases). This is a collaborative rework of version 1.0
- AdnanHodzic/android-sdk-installer - Linux utility which aims to automatically install and configures Android SDK, Eclipse ADT Plugin, adds hardware support for devices and enables full MTP support.
- wilsonmar/git-utilities -
Shell scripts to work with git repos
- rcrowley/mustache.sh - Mustache in POSIX shell
- JeanMertz/chruby-fish - Thin wrapper around chruby to make it work with the Fish shell
- janosgyerik/shellscripts - Convenient shell scripts for everyday use, written in Bash, Perl, awk, Python
- brianpcurran/gandi-automatic-dns - A Bourne shell script to update Gandi.net zonefiles
- roperzh/heroku-buildpack-hugo - Heroku buildpack for Hugo, the static site generator - https://github.com/spf13/hugo
- paul-nelson-baker/git-openssl-shellscript - Shellscript to compile git with OpenSSL
- nicolinuxfr/macOS-post-installation - Script d'installation et de configuration d'un Mac
- luckylz2git/exfat-synology - Perfect shell scripts to auto mount exfat disk partition on Synology DiskStation NAS (x86 platform), and more post-mount functions are coming soon! Use this at your own risks.
- javier-lopez/shundle - shundle is a plugin manager for general purpose shells
- bggo/Zmbkpose - The zmbkpose tool is a shell script that does hot backup and hot restore of ZCS Opensource accounts, GPL(OPENSOURCE). It can run from any host in the net, which means that it can be set on a backup server already existent.
- tripflex/inodes - Bash/Shell script to count inode usage
- rogalmic/vscode-bash-debug - Bash shell debugger extension for VSCode (based on bashdb)
- monitisexchange/Monitis-Linux-Scripts - Shell Script to Extend or Automate Monitis
- GArik/bash-completion - programmable completion for the bash shell
- fagiani/shellstack - ShellStack is a collection of bash scripts to install apps on ubuntu linux
- dylanaraps/promptless - 🚀 A super fast and extremely minimal shell prompt.
- bolknote/shellgames - Some bash games
- santoshbaggam/stacker - Hassle-free server setup for Developers
- emarref/webicon - Generate favicon and touch icons via a shell script
- dagon666/napi - Napi Projekt Client and Subotage subtitle format converter both written in bash
- bookfere/KindleEar-Uploader - 适用于 GAE 云端 Shell 的 KindleEar上传脚本。
- thelinuxchoice/spykey - FUD Win32 Keylogger and Reverse Shell (cmd.exe)
- Statemood/jenkins - Jenkins Shell & Pipeline scripts for FreeStyle & Pipeline jobs
- arcticicestudio/nord-tilix - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Tilix color scheme.
- andresgongora/synth-shell - Boost your terminal, script by script
- xtonousou/ship - A simple, handy network addressing multitool with plenty of features
- mkropat/sh-realpath - A portable, pure shell implementation of realpath
- mhauri/generate-modman - Shell script to generate modman files for Magento Extensions
- AdrianDC/advanced_development_shell_tools - http://adriandc.github.io/advanced_development_shell_tools
- kickstarter/laptop - A shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine
- jichu4n/fish-command-timer - Fish shell extension for printing execution time for each command.
- cvmiller/v6brouter - IPv6 bridge and IPv4 router (NAT) shell script for OpenWRT
- Superbil/build-lame-for-iOS - Build lame for iOS
- neurobin/JLIVECD - Live cd/dvd customization tool
- JoshuaMart/AutoRecon - Simple shell script for automated domain recognition with some tools
- jaromaz/yosild - Your simple Linux distro - Yosild is a single shell script that builds a full, minimal Linux distribution, based on BusyBox.
- illusori/bash-itunes - Shell script to control iTunes from the command-line.
- asb/sh-todo - A minimal todo-list manager written in POSIX shell
- ryanuber/slide.sh - Create simple, text-based slide decks in your shell
- pontikis/bash-cloud-backup - bash-cloud-backup is a set of bash scripts, which can be used to automate local and cloud backup in Linux/Unix machines.
- PeterDaveHello/ColorEchoForShell - Make 🐚 's 📢 to be 🌈 easily ✨ Support ✅ sh, bash, zsh, ksh & 🐟
- outime/ipv6-dhclient-script - IPv6 w/ dhclient configuration script (Debian/RedHat-based distros)
- duydo/evm - A Simple Elasticsearch Version Manager
- wentmac/mysql_backup - mysql数据库定时增量和全量备份的shell
- sirjaren/redoflacs - Parallel BASH commandline FLAC compressor, verifier, organizer, analyzer, and retagger
- nodesocket/cryptr - A simple shell utility for encrypting and decrypting files using OpenSSL.
- jamielinux/bashmount - Tool to mount and unmount removable media from the command-line
- gawlk/art - 🎨 A smart theme generator
- filebot/plugins - Plugins and shell scripts for integrating 3rd party tools with FileBot
- emerleite/mongo-migrate - MongoDB Migration using shell
- doubaokun/dockers - Docker hello world templates
- clburlison/scripts - 💡 A collection of random scripts.
- Autorevision/autorevision - A script for extracting version information useful in release/build scripting.
- zeit/install-node - Simple one-liner shell script that installs official Node.js binaries
- XIU2/SHELL - 一些乱七八糟的脚本 🙄
- williamsmj/stowsh - A shell script to install and uninstall dotfiles using symlinks. stow written in bash, in other words.
- vijithassar/lit - a little preprocessor for literate programming
- Utappia/uCareSystem - An all-in-one, one click system maintenace application for Ubuntu/Debian operating systems and derivatives
- robb/.dotfiles - These are my .dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.
- pronoiac/tarsnap-cron - Cron scripts (bash/shell) for tarsnap backup, including scheduled deletion of old backups.
- owent-utils/bash-shell - OWenT's Utils -- Bash&Shell branch
- liunian1004/shell - bash shell script.
- jonhoo/streamsh - Download online video streams using shell
- Fleshgrinder/nginx-sysvinit-script - Linux Standard Base compliant SysVinit script for nginx.
- developer-learning/learning-kubernetes - Learning Kubernetes ServiceMesh Istio
- dawsbot/swim - 🏊♀️ Switch between multiple vimrc files
- bltavares/kickstart - Agentless configuration manager in Bash
- alexanderepstein/Sandman-Lite - A Lightweight Script Built With Late Night Developers In Mind
- vincetse/shellutils - A collection of command line utilities
- ShellShoccar-jpn/kotoriotoko - KOTORIOTOKO (little bird man) -- Extremely Compatible and Sustainable Twitter Application Written in Shell Script
- rugk/borg-cron-helper - Helper shell scripts for BorgBackup to automate backups and make your life easier… 😉
- mengfeng/clean-my-mac - Shell Scripts to clean my mac
- kewlbear/fdk-aac-build-script-for-iOS - Shell script to build fdk-aac for use in iOS apps.
- IntergalacticPenguin/mobile-toolkit - Shell scripts for Android and iOS device management
- icyphox/repl - 🐚 an instant REPL for any command
- HackeSta/polybar-kdeconnect - KDEConnect module for Polybar
- danishprakash/goodreadsh - Command line interface for Goodreads
- BeginMan/myshell - 写的常用Shell小工具,运维小脚本等
- arzzen/pert - A simple command line (bash/shell) utility to estimate tasks using PERT
- Ardakilic/backmeup - BackMeUp: An automated MySQL / MariaDB databases and files backup solution on *nix Machines using Amazon S3, WebDAV (ownCloud / NextCloud etc.), Google Drive and Dropbox.
- abs0/wargames - Shell script to simulate the W.O.P.R. computer from WarGames (wopr)
- zpm-zsh/zpm - ZPM - Zsh Plugin Manager
- WuOtto/MacImagesetGenerator - 2个脚本文件,帮助你在Mac上,生成Xcode可使用的APP图标和启动图。
- brandonweiss/pure.fish - A Pure-inspired prompt for fish shell.
- betweenbrain/linux-stuff - A collection of Linux tricks, tips, shell scripts, and general knowledge collected from around the web and from my own personal turmoil of breaking stuff and having to fix it.
- testrain/imagecrawler - An image crawler implemented in shell script
- ssh0/dot - Simplest dotfiles manager written in shellscript 🐚
- sbimochan/smart-commit - Commit with current branch name.
- PaulKinlan/chromium-android-installer - Install Chromium Test Shell on Android
- haxpor/aseprite-macos-buildsh - Automated script to create latest release app (either beta, or release whichever is newer) of Aseprite for macOS
- Dieterbe/libui-sh - a shell library providing useful UI functions
- daenney/pyenv - Pyenv support plugin for fish-shell
- wuseman/WBRUTER - Crack your non-rooted android device pin code with 100% guarantee aslong as usb debugging has been enable. Wbruter also has support for parallel ssh brute forcing via pssh
- techtutorials/shell-scripting-tutorial - A complete begineers guide to learn shell scripting from scratch which includes Videos, Practice scenarios and project idea.
- lonecloud/ssh-tools - 😭没找到好用的shell工具✌️自己实现类似Xshell的部分功能
- el1t/statusline - Responsive powerline-esque zsh theme
- Bilalh/shellmarks - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- ankitvad/goto - Linux Shell 'cd' replacement tool. cd on steroids, with fuzzy file finder and a directory bookmark saver.
- abemassry/wsend - wsend: The opposite of wget
- zhenruyan/codefont - 60余种常用的等宽字体 愉快的code吧 欢迎issues我 收录更多字体 Happy code bar with more than 60 common fonts of equal width. Welcome issues. I include more fonts.
- YunoHost/install_script - YunoHost installation scripts
- yonchu/shell-color-pallet - Show color pallet for zsh/bash on 16 and 256 color terminal
- treffynnon/Benchmark-PHP-HHVM-Zephir - Benchmark PHP, HHVM and Zephir
- pmalves/ctools-installer - Shell script that installs the CTools
- milianw/shell-helpers - a bunch of little programs I wrote to make my life on the command line easier and less type-intensitive
- jamf/icns-Creator - A shell script to create full .icns files
- fishpkg/fish-git-util - Convenient git utility functions for the fish shell
- endofzero/Minecraft-Sheller - Shell script designed to allow for automation of Minecraft Server Administration.
- emirozer/nixarmor - nixarmor is a linux hardening automation project
- asciimoo/ali - Smart shell alias replacement
- starrhorne/Fish-Shell-Scripts - My personal fish shell scripts
- shellscriptx/shellbot - API em Shell Script para desenvolvimento de Bots na plataforma Telegram.
- ronalde/mpd-configure - Bash scripts to assist users of mpd to configure it as an audiophile bit perfect music player.
- lasandell/RaspberryPi - Example shell scripts for interfacing electronics with the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi
- jqr/dotfiles - Super bad-ass dotfiles for any Ruby/Rails/Git/OSX user.
- jmcerrejon/PiKISS - PiKISS for Raspberry Pi & ODROID-C1: A bunch of scripts with menu to make your life easier.
- hassio-addons/addon-ide - IDE - Secure Shell - Community Hass.io Add-on for Home Assistant
- faif/shell-utils - Useful functions for POSIX shells (bash, ksh, tcsh, etc.).
- fabiomaia/fix-spotify-icon - 🎵 Shell script to fix the Spotify icon in Ubuntu.
- damphat/kv-bash - key/value database written in bash script (permanent variables in shell)
- SkypLabs/bsfl - Bash Shell Function Library
- skissane/mkjail - Shell script to create a chroot jail on Mac OS X
- mcsrainbow/shell-scripts - My Shell Scripts
- MarioCatuogno/Clean-macOS - 💻 A simple script to setup a clean environment on macOS
- jgamblin/MacOS-Config - Simple Shell Scripts I Use To Tweak MacOS To My Liking.
- importpw/import -
is a simple and fast module system for Bash and other Unix shells - holman/eponine - A very simple web server interface to shell scripts. Designed for Slack integrations on a Raspberry Pi.
- Aloxaf/fzf-tab - Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf!
- thelinuxchoice/tweetshell - Multi-thread Twitter BruteForcer in Shell Script
- mogensen/keychain - Bash script to access the osx keychain, for use in shell scripts.
- dokku/plugn - Hook system that lets users extend your application with plugins
- betweenbrain/ubuntu-web-server-build-script - A hand-rolled shell script to help you get up and running quickly with an Ubuntu web server. Specifically geared for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32-bit. Please note: This is not intended to be a complete and comprehensive solution, but a starting point for your custom server.
- ramsayleung/dotfiles - A shell script to install awesome command for *nix platform and set them up
- Ljohn001/ljohn_ops - Linux运维工作中常用的shell脚本
- Diolinux/Linux-Mint-19.x-PosInstall - Shell Script de pós instalação do Linux Mint 19.x para utilização pessoal.
- Baiyuetribe/baiyue_onekey - 佰阅部落一键脚本合集工具箱,集合25+优质开源项目,一步到位,全程中文交互提示,不懂代码也可以轻松搭建很多程序
- alicfeng/AShell - 开发者常用脚本shell
- ryanpcmcquen/linuxTweaks - 🐧 A whole host of Linux tricks I have picked up over the years, in plain text. Some of them are even useful.
- qbit/dotfiles - Dotfile framework for make greater good of dotfiles (Shell)
- mempodippy/snodew - PHP root (suid) reverse shell
- lestrrat/kubesh - Spawn a shell for a particular kubectl context (cluster).
- l0b0/tilde - Linux home directory configuration and utilities
- bAndie91/cloudflare-cli - CLI utility managing CloudFlare services using CloudFlare API
- nwoolls/xgminer-osx - Shell scripts for creating redistributable packages of CGMiner and BFGMiner for Mac OS X
- linickx/rsdns - rackspace DNS tools
- decors/fish-ghq - ghq completion and keybinding for fish shell
- bianjp/archlinux-installer - Shell scripts that help install and setup Arch Linux
- aripollak/rbenv-bundler-ruby-version - rbenv plugin to pick a ruby version from bundler's Gemfile
- 1egoman/biome - 🎄 A script to manage an isolated shell environment for a project.
- whats-this/owo.sh - Read-only mirror of https://owo.codes/whats-this/owo.sh
- vincentbernat/zshrc - My .zshrc
- runeasymail/easymail - Easy way to install a mail server.
- marcan/certbot-external - Certbot plugin that uses an external shell script for domain validation
- jm/shin - A simple package manager for dotfiles and other shell scripts
- b1izzard-34/Dynamic-gnome-wallpapers - Day night wallpapers for gnome-shell
- arcticicestudio/nord-terminator - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Terminator color theme.
- 12moons/ec2-tags-env - ☁️ Import AWS EC2 tags as environment variables
- SixArm/sixarm_mac_setup - SixArm.com » Mac » Setup notes for new Mac computer and macOS
- sevensins/Wallbase-Downloader - Shell script to leech wallpapers from wallbase.cc
- kward/log4sh - log4sh is an advanced logging framework for Unix shell scripts.
- Integralist/Shell-Scripts - Collection of custom utility shell scripts
- daily-scripts/shell-scripts - 🏹 my-scripts
- augustohp/ship - Aids you creating a
by transforming its (interactive shell) history intoRUN
instructions - adafruit/Adafruit-Pi-ExternalRoot-Helper - A shell script to configure a USB drive as root filesystem.
- solodynamo/go-init - The only Golang script you will ever need to get started .... 🏃
- ryanoasis/devicons-shell - 🔣 adds font icons (glyphs ★♨☢) to filetypes via bash (faux ls with icons)
- rosshamilton1/cissec - Kickstart profiles for CentOS 7 to help meet CIS benchmarks + shell script to audit
- mxdpeep/linux-bash-scripts - A batch of useful Linux shell scripts.
- mhausenblas/kn - A collection of shell functions for Kubernetes native dabbling
- digitoimistodude/dudestack - A toolkit for creating a new professional WordPress project with deployments. Heavily based on roots/bedrock.
- ashqal/PNGCompressForMac - Simple shell script to compress png file. It will compress all png file include in given directory.
- wklken/bash-utils - utils for shell
- SixArm/gpg-encrypt - Use GPG to encrypt a file using our best settings
- samoshkin/docker-letsencrypt-certgen - Docker image to generate, renew, revoke RSA and/or ECDSA SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt CA using certbot and acme.sh clients in automated fashion
- rafi/.config - Rafi's workstations (Archlinux, osx) ~/.config.
- narbehaj/bash-backup - Simple backup script for GNU/Linux servers
- excid3/dotfiles - My personal dotfiles for macOS: zsh, MacVim, iterm, and more.
- duy13/VDVESTA - Welcome to VDVESTA, a shell script auto Custom & Install VESTACP for your CentOS Server Release 7 x86_64. Thanks you for using!
- dparoli/hrsync - rsync backup with a bit of magic, decting moved and renamed files
- dotzero/iTerm-2-Peppermint - iTerm 2 Peppermint color theme
- bdossantos/nagios-plugins - 🌡️ Various Sensu, Nagios, you name it, monitoring plugins.
- xr09/cron-last-sunday - Run a cron task the first, nth or last weekday of the month
- Tsuk1ko/nhentai-one-key-downloader - 一个可以一键下载nhentai本子的纯shell脚本。A pure shell script that can easily download comics from nhentai.
- tests-always-included/tomdoc.sh - Parse TomDoc'd shell scripts and generate pretty documentation from it
- sixdimensionalarray/esxidown - A shell script to shutdown VMware ESXi host servers
- mzeis/MageSpawner - Shell script for quickly creating Magento test installations.
- MysterionRise/mavenized-jcuda - Mavenized JCuda
- madcoda/dotenv-shell - Use Dotenv in everything
- kud/my - dev environnement.
- hashbang/shell-server - #! shell server base images, ready to boot and allow user logins.
- crazyadmins/useful-scripts - Useful shell scripts for Hadoop/Linux system administrator
- Charliedean/NetcatUP - Upgrade your netcat shell today!
- bilyboy785/seedbox-compose - A complete script to deploy Seedbox with Docker fully automated !
- 0rax/fishline - A powerline prompt framework for the fish-shell built in fish-shell.
- solarkennedy/sensu-shell-helper - A shell script wrap your programs around to make them send their output to Sensu!
- RicterZ/shell-blog - My blog
- reale/bashlets - An experiment in extending the command-line interface.
- quafzi/magento-anonymizer - shell script to anonymize Magento database
- JREAM/config-ubuntu - Quickly Setup Ubuntu Desktop or Server with all-in-one Bash Scripts.
- Josef-Friedrich/Hue-shell - A collection of UNIX shell scripts to control the Hue LED lamps from Philips.
- danfuzz/blur - Blur shell-based build system
- clhenrick/shell_scripts - Bash shell scripts for batch GeoProcessing using GDAL & OGR2OGR
- CHEF-KOCH/Remove-Gapps - Remove Open Gapps project
- bosim/FedoraPrime - This package provide similar functionality to nvidia-prime for Ubuntu, just for fedora, provide a shell script that will change to NVIDIA GPU and vice versa for Intel GPU
- alphabetum/hosts - A command line tool for managing hosts file entries.
- aliz-ai/google-cloud-sdk-fish-completion - Google Cloud Platform SDK command line utilities shell completion for fish
- xilin/ios-build-script - Shell scripts to build ipa
- wd5gnr/mhs5200a - Shell script and awk program (and spreadsheet) to allow custom wave settings for MHS-5200A signal generator
- SixArm/sixarm_unix_shell_scripts - SixArm.com » Unix » shell scripts for command line programs in sh, bash, etc.
- qindeli/WorksapceShell - 项目基于Workspace的打包签名脚本
- laughedelic/fish_logo - 🐠Fish shell colorful ASCII-art logo
- halinuya/imagesetGenerator - a shell script for generator ImageSet which input need big picture.
- gerep/git-open - Open your github project page from your terminal
- elithrar/dotfiles - dotfiles for my Linux (and/or) WSL dev. environments
- eduosi/shell - linux 常用脚本
- controlz/Mongo-db-shell-backup - Shell Script for backing up all Mongo Databases on a server. Flexible backup paths and filename.
- brgmnn/fish-docker-compose - Fish shell completions for docker-compose
- arjun024/systemd-example-startup - example file to tell systemd to start a shell script at boot
- woefe/git-prompt.zsh - A fast, customizable, pure-shell, asynchronous Git prompt for Zsh
- tomsquest/dotfiles - 📁 Config files for zsh, vim and many more. Heavily commented
- thinkerbot/ts - A shell test script
- thelinuxchoice/phurious - Phishing any website to delivery Windows Reverse Shell payload through DATA URI
- shibli2700/Rekon - The project contains multiple shell scripts for automating the tasks which most of the hackers struggle during their recon phase.
- ronjouch/marathon - minimal run-or-focus launcher for Linux/X
- martinburger/bash-common-helpers - Helper functions commonly used when writing shell (for instance, Bash) scripts.
- logoscreative/new-wp-mamp-shell - Roll a new WordPress installation for MAMP with this quick shell script (allows custom inputs for directory, database name, and WP version)
- jirutka/esh - Simple templating engine based on shell.
- jamiewilson/predawn-shell - Predawn themes for iTerm, Terminal, and a ZSH prompt
- Doriedson/mario-shellscript - Game do Mario Bros em Shell Script
- amail/deploy.sh - Deploy.sh is a universal deployment script that makes it easy for you to deploy your code, files, configurations etc. to multiple servers via ssh. Perfect for the cloud. Written as a shell script (standard bourne shell) and runs on every unix server. No need for remote install. Just run the deploy.sh script on the local machine.
- ajxchapman/sshreverseshell - Full TTY reverse shell over SSH
- agross/dotfiles - My dotfiles.
- opencultureconsulting/openrefine-batch - Shell script to run OpenRefine in batch mode (import, transform, export). It orchestrates OpenRefine (server) and a python client that communicates with the OpenRefine API.
- miguelgfierro/scripts - A collection of useful shell scripts for Linux, Windows & Mac
- ideamonk/Rambola - Set of shell scripts to manage persistent ramdisks on os x
- duksis/Lock - 🔒 MacOS Application that does only one thing -> Locks your Mac
- chadoe/luks-triple-unlock - Set of shell scripts to allow unlocking of full disk encrypted Ubuntu and Debian installs through console, USB-key or SSH.
- burrsutter/scripts-istio - My bash shell scripts for easy demo'ing of bit.ly/istio-tutorial
- artofrawr/powerline-fonts - Nerd fonts that I use for my shell & editor.
- adityashrm21/RaspberryPi-Packet-Sniffer - An HTTP and HTTPS sniffing tool created using a Raspberry Pi
- tsaikd/docker-builder - Build docker image system with shell scripts
- theonemule/no-ip - A shell script that works as Dynamic Update Client (DUC) for noip.com
- terrancesnyder/tomcat - Tomcat Best Practices Shell
- rutchkiwi/copyzshell - A plugin for oh-my-zsh to copy your shell configuration to another machine over ssh.
- hphde/yeelight-shell-scripts - Control Xiaomi Mi Yeelight (RGB) with bash scripts
- grml/grml-debootstrap - wrapper around debootstrap
- dxd132630/Shell - Shell scripts/programs for use in Liunx Systems. (CentOS/Redhat variants)
- andrewharvey/srtm-stylesheets - Shell scripts for working with NASA SRTM DEM data; gdaldem stylesheets for shaded relief maps; Mapnik stylesheets for contours; TileStache configuration for sandwich
- alswl/.oOo. - dot files configuration (macOS & Linux), surfingkeys / tmux / screen / ideavimrc / phoenix / etc.
- ahackett/Oracle-DBA-Scripts - This is a collection of useful Oracle SQL and shell scripts that I frequently use
- 7ippo/logForShell - 🐚a fine log method for Shell scripts
- travisg/toolchains - Shell script to build gcc for various architectures
- SySS-Research/clone-cert - Simple shell script to "clone" X.509 certificates
- shixueqian/AutoPackageScript - 一个简单的ipa打包脚本,用shell脚本编写。可以方便地对iOS工程进行打包。
- moeenz/vscode-updater - A simple script to automate downloading, installing and restarting Visual Studio Code.
- mezga0153/offscreen-window-restore - A simple shell script that moves off screen windows back
- metomi/rose - 🌹 Rose is a toolkit for writing, editing and running application configurations.
- greymd/egzact - Generate flexible patterns on the shell
- gchaincl/dotenv.sh - Loads environment variables from
in your shell - davidramiro/gpay-gms-patch - 💳 Shell script to make Google Pay work on rooted Android devices
- cowgill/spamhaus - A shell script that grabs the latest Spamhaus DROP List and adds it to iptables.
- aws-samples/copy-encrypted-ami - Shell script that automates the copy of encrypted AMI across accounts and regions.
- alphabetum/notes - A git-backed, syncable, searchable command line note-taking tool in a single portable script.
- waja/maldetect - Debian packaging of Linux Malware Detect (https://github.com/rfxn/linux-malware-detect)
- sspreitzer/docker-shellinabox - shellinabox for docker
- ss18/grep-typos - Quickly check your project for typos
- ruipfcosta/carthage-workarounds - Shell scripts to make life a little easier when using Carthage.
- ricardobeat/git-commands - Custom power-user git commands.
- ptrofimov/github-backup-sh - Simple shell script to backup all GitHub repos for specified user
- MadhavBahlMD/shebang-everything - Your unofficial guidebook to shell scripting, give this repo a ⭐ if it helped you :)
- g763007297/GQResign - ipa重签名(resign),只需一个证书的p12和一个mobileprovision文件就可以实现ipa的重签名
- FSMaxB/lfs-me - Linux From Scratch made ( more ) easy. A simple, fakeroot based, package manager for LFS heavily inspired by Archlinux' package management.
- eyedol/tools - Little codes here and there to automate some of my boring daily routines and configurations
- E-F-A/v3 - E.F.A version 3.x.x.x
- apfeltee/a2mp3 - convert (nearly) every type of (audio)file to mp3 in a quick, easy, batch-enabled way!
- twe4ked/dotfiles - 🏠 General configuration and Vim files managed with fresh
- superkojiman/rfishell - Provide a shell-like interface for exploiting Remote File Inclusion vulnerabilities.
- shinriyo/breeze - git tool for fish-shell
- mjsolidarios/unity-flatify-icons - Shell script to flatten Ubuntu Unity's launcher icons.
- mattiabasone/tuning-primer - MySQL performance tuning primer script (with MariaDB patch)
- lasyman/lasyman_setup_ss - use the shell script to setup shadowsocks on Ubuntu
- kenorb/dotfiles - Various configuration files.
- joarleymoraes/aws_lambda_deploy - Automated AWS Lambda Deployment (Python)
- darrentu/convert-db-to-csv - convert-db-to-csv.sh is a shell script that uses SQLite3 to convert a .db file into .csv files. It converts each of the tables in the database into csv files.
- connorworley/dotfiles - Dotfiles and shell scripts
- caarlos0-graveyard/shell-ci-build - A submodule to lint your shell projects with shellcheck in travis.ci builds
- Anachron/wp-themes - A repository of shell-scripts which help to create a full desktop theme based on a single image.
- ajmalsiddiqui/dotfiles - My Book of Arcane Magic. :')
- xHak9x/Hak9Tools - All Hak9 Tools
- webdna/serverpilot-scripts - A collection of scripts for setting up various items / running tasks on serverpilot provisioned servers
- tj/cipherhub.sh - substack's cipherhub as a shell script
- thelinuxchoice/badlnk - Reverse Shell in Shortcut File (.lnk)
- qindeli/NoWorkspaceShell - 无WorkSpace的脚本
- progrium/systembits - Simplest profiler ever. Like ohai but just shell scripts.
- meetbill/shell_menu - 🛠 统一管理脚本框架(本框架中已含一些运维安全工具脚本)【CentOS】
- lavoiesl/bash-templater - Very simple templating system that replace {{VAR}} by $VAR environment value, supports defines
- juliantellez/up - 🆙Configure your machine with one command 🆙
- jsks/czhttpd - zsh http server
- fengfu/jtoolkit - JToolkit是一个Java问题排查的工具集,通过集成各种Linux命令、Shell脚本、Java命令,以及各种第三方好用的工具(如VjTools、Async-profiler),通过菜单界面和方便快捷的操作来帮助我们快速定位问题
- defagos/sign-ipa - sign-ipa is a shell script with which you can sign an existing ipa using another provisioning profile, without having to build the application again. The Info.plist can be edited at the same time if needed.
- cybernova/DNSaxfr - Shell script for testing DNS zone transfer (AXFR query) on domains
- clvv/undo - Undo shell commands.
- christianbaun/ossperf - A lightweight tool for analyzing the performance and data integrity of object-based storage services
- a-sync/slackr - Simple shell command to send or pipe content to slack via webhooks. (To upload snippets or files use: www.github.com/a-sync/slackfu)
- AndreBL/ip6neigh - Giving local DNS names to IPv6 SLAAC addresses [OpenWrt/LEDE shell script]
- aluxian/fish-kube-prompt - ⎈ kubectl context/namespace in your fish shell prompt
- vincepii/ubuntu-powerline-bash - A script to quickly setup powerline shell for bash in ubuntu
- Tarrasch/zsh-colors - Imagine a shell where
just works - sundowndev/covermyass - Shell tool to cover your tracks on UNIX systems. Designed for pen testing "covering tracks" phase, before exiting the infected server. Or, permanently disable system logs for post-exploitation.
- pixelhandler/vagrant-dev-env - vagrant development environment provisioned with shell scripts on precise64 box
- gitusrs/openssl-ios-build-shell-script - Build openssl with shell script-only support to use on iOS, and bitcode is supported.
- gianu/latest_tweets - Fetch the latest tweets from your shell
- FanhuaCloud/Shell-BBR - Centos7 BBR一键安装脚本
- emasaka/sh.inatra - CGI shell script framework looks like sinatra.
- Drapegnik/env - 🔧 Repo for storing my environment settings, dotfiles and etc.
- DevoOverkill9/shell_lover - A reverse shell cheat-sheet tool
- dbhagen/shell-aws-autoprofile - AWS Auto Profile Selection Add-on for ZSH and BASH
- cytopia/aws-export-assume-profile - Export AWS boto profiles to your shell environment
- chr4/shellrc - Shell dotfiles, conf.d stype, for multiple shells (bash, zsh)
- BaReinhard/iOS-Audio-to-ChromeCast - Audio Streaming from iOS devices to Google Chromecast/Home Audio Devices.
- Ali-IoT-Lab/moja-shell - linux指定用户安装nodejs pm2,pm2日志定时打包 清理 切换moja用户
- vlevit/transmission-batch-move - Simple shell script to rename all Transmission destination paths at once (by editing resume files)
- uriagassi/sash - Secure AWS Shell
- thecasualcoder/lazy-connect - Shell function to fuzzy search an IPSec VPN by name and connect to it automatically.
- sodiumjoe/dotfiles - dotfiles
- nicandris/CM-from-scratch - [DEV] Building CM from scratch (the easy way)! - *nix Shell Script
- marmelo/streaming-pt - Live TV 📺 and Radio 📻 shell scripts from Portugal 🇵🇹.
- kerolloz/go-installer - 📜 A simple shell script to install the Go 💙 programming language!
- davesque/s - a simple shell script manager
- zeroQiaoba/ivector-xvector - Extract xvector and ivector under kaldi
- zeekay/zeesh - 🐚 Putting the zee in your shell. A plugin-based framework for Zsh.
- Xerbo/furaffinity-dl - FurAffinity Downloader
- swisskyrepo/Chocolatine - When you forget to lock your computer .. you will have to pay some "French Croissants"
- ruyadorno/installme-osx - My personal script to setup a new OSX
- pierlauro/playlist2links - This bash script allows to extract video links from a youtube playlist
- nicoulaj/broom - A disk cleaning utility for developers.
- mauserrifle/vagrant-debian-shell - Vagrant shell configuration files for debian squeeze
- Jenking-Zhang/shell_for_ss_ssr_ssrr_kcptun_bbr - A shell for Shadowsocks-libev/ShadowsocksR/ShadowsocksRR/KCPTUN/BBS-OPENVZ install
- JayBrown/minisign-misc - macOS workflows and shell scripts to verify and sign files with minisign
- ithinkihaveacat/dotfiles - Shell-related config files and scripts
- haikieu/shell-progressbar - Make a progress bar GUI on terminal platform (Shell script)
- fishgretel/fasd - Plugin for fish-shell to integrate fasd
- easonjim/centos-shell - CentOS常用Shell
- charlyie/resmushit-cli - CLI client for reSmush.it : the Free Image Optimization API. Image optimizer shell script.
- arunoda/fastai-shell - A workflow to setup and use fastai on Google Cloud Platfrom
- waldyr/sublime-installer - A Sublime Text Editor Installer made in shell script for the 2.0.1 version
- unixhot/deploy-shell - 自动化部署脚本
- springlie/smart_switcher - [TERMINAL ONLY] Auto-detect proxy switcher for http, https, ftp, rsync, git protocols. It supports many tools such as wget, yum, portage, brew ...
- sobolevn/wakatime-zsh-plugin - 🕒Track how much time you have spent in your terminal!
- scrathe/tardisIVR - Project deprecated, see https://github.com/scrathe/plexEncode
- rusty-bits/OC-tool - POSIX shell script that builds an OpenCore EFI folder from an OpenCore config.plist
- riftbit/docker-3proxy - Smallest and Fastest Docker container for fast proxy setup based on 3proxy SOCKS5 proxy
- midwire/bash.env - Bash.env is a cascading Bash environment system for those who work on different hardware and OS environments. Similar to oh-my-zsh but for Bash, and special sauce for those who work 'ssh' on remote machines.
- jgigault/42MapGenerator - Generate FdF maps of the real world, the Earth's moon and the planet Venus for the project Fil de Fer
- jamestomasino/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- jamesqo/sinister - A cross-platform shell script installer.
- hhstore/awesome-script - 常用的 shell 脚本,包括 centos, Ubuntu, Mac osx, 以及 Docker, Python 等常用软件的安装, 配置, 开发环境搭建的脚本.
- florianbeer/hactar - 📃 An incremential daily backup script using rsync
- dwb/dogfish - A really simple migration manager for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- choerodon/kubeadm-ansible - Kuberadmin ansible is a toolkit for simple and quick installing k8s cluster.
- capitalone/bash_shell_mock - A shell script mocking utility/framework for the BASH shell
- 4679/serverchan-scripts - 用于Server醬的一些shell脚本
- smileart/omg - One More Gear set to follow DRY principle and stop doing things again and again (just a nice name for my dotfiles)
- sgruhier/rake_cap_bash_autocomplete - Autocompletion for rake and cap for bash shell
- sds/dot - Framework for managing multiple shell configurations and dot files.
- ram-on/imgurbash2 - A shell script that uploads/deletes images to/from IMGUR.
- nachoparker/progress_bar.sh - Progress bar for the shell
- manolo/shell2junit - utility which facilitates to generate junit reports for batch processes executed in shell scripts
- JNRowe/surfraw - Mirror of the upstream git repository
- cytopia/aws-export-profile - Export AWS boto profiles to your shell environment
- cal2195/q - q - vim like macro registers for your bash and zsh shell!
- EXALAB/AnLinux-Resources - Image and Script for LinuxOnAndroid App
- fenglihai123/IPABuildShell - IPABuildShell 一个强大的、轻量的 iOS 自动打包工具,无需手动指定授权文件和证书
- sharat87/pip-app - A set of shell functions to make it easy to install small apps and utilities distributed with pip.
- neurobin/oraji - Oracle java installler script for linux
- MacsInSpace/MacAppStoreRedist - Launchd and Script to watch the App Store Manifest and hard link downloads from the Mac App Store for redist.
- rust-lang/rust-installer - The Bourne shell installer used by Rust and Cargo
- petems/puppet-install-shell - A shell script to install puppet on multiple distros
- bash-my-universe/bash-my-aws - CLI commands for managing AWS resources
- xr09/rainbow.sh - Simple colors for your bash scripts
- Tscherno/Fritzbox.sh - Shell script to control AVM FritzBox(tm) router, getting information, smarthome etc... Use it from Homematic, CCU, whatever!
- thasmo/portableapps.cygwin - Portable version of Cygwin, a collection of tools which provide a Linux look and feel environment for Windows.
- oryband/dotfiles - My working machine setup. Fork at will.
- mmone/marlintool - A shell script for setting up a standalone Marlin build environment on Raspberry Pi and Linux in general.
- mahmalsami/migrate-github-gitlab - Shell script to migrate ALL your repo from Github to Gitlab in one shot
- krispayne/CIS-Settings - CIS settings bootstrapper for Mac
- johnkeeping/git-integration - Easily manage integration branches in Git
- gigili/Cloudflare-dns-update - Allows me to update my CloudFlare dns record so that I can have access to my server with a dynamic IP
- educabilia/bs - An environment manager for your shell.
- robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh - 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1,300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- ahnick/encpass.sh - Lightweight solution for using encrypted passwords in shell scripts
- trevordmiller/shell-scripts - Trevor's shell scripts
- input-output-hk/shelley-testnet - Support triage for the Shelley testnet
- windworst/openshit - OpenStack Configure Shell Scipt
- bmc08gt/scripts - Scripts used to improve productivity and workflow
- stackhou/AutoPacking-iOS - iOS自动打包脚本 多项选择 一行上传指定位置
- mm2270/CasperSuiteScripts - A collection of shell scripts created for use in Casper Suite and elsewhere
- zerobyte-id/Bashter - Web Crawler, Scanner, and Analyzer Framework (Shell-Script based)
- carlospolop/linux-privilege-escalation-awsome-script - LinPEAS - Linux Privilege Escalation Awsome Script (with colors)
- zjhou/E2P - Email 2 Post: 监测并解析博客管理员邮件,自动部署博文,更新博客。(针对hexo博客系统)
- lmartinking/monkey-tail - A swiss army knife of commands and shell hacks, using @ as the prefix
- Allar/linux-perforce-installer - A shell script that will automate setting up a perforce server on a linux host.
- cswl/tsu - Gain root shell on Termux.
- aa335418265/IPABuildShell - IPABuildShell 一个强大的、轻量的 iOS 自动打包工具,无需手动指定授权文件和证书
- sysdevploit/put2win - Script to automate PUT HTTP method exploitation to get shell
- ttsiodras/utils - Short shell/perl/python utils I wrote that I use every day.
- mattstauffer/makeItCraft - Shell script to build out Craft install quickly
- krebs/array - a POSIX-compliant implementation of arrays, once in 17 lines of shell. Archived
- blufro93/inline-onion-pi - Shell script to create an onion-router for your Raspberry Pi from a stock Moebius image
- Ventto/lux - POSIX Shell script to easily control brightness on backlight-controllers.
- strycore/scripts - My collection of useful shell scripts
- ousamabenyounes/ShellVhostManager - Helps you managing LAMP basic needs (virtualHost, Ftp users, Mysql Database)
- imwally/scripts - Various shell scripts to make my life easier.
- h12w/gosweep - A shell script to do various checks on Go code.
- cuber/gfwlist2pac-shell - Translate the gfwlist in base64 to efficient pac file
- claranet/centos7-ami - Shell script to build CentOS 7 AMI
- cdax/setop - Set operations in the UNIX shell!
- arbabnazar/Automated-LAMP-Installation - This shell script will install the LAMP Stack interactively
- appleboy/Shell-Script - Shell Script on FreeBSD or Ubuntu
- nicknisi/dotfiles - vim, zsh, git, homebrew, nvm, neovim - my whole world
- anrip/ArDNSPod - 基于DNSPod用户API实现的纯Shell动态域名客户端
- TunisianEagles/winspy - WinSpy a Windows reverse shell Backdoor creator with an Automatic IP Poisener
- 4ch12dy/issh - iOS免密登录ssh,自动打开端口映射,自动签名debugserver,一键调试,一键shell等等,越狱设备用issh就够了
- tylucaskelley/dotfiles - My dotfiles, meant for use on macOS computers
- PacBSD/abs - Collection of PKGBUILDS for PacBSD
- iaindooley/pickdrop - A unix shell script which allows you to "pick" files one at a time and then drop them in one place
- vfhky/shell-tools - Useful shell and python scripts in linux.
- sapphirex00/C2Shell - C2Shell is a shell script designed for a fast deploy of C&C servers for Red Team Operations.
- alexoslabs/HTTPSScan - Shell script for testing the SSL/TLS Protocols
- ismailtasdelen/Anti-DDOS - 🔒 Anti DDOS | Bash Script Project 🔒
- kindlefere/KindleEar-Uploader - 适用于 GAE 云端 Shell 的KindleEar上传脚本。
- sstephenson/jwalk - Streaming JSON parser for Unix
- tylucaskelley/setup - Bootstrap your Mac for software development
- carlospolop/linPE - LinPE - Linux Privilege Escalation (with colors)
- snaptortoise/wordpress-quick-install - A shell script for quickly installing the latest version of WordPress + useful plugins into the current directory. A nice way to start any new WP project.
- sammcj/kernel-ci - Continuous integration for the Linux Kernel - Built within Docker
- KimDarren/git-faker - 👻 You can be the best GIT-COMMITTER in the planet.
- geidsvig/AnsiblePlaybooks - Example project containing Ansible inventories, playbooks, plays, templates, and shell scripts.
- urbainvaes/fzf-marks - Plugin to manage bookmarks in bash and zsh
- joseluisq/awesome-bash-commands - A curated list of awesome Bash useful commands. Inspired by awesome-shell and bash-handbook.
- wuseman/GLFTPD - This repository contains automated scripts for installing glftpd and various scripts I have been storing during the years. Some is available on various places and some seems to be unique and not easy to get so from now have fun with some oldschool scripts and tools.
- strawp/web-shells - Web shells for use in penetration testing
- smartupio/aws-vpn-mikrotik - Shell script to transform a Generic AWS VPN configuration guide to MikroTik specific set up commands that can be copy pasted into a mikrotik console to set up the customer end of the connection.
- kernelp4nic/moonbox - Moonbox - Where your moon rocks live
- HoundstoothSTL/wordpress-starter - A shell script for setting up wordpress core, dev theme, deployment scripts, local vhost and amazon S3 backups
- ferd/erl_crashdump_analyzer - shell script to analyze Erlang crash dumps and find some (generally) useful information.
- emcrisostomo/jwt-cli - A shell library to decode JWT tokens
- plushu/plushu - Pluggable Shell User
- laughedelic/brew-completions - 🍺Fish shell completions for Homebrew
- daenney/rbenv - Rbenv support plugin for fish-shell
- eivind88/prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal.
- jorgebucaran/fish-getopts - CLI options parser for the fish shell—alternative to argparse
- arcticicestudio/nord-dircolors - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant dircolors color theme.
- jorgebucaran/fish-gitio - Git.io CLI for the fish shell
- wuseman/wGLFTPD - This repo contains automated scripts for install glftpd, configuration files for glftpd and other script and tools for glftpd projects and other stuff that is for the warez scene
- IsaacSchemm/netbootcd - The build files for NetbootCD (except the CorePlus ISO)
- hibara/create-ios-all-icons-shellscript - Use Shell Script commands in only MacOSX for generating all icons that need to build iOS app.
- freedev/macosx-script-boot-shutdown - This project is useful to execute a shell script during Mac OS X boot or shutdown.
- corpsee/phpell - [ABANDONED] Vagrant VM with bash(shell) provision for PHP development
- cimhealth/git-toolkit - Git工具集
- iridakos/goto - A shell utility to quickly navigate to aliased directories with autocomplete 🐧
- dylanaraps/dotfiles - 🍙 dotfiles
- TMRJIJ/Night-Shift-on-Unsupported-Macs - Enable Night Shift on older Macs.
- youyouYoung/shell - 介绍一些有关与Bash Shell的内容。如Linux中的命令、Shell脚本的写法、Shell语言的知识。
- Madh93/conky-spotify - 🎵 Show current Spotify track in Conky (Cover, title...)
- franks42/lein-repls - A persistent repl-server as a leiningen task/plugin "lein repls" and a lightweight shell-script client "cljsh".
- springlie/cecho - Self-adapting color echo wrapper for shell.
- microsoft/Build-PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux - Build projects required for DSC (Desired State Configuration)
- mdichirico/public-shell-scripts - Various shell scripts for use with CentOS specifically
- Crabbit/shell - My shell scripts.
- close2/shell-xmpp-client - Xmpp client written in bash / ash (openwrt). It's only dependency is ncat (or similar) for the actual ssl connection.
- AlanBarber/jbh - (JBH) Jekyll Blog Helper - A shell script to help manage a jekyll weblog site
- x70b1/polybar-scripts - This is a community project. We write and collect scripts for polybar!
- samrayleung/dotfiles - A shell script to install awesome command for *nix platform and set them up
- yardnsm/dotfiles - ⚡ Welcome to my world.
- TrevorS/keyway - A simple Bash lock file library.
- sheharyarn/dotfiles - 📦 My Configs and Dotfiles
- progrhyme/shove - Prove-like Test Tool for Shell Scripts
- Jaggle/Gitfool - Gitfool (or Gitfull) is a shell command for you to fulfill your git commit log.
- grantlucas/Logger-TXT - Logger TXT is a small, shell based tool to log activities throughout the day to a simple, portable text file, along with the date/time. Options are available to log a specific entry under a type and project. All entries are stored in log.txt which is automatically created in the folder where logger.sh resides.
- devilbox/watcherd - A shell daemon that will listen for directory changes and execute custom commands for each event.
- AlekseyKorzun/php-audit - phpAudit is a simple shell script that scans PHP files for possible security risks.
- adambrenecki/virtualfish - A Fish wrapper for Ian Bicking's virtualenv, based loosely on Doug Hellman's virtualenvwrapper for Bash.
- Screetsec/BruteSploit - BruteSploit is a collection of method for automated Generate, Bruteforce and Manipulation wordlist with interactive shell. That can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and maybe can be used in CTF for manipulation,combine,transform and permutation some words or file text :p
- jschx/ufetch - Moved to GitLab!
- dlang/installer - dmd installers for various systems
- jschx/etc - Moved to GitLab!
- raimue/ssl-cert-check - Check expiry dates of local and remote SSL certificates
- herrbischoff/dotpr0n - Dotfiles for macOS, FreeBSD, Linux, fish, tmux, custom functions and lots more. Peekaboo!
- dashaub/ARM-RStudio - Compile RStudio for ARM Ubuntu 14.04 on Samsung Chromebook
- yulonghu/codedeploy - shell代码部署系统
- mig1984/bashible - Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.
- er0/lolfish - the most colorful fish shell prompt
- Becavalier/SHDB - SHDB - A simple, lightweight key-value pair db for shell in linux-like systems.
- MichaIng/DietPi - Lightweight justice for your single-board computer.
- wuseman/WGLFTPD - This repo contains automated scripts for install glftpd, configuration files for glftpd and other script and tools for glftpd projects and other stuff that is for the warez scene
- alphabetum/bindle - A configuration management tool for your personal unix-like computer.
- yukinying/chrome-headless-travis-build - Continuously building chrome headless shell and docker image.
- squidsolutions/aws-eb-shell - Shell scripts for AWS ElasticBeanstalk components configuration, creation and administration
- Microsoft/Build-PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux - Build projects required for DSC (Desired State Configuration)
- jmcclare/jm-shell - A highly informative, customized Bash shell.
- jfcherng/Sublime-ShellScriptImproved - [Deprecated] A better ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlight for Sublime Text >= 3143
- Fourdee/DietPi - Lightweight justice for your single-board computer.
- jorgebucaran/fish-cookbook - Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate
- trimstray/htrace.sh - Shell script for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
- zephinzer/golang-dev - Live-reload, bootstrap, and build Golang applications via shell scripts packaged in a Docker image
- caarlos0/shell-ci-build - A submodule to lint your shell projects with shellcheck in travis.ci builds
- littlebizzy/slickstack - SlickStack is a free LEMP stack automation script written in Bash designed to enhance and simplify WordPress provisioning, performance, and security.
- antonioribeiro/artisan-anywhere - Execute Artisan from anywhere in your Laravel project tree
- tjluoma/office2011 - A shell script to (download, if necessary) and install Office:Mac 2011 and any known updates without any user intervention.
- renatosilva/colormake - Colorized build output.
- PeterDaveHello/Unitial - 🖥 My rc / configs / dotfiles 📂
- ohanhi/fish-elm-completions - Elm related completions for the friendly interactive shell
- nmaster/usdanl-sr28-mysql - A simple shell script to import the USDA National Nutrient Database (Release SR-28) into a MySQL database.
- moll/sh-chnode - Change between installed Node versions in your current shell.
- iam-TJ/git-submodule-move - Easily move submodules within a git repository (shell script)
- heewa/bae - Emoji for the BA shell – use emoji as Environment Variables
- civisanalytics/iam-role-injector - Assumes an IAM role via awscli STS call, injecting temporary credentials into shell environment
- ftpgrab/ftpgrab - ⚡ Shell script to grab your files from a remote FTP server to your NAS / server / computer
- jonnyhsy/imagecrawler - An image crawler implemented in shell script
- arunvelsriram/kube-fzf - Shell commands using kubectl and fzf for command-line fuzzy searching of Kubernetes Pods.
- stevenkaras/bashfiles - My personal bashfiles - bash prompt, dotfiles, etc
- muayyad-alsadi/docker-jumpshell - Jump-box shell for Docker - secure remote ssh into containers with ACL
- virtualmin/virtualmin-install - Shell script to perform a Virtualmin GPL or Professional installation
- stevenbenner/srcds-service -
Run SRCDS as a service on Linux.
- isao/shell - various scripts and support files for noodling on the command line, esp bbedit, git, etc
- jorgebucaran/fish-shell-cookbook - Tips and recipes for fish, from shell to plate
- falconindy/asp - Arch Build Source Management Tool
- jorgebucaran/shark - Sparkline generator for the fish-shell
- jorgebucaran/fish-spin - Background job spinner for fish-shell
- jorgebucaran/FISH-get - Interactive prompt reader for fish-shell
- lixuy/CloudXNS-DDNS-with-BashShell - The CloudXNS DDNS with BashShell
- sorah/gentoo-build - shell scripts that builds systemd based gentoo box for x86_64 platform
- shkm/vssh - ⚡ Fast
vagrant ssh
in the current directory. - perusio/nginx-spamhaus-drop - A shell script that creates a Nginx configuration for using Spamhaus DROP lists
- mk-fg/dracut-crypt-sshd - dracut initramfs module to start sshd on early boot to enter encryption passphrase from across the internets
- lucapette/dotfiles - My configuration files
- georgetown-university/druml - Drupal multisite management tool
- denyskoch/ienv - Improved shell environment: sane dotfiles backed by my daily work optimized for solarized theme
- agilemation/Belkin-WeMo-Command-Line-Tools - Script to control the Belkin WeMo power switch, written entirely in shell and constructed out of commands that every computer should already have
- ZephrFish/RandomScripts - Random Shell Scripts and other ideas I have along the way
- ueokande/shvm - A Version Manager for Shells
- rockyluke/docker-debian - 🐳 Shell script to create small docker images of Debian.
- jvz/psgrep - A simple little shell script to help with the "ps aux | grep" idiom.
- idan/autoenvfish - Directory-based environments for the Fish shell
- goodevilgenius/dropbox-shell - A BASH script to run scripts/programs on a remote machine via Dropbox.
- realestate-com-au/bash-my-aws - Bash functions for managing AWS resources simply and easily
- AdrianDC/android_development_shell_tools - Development Shell Tools - http://adriandc.github.io/android_development_shell_tools
- jamfit/icns-Creator - A shell script to create full .icns files
- tonyseek/pyenv-up - Works with pyenv and virtualenv in a new shell.
- tghs/sshfav.sh - A shell script for connecting to your favourite SSH locations easily.
- teracyhq/sphinx-deployment - automatic setup and deployment for sphinx docs
- Seitk/Xcode-Cleanup-Script - a shell script to cleanup Xcode cache and tmp files
- Madh93/nvidia-led - 🔦 Awesome effects for NVIDIA GeForce GTX LEDs
- 720kb/nginx-docker-container - nginx docker container 🐳
- nicolargo/openvpnscripts - Shell scripts to control an OpenVPN server
- ToyoDAdoubi/doubi - 一个逗比写的各种逗比脚本~
- spencerwooo/awesome-alias - Some of my favorite aliases for my .zshrc
- superkojiman/dirtshell - Provide a sort of shell-ish interface to make file directory traversal quicker and easier.
- rainchen/git-cmd-helpers - a bundle of shell-aliases and shell-functions for git
- posva/task-logger.sh - 🎨 shell library to log tasks with nice output. Supports zsh and bash
- kevinelliott/.dotfiles - My Unix-like dot files for my shells
- JadedCtrl/shellTube - Full-featured POSIX shell YouTube client.
- imwally/starbucksconnect - Connect to Starbucks WiFi without opening a browser.
- DFabric/DPlatform-DockerShip - Effortless container management
- angoca/db2-docker - Docker image to run DB2 LUW
- neurobin/shc - Shell script compiler
- blacklabelops/jenkins - Docker Jenkins Swarm-Ready with HTTPS
- fisherman/spin - Background job spinner for fish-shell
- zeit/install-node.now.sh - Simple one-liner shell script that installs official Node.js binaries
- TwiterZX/Xcode-plugins-update - Shell script that adds current Xcode UUID to plugins
- spencerwoo98/awesome-alias - Some of my favorite aliases for my .zshrc
- DrewRWx/assh - Send your shell preferences to a shared account for an SSH session.
- chase-miller/virtualbox-snapshot-create - Shell script to create a virtualbox snapshot
- brandoconnor/nagios_commander - A simple bash wrapper for the craptastic Nagios API
- appleboy/dotfiles - Bootstrap for your terminal on Linux or FreeBSD
- dsifford/yarn-completion - Shell autocompletion for Yarn
- fisherman/done - A fish plugin to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
- ghaiklor/iterm-fish-fisherman-osx - Complete guide and Bash script to install Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisherman + Plugins for development purposes
- zeroc-ice/ice-builder-xcode - Shell script to compile Slice files to C++ or Objective-C in Xcode
- deterenkelt/dotfiles - for i3 WM, bash, urxvt, Sublime etc.
- YKilin/nhentai-one-key-downloader - 一个可以一键下载nhentai本子的纯shell脚本。A pure shell script that can easily download comics from nhentai.
- szepeviktor/wplib - wp-cli wrapper shell scripts to manage multiple sites with sudo
- Mte90/My-Scripts - My collection of my homemade scripts (or not)
- miteshashar/nginx_vhosts - Shell script to add a new vhost on nginx. Modifying the shell script available on http://www.sebdangerfield.me.uk/2012/05/nginx-and-php-fpm-bash-script-for-creating-new-vhosts-under-separate-fpm-pools/ to suit my needs.
- inkarkat/todo.txt-cli-ex - A set of extensions for todo.txt-cli, a shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/solutions-google-compute-engine-cluster-for-grid-engine - Grid Engine on Compute Engine provides a shell script to manage a Compute Engine cluster along with instructions on how to install and configure Sun Grid Engine on the Compute Engine cluster
- fisherman/fisherman - The fish-shell plugin manager.
- drduh/pwd.sh - Unix shell, GPG-based password manager
- tuvistavie/fundle - A minimalist package manager for fish shell
- fisherman/nvm - fish-shell nvm wrapper
- jsarenik/spf-tools - Scripts for taming the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records in DNS in order to fight 10-maximum-DNS-look-ups limit.
- fisherman/pyenv - Pyenv support plugin for fish-shell
- prakashdanish/goodreadsh - 🌺 Command line interface for Goodreads
- fisherman/rbenv - Rbenv support plugin for fish-shell
- molovo/lumberjack - Lumberjack is a logging interface for shell scripts
- hut/lscd - ranger-clone in POSIX shell
- winder/svgToDxf - Shell script that uses inkscape and pstoedit to convert svgToDxf
- theskumar/dotfiles - ~/.* with ♥
- sund/auto-mysql-backup - a wrapper for automysqlbackup
- sonicdoe/uberspace-goodies - A few useful Uberspace shell scripts.
- skyseraph/PlistAutoCreate - A shell script for auto create plist and html publish file for iOS app.
- shaoshuai0102/properties-parser - This is a shell script to parse variables from a properties file
- joehillen/to-fish - Bookmarks for Fish Shell
- jnaqsh/ffmpeg_installer - A Linux Shell Script for compiling, installing and uninstalling FFmpeg in CentOS
- hashbang/shell-etc - /etc directory from our shell servers, managed via etckeeper
- atorman/elfBash - Sample starter bash shell scripts for event log files
- heyuan110/BashShell - XcodeBuild命令行打包
- Rajkumrdusad/Tool-X - Tool-X is a kali linux hacking Tool installer.
- AresS31/wirespy - Tool for hacking wireless networks.
- faviouz/fix-spotify-icon - 🎵 Shell script to fix the Spotify icon in Ubuntu.
- rkalis/dotfiles - macOS System Configuration with Fish, Package Control, VS Code, Repo management, Hammerspoon
- patrick330602/wslu - A collection of utilities for Windows 10 Linux Subsystems
- robertoreale/bashlets - An experiment in extending the command-line interface.
- tortuvshin/installer - Installer is a collection of bash scripts to install apps on ubuntu
- TACC/launcher - A simple utility for executing multiple sequential or multi-threaded applications in a single multi-node batch job
- rockyluke/docker-ubuntu - 🐳 Shell script to create small docker images of Ubuntu.
- rafaelsteil/jetty-zero-downtime-deploy - An utility shell script to deploy new applications to Jetty with the apparent impression of zero downtime
- loopbit/autoenv_fish - Directory-based environments for fish shell users
- kuno/npm-zsh-completion - npm zsh completon shell script
- airhorns/hook - Simple configuration management and plugins for the fish shell.
- jessfraz/dockerfiles - Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.
- hectorm/hBlock - Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
- Alex7Kom/nvm-fish - Node Version Manager for fish shell - NO LONGER MAINTAINED, DO NOT USE - Use https://github.com/edc/bass instead to wrap the original nvm.
- tofi86/universalJavaApplicationStub - An alternative Application Launcher (shell script) for Java Apps on Mac OS X that works with both Apple's and Oracle's plist format and Java 6, 7 and 8. Plus it supports drag&drop to the Dock icon.
- budRich/i3ass - A collection of shell scripts I have made to ease the use of i3wm
- zfl9/gfwlist2privoxy - gfwlist2privoxy shell脚本,自动转换为privoxy的格式
- rcmorano/docker-autocommit - Spawns an interactive 'bash' shell on a given docker's image:tag and starts to monitor its '.bash_history' commiting changes to a timestamped 'Dockerfile'.
- pilebones/backdoorBash - Unix remote-shell backdoor develop with Bash, Netcat, OpenSSL (data encryption with AES-128bit)
- irazasyed/zray-installer - Zend Z-Ray Easy Installer for Laravel Homestead
- dmerand/dlm-dot-bin - A collection of shell scripts that I've written to help me out.
- benjick/Minecraft-Autobackup - Fork from Justin Smith's script
- zeke/ghwd - Open the github URL that matches your shell's current branch and working directory
- zant95/hBlock - Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
- samrayleung/Oh-my-unix - A shell script to install awesome command for *nix platform and set them up
- Zmbackup/zmbackup - A reliable Bash shell script developed to help you in your daily task to backup and restore mails and accounts from Zimbra Open Source Email Platform.
- AladW/aurutils - Helper tools for the AUR.
- mikesplain/openvas-docker - A Docker container for Openvas
- DFabric/DPlatform-ShellCore - Deploy self-hosted apps easily: simple, bloat-free, independent installation
- bashlets/bashlets - A modular extensible toolbox for Bash.
- kutsan/dotfiles - My dotfiles: Experimental, ongoing configuration files and scripts for various Unix-like systems, text-based command-line applications and interfaces.
- pipeseroni/pipes.sh - Animated pipes terminal screensaver
- Tadly/hideIt.sh - Automagically hide/show a window by its name when the cursor is within a defined region or you mouse over it.
- gheift/letsencrypt.sh - a linux shell script to sign certifactes by the letsencrypt CA
- lucascbeyeler/zmbackup - A reliable Bash shell script developed to help you in your daily task to backup and restore mails and accounts from Zimbra Open Source Email Platform.
- gregnavis/bash-ctx - Context-aware bash
- tnm/shql - shell sql
- denysdovhan/spaceship-zsh-theme - ⭐ 🚀 An “Oh My ZSH!” theme for Astronauts.
- zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search - ZSH port of the FISH shell's history search 🐠
- brianreumere/gandi-automatic-dns - A Bourne shell script to update Gandi.net zonefiles
- cwaffles/ezpptp - Easy PPTP VPN setup script for Debian based VPS
- willemdh/FireMotD - 🔥 Fire Framework Linux MoTD Generator 🔥
- tylucaskelley/setup.sh - Get your Mac ready for software development
- DingGuodong/LinuxBashShellScriptForOps - Linux Bash Shell Script and Python Script For Ops and Devops
- jekyll/docker - 🚢 Docker images and builders for Jekyll.
- mmmwhy/ss-panel-and-ss-py-mu - ss-panel 和ss-panel v3 mod魔改版一键脚本
- w0ng/dotfiles - Config files for OSX (master) and archlinux (archlinux)
- the0demiurge/CharlesScripts - My awesome scripts for Ubuntu Gnome latest LTS.
- rafritts/BashScriptTestingLibrary - A unit testing framework for Shell scripts - namely Bash.
- shellscriptx/ShellBot - API em Shell Script para desenvolvimento de Bots na plataforma Telegram.
- ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli - A simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file.
- bill-mavromatis/gnome-layout-manager - A bash script that batch installs and tweaks GNOME extensions as well as GTK/Shell themes. There are currently three options available: Unity, Windows and macOS.
- logotype/useful-unix-stuff - a collection of useful unix commands/scripts/etc.
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - 🔡 Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher: 37 patched fonts (71.4k+ variations). Includes popular glyph collections such as Font Awesome & fonts such as Hack
- fribmendes/geometry - geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
- yongye/shell - Tetris Game // The Art Of Shell Programming
- unixorn/tumult.plugin.zsh - Tumult is a collection of macOS-specific functions and scripts for your shell environment. It is packaged as a ZSH plugin, but can be used in bash/fish as well.
- key-amb/shove - Prove-like Test Tool for Shell Scripts
- chilicuil/shundle - shundle is a plugin manager for general purpose shells
- trevordmiller/settings - Trevor's personal device settings
- githubbrowser/Pre-commit-hooks - A set of useful (and documented!) git pre-commit hooks.
- kennethreitz/autoenv - Directory-based environments.
- geerlingguy/macos-virtualbox-vm - Instructions and script to help you create a VirtualBox VM running macOS.
- pimterry/notes - 📝 Simple delightful note taking, with more unix and less lock-in.
- kalbhor/thirsty - ⌛ zsh/bash script to remind you to drink water.
- MakeNowJust/bashcached - memcached built on bash + socat
- Drewsif/PiShrink - Make your pi images smaller!
- fisherman/shark - Sparkline generator for fish, inspired by @holman's Spark
- SeedJobs/micromanage - A Micro-services Helpers Framework | Easily manage multiple repositories and projects
- TS3Tools/TS3UpdateScript - Automate all update processes for your TeamSpeak 3 server instances
- tlrobinson/wwwoosh - A simple web server and Sinatra-like microframework written in shell script. Why? WHY NOT?
- geraldoramos/pigeon - Pigeon is a simple 3D printed cloud home surveillance camera project that uses the new Raspberry Pi Zero W
- jasonheecs/ubuntu-server-setup - A setup script for Ubuntu servers
- fisherman/fin - Simple plugin manager for fish
- Macdeviant/MacAppStoreRedist - Launchd and Script to watch the App Store Manifest and hard link downloads from the Mac App Store for redist.
- Stratus3D/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- InternetGuru/omgf - Use Git Flow with ease – maintain branches, semantic versioning, releases, and changelog with a single command.
- fangwentong/dotfiles - 配置文件 vim/zsh/git/tmux/subl etc.
- gongo/tpdiff - Colorize 🎨 different attribute lines at execution result of
terraform plan
. - lakshaykalbhor/thirsty - ⌛ zsh/bash script to remind you to drink water.
- frmendes/geometry - geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
- rpav/ScriptL - Shell scripting made Lisp-like! Or, live-coding remote function calls for the shell.
- Angelmmiguel/pm - The easy way to switch to your projects on the shell
- tjluoma/po.sh - A Zsh shell client for https://pushover.net
- tjluoma/pkginstall - shell script for installing packages via Mac OS X's
program instead of GUI - tjluoma/dropbox-pause-unpause - A shell script to programmatically "pause" and "unpause" Dropbox on Mac OS X
- pbrisbin/scripts - shell scripts
- MediaCrush/MediaCrush-cli - A bash script for working with MediaCrush from a shell
- dictvm/shellscripts - (personal) shell scripts that may vary in quality. Consider them untested. uberspace-*-scripts are deprecated.
- comwt/git-info-bar - Renamed from 'bash-git', git-info-bar is a Git shell plugin endeavoring to provide a fast and pronounced view of various git attributes for your working copy of a repository.
- Andrew8xx8/shell-games - Simple games writen in bash. Just for lulz.
- zar-nicolas20/GlyphsApp-Package-Install - Bash shell to install most of the Scripts and Pluging of Glyphs App
- ohookins/flickr-shell-uploader - Extremely simple and naive shell-based Flickr photo uploader
- MiteshShah/Scripts - My Collection Of Shell Scripts
- cloudspace-devops/packer-shell-scripts - Cloudspace DevOps shell scripts for configuring packer builds.
- woutervddn/SpotifyScrapeAndDownload - this repo contains a perl script that converts a spotify uri to a playlist of tracks and artists; a shell scripts that gives the most likely youtube url for a given query and a shell script that combines the two and downloads all songs from a spotify uri via youtube
- sksmatt/Install-WP-from-CLI - Shell snippet to install the latest version of WordPress from the CLI.
- robottrouble/STLRender - Shell script to convert STL files to POVRay rendered images
- patrickd-/ooengine - Intuitive pseudo object orientation for bash (Object oriented Shell Script)
- MauriceGit/Repeat_History - A small but useful command for a linux shell. It makes the bash history more easily accessible than cmd+r.
- MattiSG/DotFiles - Aliases, functions and shell utilities.
- loadsys/CakePHP-Shell-Scripts - Reusable CakePHP project shell scripts.
- dermdaly/listdevs - Shell Script to list devices a ipa file has been signed for
- xox2/chocomint - Simple, powerful, flexible, comment-based Testing Framework for your command-line tools or shell scripts on Bash 4.x
- stuartervine/xcode-sh - A basic shell script to run automated builds for iOS projects.
- ryanpcmcquen/config-o-matic - 🍷 Configure FreeSlack installs in no time with config-o-matic!
- nighto/flac2alac - A shell script to convert FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) files to ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
- maxhebditch/batchgit - A shell script for maintaining git repositories system wide
- lwr/personal - My personal configuration / shell tools
- kori/shell.d - My shell configuration.
- flyhacker/codedeploy - shell代码部署系统
- BTBurke/tarsnap-backup-osx - A shell script and launchd config file to run daily backups on specified directories to tarsnap
- brandon-fryslie/rad-shell - Ultra fast, feature filled Zsh installation
- barrucadu/dotfiles - My dotfiles and assorted other crap, managed with GNU Stow.
- aurora/identicon - Shell script for creating identicons with direct SVG rendering or ImageMagick based rendering
- alexwasserman/GeekWeather2 - Shell script to generate weather information using DarkSky.net API
- xobs/novena-image - Shell script to create a Novena image from scratch
- wrossmann/add-to-check_mk - Shell script to add new hosts to Check_MK via command line. [assumes OMD]
- voronianski/setup-osx-work-station - 🎁 OS X machine setup shell script
- unwiredlabs/adept - Adept is a simple way to run commands & deploy apps on multiple servers using shell & SSH.
- timoschlueter/unblock-us-updater - Simple Shell and/or Pyhton-Script to automatically send/update your current IP address to unblock-us.com
- ssaunier/dotfiles - Dot files for my macbook setup (shell = zsh)
- ShellShoccar-jpn/shellshoccar1 - A shopping cart program written with Shellscript
- rocky/kshdb - Korn Shell (93t 2008-10-22 or greater) Debugger
- robertzk/hipchat.zsh - A zsh plugin to send hipchat messages through shell
- nixsavy/shell-scripts - Linux shell scripts
- neutronth/speedtest-lite - shell script command line Internet bandwidth testing using speedtest.net
- nateober/Geektool-Scripts - A collection of GeekTool shell scripts that I like to use on my Macs.
- makefu/array - a POSIX-compliant implementation of arrays, once in 17 lines of shell.
- luminousmen/reset_migrations - 🔪 Clean up Django migrations with just one press
- lightquake/sandboxer - Shell script for managing cabal-dev sandboxes
- ieure/emacs-nightly - A shell script to produce a build of Cocoa Emacs from CVS
- eug/import - A import system for shell script
- dalexj/mix_autocomplete - Shell script to give autocomplete options with mix tasks
- caseyfw/nhldl - A shell script for downloading NHL.tv streams.
- capotej/kiev - embeddable key/value database for shell scripting
- caiguanhao/baidu-maps-coord-utils - Coordinates Utils for Baidu Maps in Shell. 利用BASH转换百度地图坐标
- BechtelCIRT/beholder - Beholder is a shell script which installs and configures essentials to peer into your network activity.
- BashtonLtd/centos7-ami - Shell script to build CentOS 7 AMI
- amineasli/chainsaw - A simple shell script that works in conjunction with iptables to help you fighting DDoS attacks
- AdrianDC/android_shell_tools - Various scripts I made to build Android and modules
- ziyaddin/jean - Bored from installing tiny shell scripts and .dotfiles manually? Huh! Missing Shell Package Manager For Linux
- tuminoid/gitlabci-installer - OBSOLETE: Easy shell script for installing Gitlab CI and Gitlab CI Runner, with Vagrant or on metal.
- tiankonguse/bash-study - shell学习笔记
- team-eureka/flashcast-flasher - The set of shell scripts which power FlashCast's mod framework
- rolandshoemaker/raziel - encrypted, self decrypting shell scripts
- recess/sandbox - A collection of shell scripts to setup a system for serious PHP development.
- pmbuko/shell-building-blocks - Supporting material for my 2014 PSU MacAdmins session
- ning/ngsh - Nagios Shell
- Mte90/Script - My scripts
- mklement0/shall - A CLI and REPL for invoking shell scripts or commands with multiple POSIX-like shells for portability testing.
- joh6nn/shrepl - posix shell port of repl
- joemiller/hudson_wrapper - Shell script for wrapping External Hudson jobs (eg: cron jobs) and posting their results to Hudson
- henriquemoody/github-sh - [discontinued] Interactive shell for Github.
- ekarlso/nim-vm - Simple shell script to manage installation and alike of multiple Nim-lang versions
- dpoirier/runserver - Shell script to quickly start a local Django project.
- djosephsen/shellbrato - A proper shell library client for the Librato API
- Dinduks/change-execute-loop - A minimal shell script that executes a given command each time a specified file or directory changes
- cobyism/ricochet - Going beyond just dotfiles, but with Ansible. o_O
- cbeams/shell-scripts - Useful shell scripts
- briandealwis/p2-scripts - A set of shell scripts for manipulating and managing p2 repositories
- andyrblank/Commercial-Clapboard - This is a post processing BASH / Shell script designed for use with Tvheadend (tvheadend.org) to scan for commercials, transcode to H264 & cut commercials from the H264 file.
- 0xAether/pipes - Terminal screensaver for GNU/Linux machines using the bash shell.
- vain/gitary - A simple diary using Git as its backend
- vaeth/push - A POSIX shell function to treat a variable like an array, quoting args.
- talkingmoose/LyncSetup - Shell script and .plist files to populate user name, email address and server settings for Lync for Mac
- stefansundin/heroku-bash-completion - 🐚 Bash completion for Heroku.
- ShellGui/shellgui-old - A lightweight Linux System Web Control Panel write with Pure Shell CGI.
- okeeblow/aws-identity - Amazon Web Services identity switching shell script to easily juggle multiple accounts
- oh-my-fish/plugin-technicolor - Easy colorisation for Fish shell
- Offirmo/offirmo-shell-lib - A collection of useful bash reusable functions for robust and advanced shell scripts. Used to power cvm and simpli.
- oanda/oanda-shell - Bash script to access the oanda-api
- mitechie/workit - Shell tool to switch between projects
- Mikaela/shell-things - Config files which I usually prefer to have everywhere.
- koanlogic/makl - MaKL is a simple and light framework for building multi-platform C/C++ projects, purely based on the Bourne Shell and GNU Make
- jzelinskie/dotfiles - my hidden config files
- joto/zsh-git-prompt - Scripts to add information about your current git repository to the shell prompt.
- jonathanhle/ansible-babun-bootstrap - Simple shell script to setup Ansible within Babun
- jasongrimes/lamp-backup - Bash shell scripts for basic backup management on a LAMP server.
- janlelis/gedit-external-tools - A repository for useful and handy snippets for gedit's external tools plugin
- Integralist/dotfiles - Bash shell and Vim/NeoVim configuration settings
- fumiyas/LTSV.sh - Labeled Tab-Separated Value parser / manipulator for shell
- foca/ensure - Tiny shell scripts to install things in your mac.
- dxj19831029/bash_menu_ui - use bash shell to handle a menu selection with up/down key
- detailyang/pre-commit-shell - 🍻 pre commit wrapper shellcheck
- cjlano/tinysh - tinysh: minimal shell
- chriscool/sharnessify - Shell scripts to add Sharness infrastructure to a project
- c4s4/goactivate - Script to set PATH, GOPATH and shell prompt for your GO project
- bpstahlman/cac-enabled-git-setup - Shell script and associated files needed to build a version of Cygwin git capable of using a CAC card for authentication.
- 0mp/goat - A POSIX-compliant shell movement boosting hack for real ninjas.
- zhimsel/dotfiles - My config files
- vehk/dmenu-scripts - Shell wrappers that use dmenu.
- tjluoma/launchd-check-for-dropbox-conflicts - A shell script and launchd plist for checking for Dropbox conflicted copies
- Tauop/ScriptHelper - Shell libraries to help writting shell script
- szpak/fish-xclip-enhancer - Shortcut functions that simplify usage of xclip in Fish Shell
- slayer/gitnotify - Simple shell script to send colorized html git diffs
- RHSeeger/lishp - A lisp interpreter written in shell script
- oxnz/shell-utils - A bunch of {bash,zsh,sh} utils to make life easier :)
- odb/shunt - Simple Shell Unit Testing Framework
- moderntribe/WordPress-Security-Shell-Script - Security script used in WordPress installs on a cron.
- MJafarMashhadi/Sharif-ID-Reconnector - A shell script that checks for connectivity to "Sharif ID" every 30 seconds, if it was disconnected tries to reconnect.
- mike3run/dotfiles - Current: Neovim, Tmux, FishShell Übersicht. Old but still there: prezto, zsh.
- llazzaro/dotfiles - 🔧 .dotfiles settings files. Uses vim+zsh+tmux+i3+pyenv. supports OSX
- LinkFly/lisp-dev-tools - Linux shell scripts for automatization download, compilation and configuring lisp development tools
- lanzz/bash-supergenpass - Bash shell-script implementation of SuperGenPass
- kodie/serverpilot-shell - Shell wrapper for the serverpilot.io API https://serverpilot.io/
- KeshavA2016/My_Shell_Scripts - My_Shell_Scripts
- justindriggers/gnome-shell-gestures - OS X-like gestures for GNOME Shell using TouchEgg
- jalcine/gitrc - A bunch of shell scripts and files dedicated to my use of Git
- iugu/bash-git-status - Colored Git Status in your Bash Shell
- HoundstoothSTL/bootstrap-starter-build - Build out a new Bootstrap project Scaffold in milliseconds using a simple shell script. Also does a system check and install for necessary packages like Node and Twitter Bower.
- heshanlk/FFMPEG-install-script-for-shared-host - The shared host ffmpeg is a software fully written in shell script for configuring a video sharing environment in shared hosting accounts in GNU/Linux servers.
- hanumanum/RSS-To-Diaspora - Shell script for automated posting from rss feeds into Diaspora
- gistya/expandr - a cool shell script for git keyword expansion.
- FilipDominec/python-meep-install - Robust compilation procedure of latest MEEP and python-meep on Linux
- dotcode/multi-shell-repo-prompt - A shell script to make your prompt pretty and useful. Works with bash & zsh, git & hg.
- dmuth/unix-utils - Random shell scripts and whatnot that I'd like to share
- dbkvn/CIS_BENCHMARK_OSX - Shell scripts to check OS X security using CIS Benchmarks.
- dbarobin/tools - Tools of MySQL, Oracle, Shell, etc. This scripts collected via work.
- danielpuglisi/keep-alive - A shell script for keeping heroku apps alive
- claudiob/dotfiles - My aliases and shortcuts to type and code faster in the Bash shell environment
- charles-l/shmark - A minimal POSIX shell compliment bookmarking system
- cespare/go-localpath - Shell script for managing Go projects with vendored dependencies.
- cbeier/Server-Backup-Script - A small shell script for backing up files and MySQL databases to a backup server via FTP.
- bruceauyeung/openSUSE-One-Click-Installer - an one-click-installer shell script helping openSUSE new starters ( especially from China ) to install various applications including multimedia applications, flash plugin, rar and 7zip libraries and etc.
- benbowler/ffmpeg-sh-for-html5 - A shell script that creates multiple qualities and formats of any given video file for use with HTML5 players like JPlayer.
- b01t/shellshock - A spaceshooter game in Bash
- atom/language-shellscript - ShellScript package for Atom
- afunction/ubuntu-rails-app-installer - A shell script for install rails app instance for production, include bash config, nginx, percona mysql, rvm, unicorn, and deploy user ... etc
- abedra/shell-shocked - My configs in a more automagic fashion
- abedra/shell-madness - all the madness that makes my shell so caraaaazy
- vitorbritto/yoda - Yoda is a simple method to collect your links and saves into a file using Shell Script.
- singhigh/Speedtest-cli-CN-Auto - A speedtest shell for connection to China based on speedtest-cli
- RhubarbSin/xenserver-admin-scripts - Shell scripts for automating some common XenServer CLI operations
- rduplain/poorman - A process control system written in shell, for development.
- populov/yandex-ddns-sh - A dynamic DNS updater shell script for pdd.yandex.ru for Linux and OS X
- osoco/aws-tools - Shell scripts to ease some AWS administration tasks.
- onury/alfred-video-downloader - Video Downloader is an Alfred workflow written in Bash/Shell for easily downloading videos (and/or extracting audio) from various websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and more...
- omnidan/asv - ⭐ Electron / Atom Shell Version Management à la "n" and "m"
- oldratlee/useful-shells - DEPRECATED! 已废弃!Move to https://github.com/oldratlee/useful-scripts
- oh-my-fish/theme-fishbone - A clean theme for fish shell managed by Oh my fish
- mweitzel/firetower - run and re-run any shell script on editor save hooks (instead of fs events, like guard)
- mgolisch/dnvm-fish - wrapper functions for dnvm/dnx for fish shell
- matsubo/matsu-shell-setting - My shell setting.
- matiaskorhonen/shells3 - A small(ish) shell script to upload files to S3 from the command line
- lzap/systemd-shortcuts - Shell shortcuts for systemd with aliases
- jmmv/shtk - Application toolkit for programmers writing POSIX-compliant shell scripts
- jimye/OfficeUninstall - A shell scirpt to deep uninstall Microsoft Office for Mac 2011/2016
- hmage/norm - Rootless installer
- francs/PostgreSQL-healthcheck-script - 提供一个检查 PostgreSQL 数据库健康检查的 shell 脚本。
- eddyerburgh/git-init-plus - Turbo charged git init
- dualbus/bashly - Bashly is a collection of solutions to common problems that arise when writing scripts in the bash shell. You can call it a library. Just keep in mind that reusable bash code is hard, so it might not be that pretty to use. It's focused on bash versions greater or equal to 4.
- dbpercona/mysql_shell_secure - Demonstrates the use of MySQL from shell scripts without credentials on the command line
- cleverwise/connect2ssh - Manage SSH and SSHFS connections via the command line using BASH!
- clamiax/scripts - shell scripts
- cheusov/pipestatus - Portable pipestatus for UNIX/POSIX shells
- chengguangnan/fish-shell-rvm-integration - Show you how to integrate RVM with Fish
- chasinglogic/release.sh - A shell script for building and releasing go programs on Github
- charleslouis/wp_cli_helpers - WP-CLI Helpers is a bundle of shell time saver aliases and function for wp-cli (http://wp-cli.org/).
- brntbeer/toml-shell-generator - A shell command to generate TOML readable documents
- balevine/jekyll-deploy - Shell script for building a local Jekyll site and deploying to GitHub
- ariaBennett/lucky.sh - lucky shell script. turns any shell script lucky. the more scripts you put it in, the luckier it gets. also repels internet ghosts.
- arapov/wrap-qemukvm - Shell script-wrapper over qemu-kvm command I use for Linux kernel checks.
- adilansari/dot_files - My .dot_files and custom system configs.
- aaronroyer/shy - Minimal shell plugin management
- zanshin/bin - various shell scripts
- ytet5uy4/dotfiles - configuration files on Unix-type operating systems
- vpenso/libvirt-shell-functions - Bash/Zsh functions used to run clusters of virtual machines on localhost.
- TGYK/OSXwp5 - A shell script written for OSX to enable ICS to the Wifi Pineapple Mk 5
- textarcana/snippets - Useful code snippets and shell scripts. The successor to http://snipplr.com/users/noah/
- taq/viminstall - Shell script to download the source code and latest patches of Vim, the editor.
- t193r/hss - Hardening Shell Scripting
- syntax-samurai/gitio - create short / vanity github urls from the terminal
- sxthe/bin - scripts and such
- smof/openIDM_shell_client - A set of Bash wrapper scripts that use curl to access the OpenIDM RESTful interface
- sebastien/appenv - per application & per directory shell environments
- oschrenk/dotfiles - My terminal settings
- orthecreedence/runcl - A shell script that provides a common interface for running lisp via the command line
- omerucel/vagrant-shell-modules - Bu proje, vagrant shell provisioner özelliğini modüler bir şekilde kullanmanıza olanak sağlar. Böylelikle kurulum scriptlerini projeden ayırarak karmaşadan uzak durmuş olursunuz.
- olov/node-harmony-wrapper - A node --harmony shell wrapper
- oh-my-fish/theme-clearance - A minimalist fish shell theme for people who use git
- objectified/jtrouble - Bundle of shell scripts for troubleshooting JEE application servers
- nlampi/UnusedImages - Shell script to search an Xcode project for unused images.
- mutuki/Dozens-API-via-Shell-Script - Accesses to Dozens API via Shell Script (/bin/bash)
- lixiaoyan/powerline-bash - A powerline-like shell prompt written in pure bash.
- libhide/sass-struct - A shell script that creates a folder structure for yo' Sass.
- leolanese/bash_profile - bash_profile to shared best practices, tricks and keep the same profile across multiple development platforms
- konstruktoid/ubuntu-conf - Miscellaneous Ubuntu configuration tidbits
- jtrupiano/johns-toolbox - A set of shell scripts I use at varying frequencies.
- jgillman/dotfiles - jgillman's special collection of configs
- huangbowen521/gtShell - a shell script for navigation
- henrychen95/AWS-AMI-Auto-Backup - Shell Script to auto make AMI backup and delete old backups for Amazon Linux.
- habedi/SystemC-AccessNoxim - All you need to build and run SystemC and AccessNoxim on your system
- guozheng/hadoop-completion - hadoop shell commands auto-complete script for Bash Completion
- Guolei1130/shell_tools - some shell script
- GochoMugo/msu - A small Shell framework that makes writing bash scripts less sucky
- frnmst/gnupot - A fully free, highly customizable and very efficient shell wrapper for git and SSH, which imitates Dropbox.
- DonutDeflector/adblocker - A collection of scripts that use /etc/hosts to block advertising-related, tracking, and malicious domains
- DocX/aws-ecs-utils - Connect to shell of containerized application like you were used to before Docker
- danyshaanan/.home - 🏠 My OSX home dot files
- credativ/pg_backup_ctl - A shell script to manage PostgreSQL archiving and basebackups
- cirlabs/vm - A series of shell scripts to bootstrap a data journalism virtual machine image for VirtualBox
- chrissimpkins/scriptacular - Generic, reusable bash shell scripts
- chliny/dnspod_sh - 用shell写的一个更新记录绑定域名的简单脚本
- cbdevnet/fugit - Really lightweight git access control
- bubbl3gum/mpd_control - shell script for mpd that uses dmenu to add songs, albums, playlist, jump to a song in the current playlist etc.
- brancz/desktop-install - Shell script I use to install and configure my ubuntu/osx machine.
- bradleyflood/vagrant-expressionengine - A Vagrantfile and install shell script for use on Expression Engine installations.
- bocytko/git-backup - Simple shell scripts for creating and restoring incremental backups of git repositories using git bundles.
- Bilalh/Shell-Tunes - Control itunes from the command line, over 40 commands inculding play/pause, mute/unmute, playlist and play random album. Also inculdes also scripts for getting data from itunes.
- atorman/curlREST - Bash shell script (Mac OSX tested) for using curl and the REST API to access salesforce data for repetitive administrative tasks.
- AntonioPT/minimal-desktop-for-ubuntu - A shell script to build the Ubuntu desktop environment from the ubuntu-minimal install.
- andreax79/pizza-mandolino-shell - Practice your Italian with shell
- sadsfae/misc-scripts - 🔧 Tooling and scripts used for ops automation and utility.
- ryanpcmcquen/ryanpc-slackbuilds - 🚧 If you build it, Slack will come.
- PeterDaveHello/web-minify-helper - Help web developer to make their js & css files minified easily!
- metakirby5/scripts - 📜 A collection of scripts I have found or written.
- jspahrsummers/shell-scripts - Miscellaneous useful shell scripts.
- jgoday/gnome-shell-extension-wallpapers - Simple gnome shell extension to set current wallpaper
- jakoch/php-hhvm - php-hhvm + travis-ci = ❤
- Gonzih/.fish - my fish shell configuration files
- bbashy/seedbox - ruTorrent - rTorrent - libTorrent - nginx - php-fpm + HTTPS(TLS)
- ashumkin/apt-cyg - Copy of apt-cyg [http://code.google.com/p/apt-cyg/] SVN repository
- crazy-max/ftp-sync - A shell script to synchronize files between a remote FTP server and your local server/computer.
- wulijun/service-installer - setup shell script for Tengine, PHP, MySQL etc
- we-sh/42ShellTester - Integration test suite for Shell implementation
- vahe/vSetup - Debian VPS bare minimum setup shell script
- tjluoma/hazel-newvolume - A shell script to work with Hazel to automatically install apps on OS X
- stianeikeland/dotfiles - 🐚 dotfiles (mainly for os x)
- ssimpson89/ffmpeg-installer - A set of shell scripts designed to install the latest version of FFMPEG from source. Designed for cPanel and CentOS based servers
- ryanirelan/ee-sandbox-restore - Shell script to restore EE files and database.
- RoumenDamianoff/ipv6tunnel - A simple IPv6 tunnel shell script.
- Playsoft/container_builder - Simple shell script that helps creating small docker containers.
- platform45/let-there-be-light - Shell script for setting up a new dev environment on OS X
- pavoljuhas/smart-change-directory - smart change of directory in a Unix shell, IPython and Vim
- pantuza/panfiles - Configuration files of environment, bash settings and development tools
- orvice/lnmp - A shell to Install Nginx,MariaDB,PHP on Linux.
- neagix/idesk - IDesk gives users icons on their desktop. Features include transparency, configurable actions to run shell commands, PNG, SVG and GIF image support, and XFT anti-aliased fonts
- meoow/baiduyun-upload-script - Upload files or direcotries form command line using shell script
- mbezjak/napalm - Automate installation of archived (zip, gz, bz2, jar) programs that are unsuited or unavailable from a package repository.
- martymac/ldapscripts - Simple shell scripts to handle POSIX entries in an LDAP directory
- makelinux/lib - Library of Linux shell functions
- macmichael01/terminal-config - Terminal-config is a collection of shell related scripts used to enhance the bash experience
- lsim/gratisddns - A shell script for issuing an update to the ddns provider gratisdns.dk
- lfckop/utils - shell utils
- lalbornoz/midipix_build - Unified build Bourne shell script for midipix
- krkn/sote - Shell favorites paths, for faster cd.
- jeffbuttars/virtualcandy - Smarter Shell Integration for Python's Virtualenv
- hyperoslo/github-s3 - Shell scripts that make it really easy to archive and restore repositories between GitHub and AWS S3
- gregrobbins/magento-lite-db-dump - Shell script that dumps a reduced version of the Magento database for use in development.
- fschaefer/pushover.sh - Shell script to push messages to Android and iOS devices via Pushover (https://pushover.net/)
- djit/install-nginx-php-fpm-mongodb - shell scripts to install nginx, php5-fpm and latest mongodb on ubuntu/debian
- derwiki/scripts - Repository of shell scripts that have made my life easier
- demiazz/goldfish - Configuration framework for Fish Shell inspired by Oh My Zsh and Oh My Fish.
- deedy/FacebookFun - A few shell scripts which shows you some fun facts about your Facebook profile.
- dantmnf/FlvPatcher - Shell scripts to generate specially patched FLV files to avoid being encoded again by some online video sites.
- danigiri/provashell - Shell Unit Testing for the masses
- courtney-miles/gentoo-web-provision - Shell scripts for provisioning a Gentoo box as a web server.
- code-attic/ubuntu-dev - Some shell scripts I'm working on to help ease the pain of getting Ubuntu from fresh install to dev ready
- cloud8421/dotfiles - Opinionated shell configuration with support for: ZSH, Fish shell (currently using it), a robust Vim configuration for Ruby, Rails and JS development, plus other CLI tools.
- chtombleson/php-lua-install-script - Shell script to install and compile lua and phplua pecl extension
- broodplank/GetJava - Unix Shell script that utilizes Dex2Jar and Jad to get Java code from APKs
- arthurfurlan/minify-media - Shell script to minify media files
- 40Digits/latpot - A shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine.
- zambonin/arch-install - A simple shell script to automate Arch Linux's convoluted installation.
- TronGeek/AutoDeploy-Shell - 自动部署PHP项目的Shell脚本,可用于Jenkins持续集成。
- stuarthicks/dotfiles - My personal spellbook of random config.
- strugee/dots - Rcs, profiles, other dotfiles, I love 'em all
- snabbco/shellci - OpenStack 3rd party CI in 100 lines of shell
- sirech/shell - Shell Config Files
- seanhess/centos - Centos Shell Script Functions
- ReidWeb/linuxmotd - Dynamically Generated MOTD for Linux Servers
- qjcg/shell-examples - Little Bash shell scripting examples
- qindongliang/shell-mysql - shell脚本分页导出mysql数据
- Natenom/mcontrol - Minecraft/Craftbukkit control/backup/more script
- mattmight/project-shell-scripting - A project to familiarize students with shell scripting
- martinp/dotfiles - My personal dotfiles, including sweet makefile
- lowply/dotfiles - 🏠
- leidentech/ez-shell-tools - This is a collection of shell/php tools for ezpublish command line use.
- kintoandar/shell_scripts - Several shell scripts organized by function: init script to manage multiple Ghost blog instances + backup to an encrypted tar.gz file using gpg + iptables template + ssh vpn + nagios/nrpe/sensu script for monitoring dmraid, modsecurity, ossec + plugin for IRSSI email on mentions
- jorgeatgu/setup -
💾 Configuración
- jglovier/my-setup - 💻 ✅ Documenting my system setup for reinstalls after a complete crash, etc.
- eric-brechemier/digitalocean-shell-api - Shell scripts acting as client for the DigitalOcean API
- edipox/toggle_term - A simple script to allow you to have a pseudo drop down terminal
- cute/JSONPretty - JSON pretty print shell
- cndreisbach/dotfiles - My dotfiles
- bsaunder/ShellScripts - Shell Scripts
- attactics/PowerShellEmpireDocker - PowerShell Empire docker build
- barnybug/docker-fish-completion - docker command completion for the fish shell
- lwindolf/polscan - Simple zero-setup tool to run policy check shell snippets on Debian servers via SSH
- cbeams-archive/shell-scripts - Useful shell scripts
- RigsOfRods/ror-linux-buildscripts - Shell scripts to build Rigs of Rods git on apt based GNU/Linux systems
- xssnark/mysql-db-sync - A limited bourne shell script that uses mysql and mysqldump to synchronize databases between servers.
- tripleonard/chef-solo-bootstrap - A shell script to setup chef-solo on Ubuntu
- tkalfigo/piavpn - Shell scripts for managing VPN connections of PIA (Private Internet Access) from the command line
- tjluoma/km-diff-dropbox-duplicates - A Keyboard Maestro macro (and shell script) to compare a Dropbox "Conflicted Copy" file with its original
- tekapo/inst-wp-with-wp-cli - Shell script to install WordPress with wp-cli.
- tart/SimpleParallelDumpRestore - Simple MySQL parallel dump & restore scripts using mysql, mysqldump commands on shell.
- syndbg/shell-in-a-nutshell - Basic shell script guide to get you scripting
- stevecomrie/mysql-version-control - A Simple bash shell script to keep a series of migration logs for all changes made to a MySQL database schema
- splitbrain/paper-backup - A bunch of shell scripts for scanning to PDF
- spali/docker-shellinabox - Docker container serving shellinabox a Web based AJAX terminal emulator.
- snwh/osx-post-install - A set of post-installation shell scripts for OS X
- smtlaissezfaire/shunit2 - shell script Unit testing framework (mirror of svn repository @ http://shunit2.googlecode.com/svn)
- shaohaiyang/easyFirewall - A based iptables and ip rules code by shell script can help company to build smart&useful firewall
- rstacruz/shellbundler - Shell script manager.
- primait/docker-enter-completion - docker-enter command shell completion
- pkcpkc/ios-image-scripts - Shell scripts to generate all required app icons and launch images for iPad and iPhone apps
- ojb500/expect-uci - a shell/expect script to help analyse chess games with uci engines
- montanaflynn/vidtogif - Shell script for converting videos to gifs
- MilesChou/linux-install-sh - Linux install shell scripts
- mcnesium/b2g-certificates - A shell script to add root certificates to Firefox OS
- martindemello/fsharp-quickstart - Shell scripts to create F# projects with Forge
- major0/shlib - A highly portable utility library system for the POSIX Shell language.
- JayBrown/Xipper - macOS workflows and shell scripts to create & sign or verify xip archives or trust non-standard certificates
- istrategylabs/laptop - A shell script which turns your Mac into an awesome web development machine.
- geggo98/docker-ssh-vpn-jump-host - A secured ssh based VPN in a Docker container. Works only as jump host for port forwarding and SOCKS proxy but provides no shell.
- evilaliv3/travis-ci-reverse-shell - travis-ci-reverse-shell
- Earnestly/taverner - Menu for games (or anything) using dmenu and a bunch of shell scripts, totally the UNIX® Way
- chr/nuush - Command line feed reader (shell script)
- antonio-malcolm/corgi-scripts - Portable, reusable, and POSIX-compliant shell script library with Openbox pipe menus (#pipemenus)
- Alfcx/linux-mint-nemo-actions - Some useful Nemo Actions and Shell Scripts with zenity GUIs: 1. Sandwich PDF Maker (OCR, Text Layer, searchable pdf, tesseract, scantailor); 2. PDF Page Rotator; 3. PDF Metadata Editor; 4. PDF Document Downsizer; 5. doc(x), odt, txt to pdf Converter; 6. doc(x) to odt Converter
- afshinm/git-migrate - A simple shell script to move Git repositories from a server to another
- 4679/189netdisk - shell脚本实现的天翼云盘cli客户端 随时可能弃坑
- yousong/build-scripts - Shell scripts for quickly trying different (newest) versions (features (bugs)) of open source projects.
- yogsototh/YPasswordCLI - A command line shell script to use the YPassword method
- xbot/shell - This repo hosts miscellaneous scripts I use in my daily life.
- wstrange/Oracle-IAM-Scripts - A collection of shell scripts to set up Oracle Linux (or Redhat) for hosting Oracle Identity / Access software
- usure/2do.sh - A todo shell script.
- uberhacker/pantheon-backup - Bash shell script to backup all Pantheon sites and environments
- thestonefox/docker-databases - Shell helper for launching common databases in docker containers
- the2belo/wxsat-scheduler - Shell scripts for receiving NOAA weather satellites via Raspberry Pi.
- stef/magnus23 - shell ircbot based on John-Henry used on telecomix #telekompaketet
- spencertipping/fsh - Functional shell scripts
- simulacre/udp-senderx - Udpcast's udp-sender with support for sending multiple files as one file without using a shell
- scijava/scijava-scripts - Shell scripts for scientific projects written in Java
- sapran/tor-vpn - Shell script that sets up a Tor/VPN server in the cloud.
- SandroMachado/xcassetsutils - Shell Scripts to extract and restore all the images in an Asset Catalog folder (.xcassets)
- s0baco/Minecraft-shell - s0baco's Minecraft Server shell script.
- rstacruz/fishfiles - my fish-shell config files
- rpasta42/shell_matrix - Bash Matrix
- rojo2/brauser - Shell script to generate a html with a directory's content
- robinpalat/idiomind - A small program to learn foreign vocabulary written in shell script
- RobertZenz/Bivalvia - This is a collection of (hopefully) useful shell scripts.
- rnc/nicks-shell - Shell initialisation scripts
- rfyiamcool/shellredis-mq - a shell tool of redis pub sub 通过shell来调用redis的接口
- raphapr/dotfiles - Manjaro, i3, tmux, vim, fish shell, mopidy
- proudcommerce/oxid-installer - shell install script for oxid eshops
- politza/ealias - Emacs loving aliases for the Bash shell
- patricks/osm-garmin - Shell scripts to build openstreetmap maps for garmin devices
- ojengwa/laptop.py - A shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome fullstack web development machine using Python. Inspired by ThoughtBot's laptop for Ruby on Rails
- nurd1n/Xoxo - Auto bash/shell script video play, download, stream, bypass, text to speech
- niklasberglund/ipinfo - A Bash shell-script wrapping the IP address information API of http://ipinfo.io
- nicolargo/myscreencast - Shell script based on GStreamer to build screencast in H.264/AAC, WebM and Vorbis/Theora format)
- muhqu/superspark - hi-res sparklines for your shell
- morishin/locker - Shell script to protect a text file by AES encryption
- mikegerwitz/shspec - BDD for shell
- markhatton/google-ngrams - Shell scripts to assist downloading & processing the Google n-grams corpora
- manuelkiessling/simplecd - Simple Continuous Delivery system running in your bash shell
- linuxscout/shellshal - Shell Scripts for Arabic Language
- ldrumm/virtualenv-lua - virtualenv-like functionality for Lua using LuaRocks. A single shell script.
- LB--/travis - Shell scripts for travis that update and install software that can actually compile modern C++
- l0b0/txt2cloud - Tag cloud shell script
- kashu/Xubuntu_install - An installation shell script for Xubuntu 14.04.x amd64
- jeetsukumaran/promptitude - A shell prompt with an attitude: enhanced (BASH) shell prompt with VCS (Git) branch and status information.
- jcward/BaseAIRAppLinux - A minimal AIR app project with Linux shell scripts
- jasonrobertfox/dotfiles - Shell and other configurations
- jaalto/project--restricted-shell-rbash - Create restricted user and initialize rbash shell with user selected commands
- hansfilipelo/bashshot - Replicates the Solaris sun-auto-snap functionality as shell script. Tested on Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux with zfsonlinux.
- GordStephen/pdsite - Pandoc-backed static site generator shell script with precompiled binary dependencies
- FunkyM/install_name_prefix_tool - Shell script for Mac OS X which changes the library prefix for a series of shared libraries in a folder or a single executable.
- fsquillace/pearl - DEPRECATED: in favor of https://github.com/pearl-core/pearl - The Linux Shell made easy
- flores/smoke - an easy no-dependency test harness in shell
- fdavidcl/project.sh - A simple yet effective way to manage your C++ projects, right from shell.
- farhanfaisal/DNSblacklist - A shell script to download malware domains from various sources, and configuring unbound DNS config file to be used as a local recursive DNS server
- erlehmann/uii - uii is a collection of shell scripts for the minimal irc client ii
- ericsahit/SparkDeployTools - Linux shell for Auto-deploy spark to multi nodes.
- encukou/bin - My personal scripts & shell shortcuts
- ellerbrock/bash-framework - ◼️ write faster shell scripts with a modern look and feel (alpha version) ✨ 💫
- elcio/mdb2mysql - Shell script that uses mdbtools to generate a mysql script from a mdb file
- dstrctrng/cue - shell prompt (bash)
- DQNEO/rsolo - rsolo is a simple shell-script which runs chef-solo on remote hosts.
- davispuh/SystemBootstrap - Shell files to automatically install Operating System with preconfigured settings.
- darconeous/shattings - Shared (shell) Settings
- cscheid/rplot - a script to get ggplots from the shell in iterm2
- cowens/Dynamic-Brew - A shell script to setup Perl, Ruby, and Python in a user's home directory on OS X
- ByScripts/fish-config - Fish Shell configuration files
- BOBdotEXE/RetroPie-Simple-Backup-Script - A simple shell script to backup all your RetroPie save files Locally, and to the cloud!
- BillWang139967/shell_menu - 统一管理脚本,可一键生成执行菜单
- bicccio/pomosh - A simple shell script for time managemet, based on the Pomodoro Technique
- bhargavms/AndroidIconResizer - A linux bash shell script project for resizing image files to your required DIP/DP values.
- benzBrake/Shell_Collections - Userful shell script collections
- bceverly/openbsd-ports-db - Some sketchy shell scripts to create a sqlite3 database containing all of the ports (by processor) in OpenBSD along with their dependencies. The goal is to start with the ones that most ports depend on that aren't on some of the older processors, fix them and get more ports available to revitilize the older architectures.
- aus/prowl - Shell scripts to send push notifications to Prowl and Pushover
- andschwa/shell - My Bash / Readline configurations
- andersonaguiar/wordpress-install - A shell script to install the latest version of Wordpress
- ambimax/magento-patch - Simple shell script that checks for missing patches and updates magento installation. Use at own risk!
- amail/Magento-Installation-Script - Shell script that simplifies the Magento installation process and configuration.
- akquinet/nexus_cleaner - shell scripts to clean your release repositories in your nexus
- aboettger/ShellScripts - Some useful shell scripts for me
- abhishekkr/raguel - raguel - the shell archangel
- abgoyal/ShellToolsApplet - ShellTools is an applet for the Cinnamon Desktop that makes it trivial to add shell commands as a panel popup menu
- 73696e65/bash-web-server - very simple http daemon written for Bourne-Again SHell
- 0rax/narwhal - A simple docker wrapper (docker, docker-machine & docker-compose) for fish-shell.
- yulshub/yaws - AWS Shell console interactive
- yaffare/systemd-shell-wrapper - Simple shell wrapper script around the systemd ctls, cloning rc.d output
- vorachet/bash-cli-template - Bash shell script template for readability CLI
- tarakanbg/railsinstaller - Basic shell script to install ruby and rails on Ubuntu systems
- steshaw/shelly - My dotfiles
- srcshelton/stdlib.sh - Standard functions library for bash shell
- shapeshed/bin - Assorted shell scripts
- shaohaiyang/easyStack - A mini&smart shell script can rapid starting OpenStack program.
- rlex/shellscripts - Various server stuff. Configs, scripts, etc.
- rip-projects/masdeel - Mass Downloader Shell Script
- rightson/shell-dev-env - Configuration files for bash, vim, and screen. Wrappers for cscope, svn and kermit.
- rgaiacs/swc-shell-split-window - Script to split the shell using tmux
- rcmdnk/shell-explorer - File explorer made with shell script。
- phette23/fishrc - Fish shell customizations
- ousamabenyounes/ShellVCSCommit - Launches some usefull commands (phpunit, php-cs-fixer, svn update) before committing your SVN changes
- nick8325/combinatory-logic-in-shell-script - I was feeling evil one night :)
- ndbroadbent/rails_shell - Aliases, functions and tab completions for Rails development.
- mangege/discourse_shell - 不使用 Docker 部署 Discourse
- lharding/lsh-bin - Shell utilities toolkit
- Lanchon/Flashize - Turn Shell Scripts Into Flashable Android Recovery Zips
- keen99/shell-functions - useful functions - primarily bash specific, usually cross-platform... PRs and contributions welcome.
- katzueno/concrete5-install-shell-scripts - Install concrete5 environment onto Cloud9 Platform
- karolistamutis/mysql_scripts - Backup and restore shell scripts, mainly for cron use.
- Jverma/GATK-pipeline - A shell script which implements GATK pipeline for variant calling.
- June-Wang/github4shell - shell for install.nagios-plugins,htop.lftp,mawk,mysql,openssh,rsync,python.
- johnny2678/wupws - Shell script that replicates Weather Underground PWS to pwsweather.com
- jfarmer/procrast - A little shell script to add anti-procrastination features to /etc/hosts
- jdutta/bashautoc - Bash shell autocomplete extensions
- Jchase2/simple-pass-manager - Simpe shell password manager.
- Jazzo/Git-Deploy-by-FTP - A simple shell script to deploy a project on Git repo by FTP (using CURL)
- jacobamey/Shell-Scripts - My Shell Scripts.
- irsdl/BurpRunnerShells - This makes it easier to open and run the latest version of Burp Suite via terminal or command line
- ir193/tiny_linux - A tiny linux with simple shell and full network support. Homework for Advanced Operating System
- farmercode/one_shell_install_lnmp - 一键安装php,目前针对默认安装的是php7
- deviantony/bsfl - Fork from the SVN project BSFL which stands for Bash Shell Function Library by Louwrentius.
- dbough/syslog-generator - A small shell script that generates syslog messages.
- dafrito/Shell-Unit-Test - Simple test runner for shell scripts
- cvrebert/bashrc - Basic shell customizations
- chris-marsh/fastIPvanish - Shell script to ping IPVanish VPN servers and select the fastest responding.
- cchaudier/shellfactory - Bibliothèque de fonctions pour scripts bash.
- beewoolie/shellinabox - Shell in a Box console in a Browser
- bamos/shell-scripts - Miscellaneous short shell scripts.
- ashwini0529/power-shell - A collection of utility shell scripts to make a developer's job easy
- angusty/aliyun-install-lanmp-shell - 阿里云安装lamp或lnmp环境的shell
- zambonin/ArchInstall - A simple shell script to automate Arch Linux's convoluted installation.
- jdp/hardbound - A static blog generator written in shell script
- fuadsaud/J.A.R.V.I.S - Acid-humoured set of shell scripts, dotfiles, configurations and tweaks.
- von/bash-utils - Collection of random Bash shell utilities.
- vaab/git-hooks - Git hooks shell management framework.
- tjluoma/bugreporthelper - Shell script and Keyboard Maestro macro to quickly insert system information into bug reports
- stuartpb/meta.sh - A curl-able repository of shell scripts.
- schmengler/simple-magento-boilerplate - Simple Vagrantbox with shell script provisioning and Magento boilerplate as described here:
- mgedmin/dotfiles - My personal Linux shell settings
- hzwjm/iNot-eclient - 广东天翼校园shell脚本
- grantlucas/sh-prowl - Simple Prowl interaction through Shell
- GNU-Pony/bash.d - Subscripts for GNU Bash shells
- Gh005t/Android-BruteForce - Its is a simple shell script that brute force Android Lock screen (When USB DEBUGGING is enable) its uses ADB tools FOR BruteForce
- fuhaha/OpenStack_Install_shell_using_virtualbox - Install shell script for OpenStack Kilo
- broodplank/GitConflictResolver - Shell script that automatically fixes git merging conflicts the easy way.
- b4b4r07/bashmark - Directory bookmarks for the shell
- toromoti/chocomint - Simple, powerful, flexible, comment-based Testing Framework for your command-line tools or shell scripts on Bash 4.x
- kfujiwara/dnsseczonetool - DNSSEC zone signing helper shell script
- shrayasr/MUL - Track your favourite mangas from the shell!
- NewpTone/SAIO - It's used for setup and configure Swift All In One with shell script
- ktneely/forensics - shell script to create an image and perform initial examination on a drive
- johnsca/devhelpers - A collection of bash shell helpers to wrap common git and QA tasks
- jldec/tomd - Shell script for upgrading textile posts to markdown.
- Duncaen/fish-django-completions - Generate completions for Django and the fish shell.
- csusi/lfs - Linux From Shell - Shell scripts to build Linux From Scratch (version 7.8)
- Char1sma/Shell_Collections - Userful shell script collections
- bengarrett/btsynctool - A shell script to interact with the BitTorrent Sync daemon.
- anubhavchaturvedi/ConnectifyLinux - Shell Script to simulate the behavior similar to Connectify for Windows/Mac
- atz3ro/BashScriptTestingLibrary - A unit testing framework for Shell scripts - namely Bash.
- SonicHedgehog/uberspace-goodies - A few useful Uberspace shell scripts.
- gwk/gloss - Shell/environment/editor configurations and command-line utilities.
- ZuraGuerra/theme-red-snapper - Fish shell theme with a kawaii ASCII fish.
- wendlers/install-propeller-toolchain - Simple shell script to install Parallax-Propeller toolchain, including the BST tools and the Propeller GCC.
- wbreeze/album - shell script to generate photo gallery static web pages, thumbnail and preview images
- threatgrid/declarative.bash - A simple framework for writing declarative shell scripts
- tests-always-included/mr-fusion - Automatically merge your git branches with this configurable shell script
- tatsuya6502/bhyve-scripts - A collection of shell scripts to run bhyve VMs on my FreeBSD 11.x desktop machine
- swoodford/osx - A collection of shell scripts meant to be run in OS X for automating various tasks
- Richard-W/cmake-configure-wrapper - A simple shell-script that imitates the behaviour of the autotools configure script.
- RayViljoen/Mac-PHP-Update - Shell script to update Mac OS X’s bundled PHP to latest 5.4*
- perusio/drupal-db - A set of shell scripts for working with databases in Drupal
- nwinant/misc-scripts - A small collection of random shell scripts I've found useful
- meain/temper - A small utility to show presentation in a shell
- macaubas/vbox-snapshot-restore - Shell script created to control virtualbox in order to restore snapshots.
- klehigh/cif2bro-helpers - a couple shell scripts to help with getting CIF bits into Bro
- irnnr/typo3clone - A shell script to clone TYPO3 and configure the clone for contributions through review.typo3.org
- illwieckz/pimi - A shell script to install popular IdTech mods
- enkiv2/clisynth - A set of shell functions for simplifying music composition with sox
- chluehr/roundsman - Shell scripts for setting up and/or managing Ubuntu servers
- TheWookie/git-openssl-shellscript - Shellscript to compile git with OpenSSL
- tobibo/AndroidMonkey - Simple shell script which triggers the monkey to run on a android app. Uses a seed to reproduce random events injected after a crash, so rerunning the script after a crash will reproduce the same events.
- tecking/wp-cli.setup.sh - A shell script to install WP-CLI into common hosting servers.
- pwittchen/fix-skype-icon - ☎️ shell script to fix the Skype icon in Ubuntu
- phatblat/XcodeBuildScripts - A collection of miscellaneous shell scripts that I use across the various iOS app projects I work on.
- nvie/scripts - A collection of simple and small but useful UNIX shell scripts.
- nItroFreeZer/php5_backward_incompatible_changes - This shell script could be used to parse DocumentRoots for functions and ini directives problematic with PHP 5 / 7.
- MedicineYeh/mmode - A shell tool to configure/use ccache and distcc in an easy way
- mattsears/dotfiles - config files for the shell, ssh, ruby, rails, irb, git and more
- marsenis/grader - An automated shell script that compiles and runs a program on a set of test cases provided by the user.
- malamaker/UC-Davis-AR-Sandbox-Configuration-Menu - Shell script and desktop icon that simplifies the startup and configuration of the UC Davis AR Sandbox Project.
- lixiantai/GDOU-esurfing-client - 广东海洋大学电信天翼客户端(Python版+shell版),运行环境OpenWrt
- jusbour/Raspberry-Pi-Wordpress-Installation - A custom shell script designed for Raspberry Pi to install Wordpress along with a LAMP stack. It uses Port 80 by default.
- jmchilton/proteomics-wine-env - The project lets you package up a Wine environment into a single shell script for distribution to other Linux instances or users.
- unlp-so/shell-scripts - Scripts de ejemplo para la explicación de práctica 3: Shell scripting
- sequenceiq/docker-ambari-shell - docker image to run ambari-shell
- ikirker/ShellStore - A sort-of-object-store written in bash & command-line-tools
- farrellit/shell-assume-aws-role - Assume an AWS IAM Role given the AWS profile ( ~/.aws/credentials ), Role ARN, and current MFA Token
- drj11/shell - shell tutorial
- dotcode/multi-shell-git-prompt - A shell script to make your prompt pretty. Works with bash and zsh, with git.
- ShellGui/shellgui - A lightweight Linux System Web Control Panel write with Pure Shell CGI.
- redhatlinux10/openSUSE-One-Click-Installer - an one-click-installer shell script helping openSUSE new starters ( especially from China ) to install various applications including multimedia applications, flash plugin, rar and 7zip libraries and etc.
- spl/ghc-ver - GHC version selection shell script for Mac OS X
- ggVGc/fzf_browser - Shell browser built on fzf
- wimmuskee/shell-oaiharvester - OAI-PMH harvester in shell.
- weynhamz/shell-toolkit - Some bash scripts I wrote to make life easier.
- undpaul/shellwrapper - A bash script to call multiple shell scripts in a directory.
- rubyconsumer/bash-shell-scripting-utilities - Bash Shell Scripting Utilities
- pirogoeth/shellIRC - modular IRC bot and relaybot written in bash
- moul/docker-shellinabox - 🐳 run a web shell with Shellinabox in Docker
- malyw/fish-shell-the-missing-config - The Missing Config to start using Fish Shell without pain
- kljensen/shell-interval-training-timer - shell-interval-workout-timer
- kisscool/shell-dancer - A very experimental web framework in POSIX shell inspired by Sinatra
- DrHyde/shellscripts - Random shell stuff
- bmejias/alfresco-shell-tools - Command line tools to admin Alfresco. Cloned from alfresco-shell-tools originally written by Lothar Maerkle
- BenoitHiller/shellby - Bash IRC bot
- AndrewRadev/dot-shell - My zsh configuration
- akatrevorjay/dotfiles-shell - Opinionated Garbage -- Shell dotfiles for Zsh/Bash4 with per OS/shell hooks
- lukas2511/letsencrypt.sh - letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script
- smof/openAM_shell_REST_client - A set of Bash wrapper scripts that use curl to access the OpenAM RESTful interface
- mynameistony/scripts - Various shell scripts
- joaocunha/OSeXy - A shell script your OS X will be glad to call its first [WIP].
- chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Fedora - Porting Ubuntu's Unity Shell to Fedora
- znz/dot-shell - .bashrc and .zshrc
- yesodweb/scripts - common shell scripts for installing Yesod projects.
- tripflex/scripts - Collection of Bash, Shell, and Expect scripts for Linux.
- Tragidy/shell-scripts - Linux Server Scripts
- tmonjalo/choose - shell menu
- tarleb/shell-talk - Presentations from the commandline
- squidsolutions/aws-redshift-shell - Shell scripts for AWS Redshift clusters configuration, creation and administration
- sangrealest/shell - shell scripts
- renanmpimentel/vhost-apache-shell - Criando vhost no apache em debian/ubuntu
- rauluranga/powerbook - shell script for setting up a macbook for development
- raphamorim/shell-script-frontend - [WIP] Replace grunt / gulp tasks using Shell Script
- rafamoreira/vagrant-shell-provisioner - A collection of scripts to provision Vagrant with shell
- perryflynn/parallels-shell-extensions - Make the ssh jail of parallels cloud server usable
- NoNoNo/shellscripts-arte_download - Download a video from arte+7
- nima/site - Modular shell-scripting framework - 99% native bash, 1% phat!
- neillturner/omnibus-ansible - Install latest Ansible via pip + dependencies via a shell script
- mushroomgithub/Linux-shell-study - 学习Linux shell 脚本编程时写的一些脚本代码
- mochi/miscscripts - miscellaneous shell scripts
- katgironpe/unix-shell-scripts-for-developers - Mac OS X/Unix Shell Scripts for Developers
- inacho/Bash-Shell-Utils - My useful functions and alias to use in bash
- gyyan/gitDiff-GUI-Shell - shell for call the gui diff
- chmouel/nautilus-shell-script-rackspace-cloud-files - Upload Files from nautilus to Rackspace Cloud Files
- chatainsim/Box.net-Shell-API - Box.net Shell API
- cburyta/vagrant-provision-shell - Create a list of shell scripts used to provision vagrant
- caseyscarborough/gitlab-install - A collection of shell scripts for automated installation of GitLab.
- argordmel/VirtualHost - Script en shell para crear virtual host en apache2
- a1exsh/pwm - Dead Simple Password Manager (shell-based)
- mlafeldt/tomdoc.sh - Parse TomDoc'd shell scripts and generate pretty documentation from it
- perusio/php-fpm-relaunch - A shell script to run as CGI in thttpd that (re)launches php-fpm on an Nginx 502
- EvandroLG/setup-lib-js - shell script to create files and directories common to any lib I write in js
- eonil/libgit2-make-ios - This is a set of shell script that makes universal static library binary of
for iOS - vxdiv/vagrantLAMP - Simple Vagrant and shell provision
- stockrt/locknload - Lockfile shell command wrapper
- sio2boss/av - make your own domain specific shell
- saschpe/amarok2clementine - Shell script to import Amarok's rating, score and playcount into Clementine
- salgo/chef-server-bootstrap - Shell script to bootstrap a chef server using chef-solo for maintainability
- neil-smithline-shellscripts/auto-git-push - A simple shell script that is designed to use crontab(8) to push a repo.
- muhqu/bash-complete - Shell script to retrive BASH completions
- litongbupt/infobright_load_tool - 往infobright数据load数据的开源shell脚本
- KonradIT/gowifi - Command line shell gopro wifi controller
- jmwenda/geonode-backup - Shell Scripts to backup a GeoNode Instance
- icasimpan/shcf - simplified shell coding framework
- gonnot/codjo-install-workstation - Todo and shell script for building codjo in a macosx environment
- derektamsen/folder-o-tricks - Random Shell One Liners
- mlafeldt/sharness - Shell library to test your Unix tools like Git does
- marcan/letsencrypt-external - Let's Encrypt plugin that uses an external shell script for domain validation
- bahmutov/git-branches - Bash shell to show current branches and their descriptions using only default Git features
- paltas/FedoraPrime - This package provide similar functionality to nvidia-prime for Ubuntu, just for fedora, provide a shell script that will change to NVIDIA GPU and vice versa for Intel GPU
- KeshavA2015/My_Shell_Scripts - My_Shell_Scripts
- flower-pot/desktop-install - Shell script I use to install and configure my ubuntu/osx machine.
- pearl-core/pearl - Only in the best Shells you will find a Pearl: The package manager for dotfiles, plugins, programs and any form of source code accessible via git
- xieyunzi/dotfiles - shell, git, vim, tmux .etc dotfiles, managed via gnu stow
- stevo81989/ffmpeg-installer - A set of shell scripts designed to install the latest version of FFMPEG from source. Designed for cPanel and CentOS based servers
- xternal7/punishell - A shell that mildly punishes you for your mistakes.
- xiaohanyu/moviebarcode - A simple shell script to convert a movie to a moviebarcode(http://moviebarcode.tumblr.com/)
- worxco/simplesql - A Bash Shell script to aid in using mysql at command line. Includes some Drupal features
- vgarg/gohawk - A shell script that can may be combined with fswatch to automatically build a golang program
- trenc/roll_password - This is a shell script, which rolls a random passphrase based of a diceware wordlist.
- tmaone/sword-fish - A shell toolkit written in fish
- tjluoma/onnetworkchange - A shell script and launchd plist to trigger actions whenever a Mac's network connection changes
- tjluoma/ftpd - Shell script to enable or disable ftpd on Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8
- tjluoma/crashplan-load-unload - Shell scripts to load or unload CrashPlan on Mac OS X
- syranez/shell-json - A JSON-to-directory mapper.
- skratchdot/Git-Diff-Build-Script - A shell script to create "deploy" and "restore" folders based off of a git diff of 2 branches.
- shamunda/Plumi-Install-Script-for-CentOS6.x-x64 - Shell scripts to aid with the installation of the Plumi video server on CentOS v6.x 64bit systems only.
- ryuichiueda/ShellGeiData - Files for practice of shellgei
- phy1729/znapdragon - znapdragon is a fast and portable shell script to make and rotate ZFS snapshots.
- omgmog/install-gapps-over-adb-tcp - A shell script to automatically install the Google Apps via adb over TCP on the Mele A2000.
- neurobin/JSiteCopier - Shell script to copy an entire website
- netmute/deploy.sh - Simple shell script that uploads stuff to your server.
- nealjc/parallel-bash - Execute jobs in parallel from bash shell
- mirwasi/GetUVa - Shell scripts to help you to download all the pdf and html problemsets of UVa.
- mimming/safe-nerf-time - SMS your AT&T phone the last line of a shell command (e.g. build status)
- mgoeppner/organize - a simple shell script to organize a user's home directory
- mangosango/Simple-WebM - A very simple shell script for mac that converts videos to webm clips.
- lewismc/bash-httpd - bash-httpd is a web server written in bash, the GNU bourne shell replacement.
- keeeto/Vasp-PV - A shell script for calculating many interesting materials' parameters for photovoltaic applications, includng Band gap, polarisation
- jsermeno/easycert_openssl - Shell script to produce your own certificate authority
- joelnn/crater - Simple shell exec wrapper for installing Lua and LuaRocks
- javierjulio/laptop - A shell script for installing all tools for my development environment (and general laptop use).
- jason-fries/drugsatfda-db - A shell script for creating a SQL database from weekly Drugs@FDA snapshot data.
- jarv/shell-script-for-a-custom-drupal-install - Automating Drupal 7 Installs Using Drush and Install Profiles
- inonomori/iconBanana - A shell script that generates app icon for iOS
- imsky/scripts - Useful shell scripts
- hoaphumanoid/scripts - A collection of useful shell scripts
- highjack/shellcoding - Files I created whilst trying to build shellcode
- henriqueleng/shite - posix shell, simple static site generator. http://henriqueleng.github.io
- gjskha/bsbs - A Bayesian spam filter written in the bash shell.
- genesem/xcfg - Simple shell scripts to manage nginx under debian/ubuntu platforms.
- farahei14/proxmox-vmbackup - Simple shell script to backup Proxmox 3.0 virtual machine (type: qemu)
- eckemp/existdbScripts - Various shell and ansible scripts to help automate and monitor eXist-db instances
- dphiffer/downloading-is-never-stealing - A convenient set of hyperlinks and shell scripts for reading and archiving Aaron Swartz's online writings
- delphian/vagrant-drupal-8 - Drupal 8 vagrant configured VirtualBox. Installable from the shell via a single command line.
- datagutt/OUYA-scripts - Some useful shell scripts that making developing and using your OUYA easier.
- capeterson/ZSH-Config - My Z shell config and other misc dotfiles
- Tagar/rman - Shell script to run scheduled Oracle RMAN backup scripts for various usage scenarios
- SidneyS/cordova-autocrosswalk - Shell / Bash script to auto-convert Cordova 3.6 projects to Cordova Crosswalk.
- SamTebbs33/mkvim - A small and simple shell script that creates a new vim profile
- OpenGDSMobile/Linker - OpenGDSMobile Linker Shell Script
- Obihoernchen/generateThumbs - Small shell script which will generate thumbnails of videofiles for you.
- KostyaKow/shell_matrix - Bash Matrix
- DrLongGhost/reload - Shell script for refreshing browsers or running tests when files in a monitored directory change
- superhj1987/mac_useful_things - some useful mac things:scripts shells doc shortcut key
- collegeplus/s3-shell-backups - Shell scripts to backup files and databases to Amazon S3
- cfg2html/cfg2html - cfg2html is a UNIX shell script similar to supportinfo, getsysinfo or get_config, except that it creates a HTML (and plain ASCII) system documentation for HP-UX, SCO-UNIX, AIX, Sun OS and Linux systems. Plug-ins for SAP, Oracle, Informix, Serviceguard, Fiber Channel/SAN, TIP/ix, OpenText (IXOS/LEA), SN Mass Storage like MAS, EMC, EVA, XPs, Network Node Manager and DataProtector etc. are included. The first versions of cfg2html were written for HP-UX. Meanwhile the cfg2html HP-UX stream was ported to all major *NIX platforms and small embedded systems.
- thelazyenginerd/shellutils - A collection of command line utilities
- ianbrunelli/gnome-shell-extension-installer - A bash script to search and install extensions from extensions.gnome.org
- Sammitch/add-to-check_mk - Shell script to add new hosts to Check_MK via command line. [assumes OMD]
- krieger-od/imgs2video - Transcode series of images to video, with presentation timestamp control. A set of shell scripts on top of FFmpeg (originally C app based on libavcodec, libavformat from ffmpeg)
- SnabbCo/shellci - OpenStack 3rd party CI in 100 lines of shell
- Hiradur/rigsofrods-linuxscripts - Shell scripts to build Rigs of Rods on apt based systems
- tangramor/deploy_rails - Use Shell script to update ruby on rails applications on remote servers through git, and execute bundle install, rake db:migration, asset precompile and restart unicorn...
- revanthpobala/Ubuntu-Dualboot-installer-Modified.sh - This is a modified version of the shell script for ubuntu installer for Nexus 4. It works only for Nexus 4 and the code is improved for ffluid execution.
- piqus/rocketeer - Rocketeer is a shell script for Ubuntu Linux autoinstall some useful stuff.
- petervanderdoes/shFlags - Shell Flags (shFlags) is a library written to greatly simplify the handling of command-line flags.
- moefuerst/newsfetch.sh - Simple shell script that fetches Calibre .recipes from a specified dir, turns them into Kindle-newspapers via ebook-convert and sends them to your kindle e-mail adress with calibre-smtp. NOTE: has now evolved to
- klondi/kinitram - kinitram is a simple yet powerful initram system providing amongst other things an early boot shell for system recovery
- hvd/Simple-Text-Parser - Search For instances of specific keywords in another large index. eg you have 10 Phone nos one below the other, you have another file with a million records with the Phone nos and other information..... The specific Phone no's with other information will be extracted from the larger file using the Phone no as the key.Illustrates the Power of Shell scripts, awk and grep.
- geekrelief/fcsh-scripts - Scripts to startup the Flex Compiler Shell as a background process built on top of vim / fcsh scripts by Mike Rowe http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1793
- bretweinraub/postgres_installer - shell scripts automatically builds and installs postgres from source; for use when installing multiple versions on the same machine
- bazbt3/ayadn_shell - A Linux menu for AYADN - the App.net CLI.
- Willscrlt/bash-yn - A simple Bash shell script for Linux that waits for a yes or no response from the user with an optional timeout, optional custom prompt, and/or optional default value. Repeats until valid input is received. Returns either 0 (for a no response) or 1 (for a yes).
- WildDogTeam/liveshell - 使用野狗开发一个远程调用shell脚本的工具。运维工程师的利器。
- Shew/Shewstring - Shewstring is a collection of Bourne Shell functions and scripts for building installers of secure and anonymous FreeBSD distros.
- Ruxton/shell_config - Config files and dotfiles and things for POSIX shells (mostly bash)
- Pekkarin/Piratec - Search & download .torrent-files from Piratebay by command line. Plain shell script, uses only lynx and wget among GNU core utils.
- Eonil/libgit2-make-ios - This is a set of shell script that makes universal static library binary of
for iOS - zeroem/clojure-sh - Clojure-ism for your favorite shell
- wangyan/pureftpd - Pureftpd Auto Install Shell Script
- viniciusffj/shell-recorder - A shell commands recorder
- viggyprabhu/Lord-of-the-shell - A game to learn shell commands
- unlp-so/ep3-shell-scripting - Scripts de ejemplo para la explicación de práctica 3: Shell scripting
- uarun/dotfiles - Customized Vim, Git and Shell preferences
- tobyjaffey/staticblog - A simple static blog generator in shell script
- teknotus/bashelf - An assembler written in bash shell
- t57root/oh-my-lovely-shell - Scriptz for pentesting & ops
- stick/dotfiles - shell configuration files
- spencertipping/lock - A mutex for shell commands
- sm/sm-shells - BDSM Shells Extensions Set
- simme/dotfiles - My shell setup 'n stuff
- scraperwiki/urchin1 - A skeleton for shell tests
- schrotthaufen/shell-scripts - Random misc. shellscripts
- sas05/automate-mysql-database-backup - Take backup of the application content is very important, So you can recover your application’s database and content if system crashes. Lets begin with simple backup shell scripts and mail the backup to your email address.
- samadli/Bacys - Backup System for Linux servers on Bash Shell
- ryuichiueda/ShellOfficeTools - Hacking tools for Office XML files
- rubyruy/ninjapack - Ruy’s Ninja-Pack of Cool Shell Tools For Attractive People
- rs77/Coda-Shell-Script - Open files in Coda (or launch Coda) from the command line
- raphaelcohn/vcloud-shell - vCloud interactive shell and API scripting language
- pranavns/Bash_Applications - applications written in shell scripts
- pettersonfaria/whereThereIsAShellThereIsAWay - Shell !
- percioandrade/vdns - Shell Script
- nagisa/gnome-shell-theme-min - A GNOME-Shell theme without bells or whistles
- mutuki/Shellscriptter - Access twitter APIs via command line scripts with OAuth.
- mukulu/shell-scripts - Day To Day Useful Shell scripts
- mpoullet/shell_examples - Some useful shell script samples
- moee/shellprovisioner - A zero dependency shell provisioner for bash
- mattbryson/oh-my-zsh-plugins - Plugins for the oh-my-zsh shell.
- mank319/gscmsh - GetSimple CMS Shell
- linuxdeepin-packages/deepin-theme-gnome-shell - Default gnome-shell theme for Linux Deepin
- lijiaocn/LinuxShell - Linux Shell Scipts
- krushia/libaccident-sh - Library of functions for POSIXy shell scripts
- ketema/shellscripts_N_oneliners - Collection of NIX based shell scripts and one-liners that I have used at some point in time and always find a need for again
- jqb/shell-tools - My newest and the oldest shell tools
- joseph8th/shkeleton - CLI shell scripting for lazy people
- jondkinney/HipTunesShell - A shell script that I call through Alfred or via hotkey or via the cmd line to put the currently playing track | artist - album into our HipChat room
- joelpurra/shell-keystroke-animator - Simulate stroking keyboard keys into another application/window while taking screenshots to create a
animation. - jamesss/CATENotes - Shell script to download all notes from CATE.
- irrequietus/shellapi - A twisted, unconventional and highly experimental GNU bash driven build framework
- ingojaeckel/ScriptFu - collection of useful shell scripts
- hxw/dotfiles - shell and editor configuration files
- hugomaiavieira/refactoring-scripts - Shell scripts for refactoring
- hackedd/FishFunctions - My functions for the fish shell
- gnewlinux/scripts - Shell Scripts
- firdavsich/firewall - firewall shell scripts
- dterei/shell-settings - UNIX Shell Settings (e.g bashrc...)
- debona/ShellBox - ShellBox organizes your ninja's shellscripts in commands libraries.
- dacaiguoguo/iOS_Shell - iOS_Shell
- crowdlab/rc - shell config files
- cleankod/mq-provisioning - Some shell scripts for provisioning Websphere MQ.
- chrisb86/ssh-ds - A small shell script that tunnels the AFP port of your disk station (and propably every other NAS with AFP and SSH services running) over ssh to your client computer.
- caiqinzhou/HadoopKit - Hadoop Tool Kit(ie.: all in one shell for setup hadoop cluster)
- bmiegemolle/airvantage-api-shell - Shell script to interact with AirVantage M2M Cloud API in command-line.
- astanin/gnome-shellex-hotot - Gnome Shell extension for Hotot microblogging client
- ask/ask-profile - My personal shell profile
- archeando/shell-extensions-zodiac - gnome-shell extensions to move panel items
- amadorpahim/ShellScript - Scripts diversos desenvolvidos em algum momento de pressa durante a atividade de sysadmin.
- Tangent128/hermit - shell profile "package manager"
- StephenHamilton/shellby - Shell IRC bot
- NeonMan/shellUnit - A unit-test framework for bash and sh.
- Athas/mimir - An extensible IRC bot written in shell script
- nvie/gitflow - Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
- progrium/dokku - Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash
- xdissent/ievms - Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines
- creationix/nvm - Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- sstephenson/rbenv - Groom your app’s Ruby environment
- tj/git-extras - GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more
- boot2docker/boot2docker - Lightweight Linux for Docker
- sorin-ionescu/prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
- rupa/z - z is the new j, yo
- jedi4ever/veewee - Easing the building of vagrant boxes
- andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader - Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
- powerline/fonts - Patched fonts for Powerline users.
- rvm/rvm - Ruby enVironment (Version) Manager ( rvm ) ~ Monitor GitHub Issues ( https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues/ ) for bug reports and fixes. Fundraiser for mpapis: https://www.bountysource.com/fundraisers/489-rvm-2-0
- Gazler/githug - Git your game on!
- tj/n - Node version management
- thoughtbot/dotfiles - A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
- p8952/bocker - Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash
- NodeOS/NodeOS - Lightweight operating system using Node.js as userspace
- basho/riak - Riak is a decentralized datastore from Basho Technologies.
- sstephenson/ruby-build - Compile and install Ruby
- Varying-Vagrant-Vagrants/VVV - Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an evolving Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress development.
- zolrath/wemux - Multi-User Tmux Made Easy
- ansible/ansible-examples - A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together. See http://galaxy.ansible.com for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applications.
- StackExchange/blackbox - Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
- belluzj/fantasque-sans - A font family with a great monospaced variant for programmers.
- tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
- rancher/rancher - A Platform for Operating Docker in Production
- jpetazzo/pipework - Software-Defined Networking tools for LXC (LinuX Containers)
- nojhan/liquidprompt - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
- clvv/fasd - Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories, inspired by autojump, z and v.
- sameersbn/docker-gitlab - Dockerized gitlab web server
- JamieMason/ImageOptim-CLI - Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
- osxfuse/osxfuse - FUSE for OS X extends OS X by adding support for FUSE file systems
- brendangregg/perf-tools - Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
- phusion/passenger-docker - Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps
- sstephenson/bats - Bash Automated Testing System
- erikw/tmux-powerline - Statusbar configuration for tmux that looks like vim-powerline and consist of dynamic segments.
- micha/resty - Little command line REST client that you can use in pipelines (bash or zsh).
- gilesbowkett/rewind - Rewind is an intelligent archivist.
- arialdomartini/oh-my-git - An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh
- postmodern/chruby - Changes the current Ruby
- rails/rails-dev-box - A virtual machine for Ruby on Rails core development
- jkaving/intellij-colors-solarized - Solarized Colorscheme for IntelliJ IDEA
- chef/bento - Packer definitions for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes
- fideloper/Vaprobash - Vagrant Provisioning Bash Scripts
- moovweb/gvm - Go Version Manager
- yeasy/docker_practice - Learn and understand Docker, with real DevOps practice!
- barryclark/bashstrap - A quick way to spruce up your terminal in OSX.
- bobthecow/git-flow-completion - Bash, Zsh and fish completion support for git-flow.
- adobe-fonts/source-sans-pro - Sans serif font family for user interface environments
- qw3rtman/gg - Git Goodies: At-A-Glance, Efficient, and Aesthetically Pleasing Git Shortcuts
- magicmonty/bash-git-prompt - An informative and fancy bash prompt for Git users
- simpligility/maven-android-sdk-deployer - A tool to install components of the Android SDK into a Maven repository or repository manager to use with the Android Maven Plugin, Gradle and other tools.
- ninjudd/drip - Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs.
- Anthony25/gnome-terminal-colors-solarized - Solarized Gnome Terminal colors, based on http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
- basecamp/sub - a delicious way to organize programs
- smarthosts/smarthosts - Smarthosts
- ndbroadbent/scm_breeze - Adds numbered shortcuts to the output git status, and much more
- Hexxeh/rpi-update - An easier way to update the firmware of your Raspberry Pi
- reactioncommerce/reaction - Reaction Commerce
- dominictarr/JSON.sh - a pipeable JSON parser written in Bash
- noplay/docker-osx - Fast and easy installation of Docker on OS X
- openstack-dev/devstack - oneiric powered development environment for openstack
- progrium/gitreceive - Easily accept and handle arbitrary git pushes
- h5bp/ant-build-script - Ant build script intended for use with HTML5 Boilerplate.
- phusion/traveling-ruby - Self-contained, portable Ruby binaries
- tmux-plugins/tpm - Tmux Plugin Manager
- paz-sh/paz - An open-source, in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet. This repository houses the documentation and installation scripts.
- nicolashery/mac-dev-setup - A beginner's guide to setting up a development environment on Mac OS X
- apenwarr/git-subtree - An experimental alternative to the git-submodule command. Merges and splits subtrees from your project into subprojects and back.
- dokku-alt/dokku-alt - Dokku on steroids
- andreasgal/B2G - Boot to Gecko aims to create a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.
- helmuthdu/aui - Archlinux Ultimate Install
- fizx/parsley - Parsley is a simple language for extracting structured data from web pages. Parsley consists of an powerful selector language wrapped with a JSON structure that can represent page-wide formatting.
- dokterdok/Continuity-Activation-Tool - An all-in-one tool to activate and diagnose OS X 10.10 Continuity on compatible Mac configurations.
- joshfng/railsready - Ruby and Rails setup script for Linux and OSX
- rauchg/wifi-password - Get the password of the wifi you're on (bash)
- keyboardsurfer/idea-live-templates - An #androidDev collection of Live Templates for Android Studio
- fcambus/ansiweather - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
- micha/jsawk - Like awk, but for JSON.
- docker/docker-bench-security - The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production. https://dockerbench.com
- tylertreat/chan - Pure C implementation of Go channels.
- philcryer/lipsync - lipsync sets up a lightweight service that provides command-line, Dropbox like syncing
- sickill/git-dude - Git commit notifier
- gliderlabs/docker-alpine - Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism!
- jonathanpenn/ui-screen-shooter - Using UI Automation to automatically generate all screenshots of your iOS app, on different device types, in different locales by running a single command. Hands free.
- sickill/bitpocket - "DIY Dropbox" or "2-way directory (r)sync with proper deletion"
- pote/gpm - Barebones dependency manager for Go.
- zhuangbiaowei/learn-with-open-source - 借助开源项目,学习软件开发
- petervanderdoes/gitflow - AVH Edition of the git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
- mozilla-b2g/B2G - Boot to Gecko aims to create a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.
- adobe-fonts/source-serif-pro - Serif typeface designed to complement Source Sans Pro
- RichiH/vcsh - config manager based on Git
- transcode-open/apt-cyg - Apt-cyg, an apt-get like tool for Cygwin
- gcuisinier/jenv - Manage your Java environment
- andsens/homeshick - git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash
- lifetyper/FreeRouter_V2 - 一个适用于OpenWRT的全平台翻墙路由方案
- ioerror/duraconf - duraconf - A collection of hardened configuration files for SSL/TLS services
- subtleGradient/Appify-UI - Create the simplest possible Mac OS X apps. Uses HTML5 for the UI. Supports scripting with anything and everything
- flexiondotorg/oab-java6 - Create a local 'apt' repository for Sun Java 6 and/or Oracle Java 7 packages.
- shadowhand/git-encrypt - Transparent Git Encryption
- ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi - Composable buildpacks
- arnoo/git-deliver - Delivery system based on git push and ssh
- scttnlsn/dandelion - Incremental Git repository deployment.
- leucos/ansible-tuto - Ansible tutorial
- ohoachuck/wwdc-downloader - WWDC 2014 & 2013 video and PDF downloader script - no external dependency. Just a bash script!
- ingydotnet/git-hub - Do GitHub operations from the
command - jimeh/git-aware-prompt - Display current Git branch name in your terminal prompt when in a Git working directory.
- rtomayko/git-sh - A customized bash environment suitable for git work.
- windelicato/dotfiles - arch linux configuration files
- icefox/git-hooks - A tool to manage project, user, and global Git hooks
- square/java-code-styles - IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Square's Java and Android projects.
- jpetazzo/dind - Docker in Docker
- hannob/bashcheck - test script for shellshocker and related vulnerabilities
- guardianproject/android-ffmpeg - a system for building custom ffmpeg binaries for Android
- coreos/docs - Documentation for CoreOS in markdown
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs - The official Heroku buildpack for Node.js apps.
- yrashk/kerl - Easy building and installing of Erlang/OTP instances
- debian-pi/raspbian-ua-netinst - Raspbian (minimal) unattended netinstaller
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-go - Go support for Heroku
- authy/authy-ssh - Easy two-factor authentication for ssh servers
- serghey-rodin/vesta - VESTA Control Panel
- jneen/balls - Bash on Balls
- colinbjohnson/aws-missing-tools - tools for managing AWS resources including EC2, EBS, RDS and Route53.
- jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme - oh-my-zsh Powerline style Theme
- manovotny/wptest - WP Test - The Best Tests For WordPress
- lexrus/ios-makefile - [DEPRECATED] The universal makefile for my iOS projects distributes IPAs in seconds
- vigneshwaranr/bd - Quickly go back to a parent directory in linux instead of typing "cd ../../.." repeatedly
- rogaha/docker-desktop - Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed!
- mrowa44/emojify - Emoji on the command line 😱
- avleen/bashttpd - A web server written in bash
- tpope/heroku-fucking-console - When I run heroku console, I want a fucking console, dammit
- rauchg/spot - Tiny file search utility (bash)
- msmhq/msm - An init script for managing Minecraft servers
- beautifulcode/ssh-copy-id-for-OSX - Quick Mac OSX port of the useful unix utility ssh-copy-id
- discourse/discourse_docker - A Docker image for Discourse
- eugeneware/docker-wordpress-nginx - A Dockerfile that installs the latest wordpress, nginx and php-fpm.
- ftao/vpn-deploy-playbook - A Collection of Ansible Playbook for deploy vpn services
- maddox/magick-installer - ImageMagick installer script because macports sucks
- seebi/tmux-colors-solarized - A color theme for the tmux terminal multiplexer using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme
- larsenwork/Gidole - Gidole - Open Source Modern DIN
- lj2007331/lnmp - LEMP stack/LAMP stack/LNMP stack installation scripts for CentOS/Redhat Debian and Ubuntu
- chovy/node-startup - Startup script for Linux-based systems for running node app when rebooting using an /etc/init.d script.
- colinmollenhour/modman - Modularize extensions using symlinks. Voted #1 Magento tool by @WebShopApps!
- mydzor/bash2048 - Bash implementation of 2048 game
- jpadilla/juicebox - A virtual machine designed for programming workshops.
- matthewmueller/dots - WIP bootstrapping library for osx & ubuntu (and maybe others!)
- qw3rtman/p - Python Version Management Made Simple.
- schreiberstein/lucidagrandeyosemite - An Automator/Apple-script to use 'Lucida Grande' as system font on OS X Yosemite
- php-build/php-build - Builds PHP so that multiple versions can be used side by side.
- gvmtool/gvm-cli - Groovy enVironment Manager (GVM)
- leftnode/get-shit-done - Small script to configure your hosts file so you don't get distracted during the day.
- tarruda/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
- fonnesbeck/ScipySuperpack - Recent builds of Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, iPython and PyMC for OSX
- twolfson/sexy-bash-prompt - Bash prompt with colors, git statuses, and git branches.
- fnichol/dvm - An on demand Docker virtual machine, thanks to Vagrant and boot2docker. Works great on Macs and other platforms that don't natively support the Docker daemon. Support VirtualBox, VMware, and Parallels.
- mesosphere/kubernetes-mesos - A Kubernetes Framework for Apache Mesos
- jclem/gifify - gifify turns movies into gifs.
- AntiZapret/antizapret - Список IP-адресов гос-органов для блокировки их на своих серверах в качестве отместки за #говносписок // List of Russian Government's related IP-addresses.
- jimeh/tmuxifier - Tmuxify your Tmux. Powerful session, window & pane management for Tmux.
- yyuu/pyenv-virtualenv - a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)
- alandipert/gherkin - a functional programming language and interpreter written in GNU Bash 4
- phusion/open-vagrant-boxes - Docker-compatible Vagrant base boxes
- dabeaz/python-cookbook - Code samples from the "Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition", published by O'Reilly & Associates, May, 2013.
- archlinuxarm/PKGBUILDs - PKGBUILDs modified to build on Arch Linux ARM
- leo-project/leofs - LeoFS is an unstructured object/data storage for the Web and a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent storage system.
- aerofs/gockerize - Package golang service into minimal docker containers
- jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor - a heroku buildpack for meteor (meteor.com)
- zddhub/opensse - Open Sketch Search Engine- 3D object retrieval based on sketch image as input
- necolas/dotfiles - OS X dotfiles: bash, git, vim, etc.
- docker/dockerlite - Lightweight virtualization system based on LXC and BTRFS. See dotcloud/docker.
- donmelton/video-transcoding-scripts - Utilities to transcode, inspect and convert videos.
- roots/trellis - Ansible playbooks for setting up a LEMP stack for WordPress.
- rimraf/k - k is the new l, yo
- kafka-dev/kafka - A distributed publish/subscribe messaging service
- krzysztofzablocki/IconOverlaying - Build informations on top of your app icon.
- github/scripts-to-rule-them-all - Scripts to Rule Them All
- esnet/iperf - iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool
- saltstack/salt-bootstrap - Generic Salt Bootstrap Script
- ipython-books/cookbook-code - Recipes of the IPython Cookbook, the definitive guide to high-performance scientific computing and data science in Python
- pixelb/scripts - scripts from pixelbeat.org
- davecheney/golang-crosscompile - Go cross compilation support
- looly/elasticsearch-definitive-guide-cn - Elasticsearch权威指南中文版
- jf/rbenv-gemset - KISS yet powerful gem / gemset management for rbenv
- paulmillr/dotfiles - Colourful & robust OS X configuration files and utilities.
- octohost/octohost - Simple web focused Dockerfile based PaaS server.
- paulp/sbt-extras - A more featureful runner for sbt, the simple/scala/standard build tool
- shadowsocks/openwrt-shadowsocks - Shadowsocks-libev for OpenWrt
- oblique/create_ap - This script creates a NATed or Bridged WiFi Access Point.
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-php - The official PHP buildpack for Heroku.
- bradp/vv - 🌐 Variable VVV - a VVV Site Creation Wizard
- timsutton/osx-vm-templates - OS X templates for Packer and VeeWee.
- jpetazzo/dockvpn - Recipe to build an OpenVPN image for Docker
- mislav/dotfiles - bash, zsh, git, tmux, personal toolbox
- dgibbs64/linuxgsm - Linux Game Server Managers_
- virtualhost/virtualhost.sh - A script for Mac OS X to create virtual hosts under Apache
- rasa/vmware-tools-patches - Patch and build VMware tools automatically
- jasonrudolph/keyboard - Toward a more useful keyboard
- cfenollosa/bashblog - A Bash script that handles blog posting
- nodesource/distributions - NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
- CHH/phpenv - Thin Wrapper around rbenv for PHP version managment
- rtrouton/rtrouton_scripts - Scripts to share
- lxdvs/apk2gold - CLI tool for decompiling Android apps to Java. It does resources! It does Java! Its real easy!
- cryptoparty/handbook - The CryptoParty Handbook
- wyvernlang/wyvern - The Wyvern programming language.
- flynn-archive/flynn-demo - Archived -- see https://github.com/flynn/flynn
- micahwedemeyer/automongobackup - Nightly, rotated backups of MongoDB (port of AutoMySQLBackup for use with Mongo)
- JasonGiedymin/nginx-init-ubuntu - Tried and true Nginx init script - got enhancements? Send a pull!
- MacMiniVault/Mac-Scripts - Automation scripts focused around Mac OS X Server
- pjan/the-ansibles - One of the most extensive sets of ansible roles/examples, including a vagrant testbox and a setup to quickly run your full-featured and secured personal cloudbox.
- saltstack/salty-vagrant - Use Salt as a Vagrant provisioner.
- aliso/vvv-site-wizard - Automates setting up new WordPress sites in Varying Vagrant Vagrants
- rkitover/vimpager - Use ViM as PAGER
- ValveSoftware/steam-runtime - A runtime environment for Steam applications
- tutumcloud/mysql - Docker image to run an out-of-the-box MySQL server
- sstephenson/rbenv-gem-rehash - Never run
rbenv rehash
again - kristopolous/TickTick - JSON in your Bash scripts
- CentOS/CentOS-Dockerfiles - Dockerfiles for various common implementations
- twitter/hadoop-lzo - Refactored version of code.google.com/hadoop-gpl-compression for hadoop 0.20
- tevko/Resources - A collection of the latest and most useful resources for front end devs
- jsmess/jsmess - Efforts to port MESS to JavaScript
- LiuLang/bcloud-packages - bcloud 的安装包
- phpenv/phpenv - Simple PHP version management
- necolas/griddle - A CSS grid constructor
- mseknibilel/OpenStack-Grizzly-Install-Guide - A full install guide for OpenStack Grizzly
- taviso/ctypes.sh - A foreign function interface for bash.
- MrMEEE/bumblebee-Old-and-abbandoned - OUTDATED!!!!! - Replaced by "The Bumblebee Project" and "Ironhide"
- ilikenwf/apt-fast - apt-fast: A shellscript wrapper for apt that speeds up downloading of packages.
- Ahtenus/minecraft-init - Init script for minecraft and bukkit servers
- rcrowley/certified - Generate and manage an internal CA for your company
- eduardolundgren/dotfiles - The first JavaScript-based dotfiles powered by Grunt.
- tinalatif/flat.icns - A flat icon set for OS X
- BlackArch/blackarch - BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers.
- hashicorp/puppet-bootstrap - A collection of single-file scripts to bootstrap your machines with Puppet.
- rcrowley/freight - A modern take on the Debian archive.
- cattleio/stampede - Hybrid IaaS/Docker orchestration platform running on CoreOS
- chadoe/docker-cleanup-volumes - Shellscript to delete orphaned docker volumes
- haithembelhaj/oh-my-cygwin - Setup a functioning terminal for Windows
- elastic/elasticsearch-servicewrapper - A service wrapper on top of elasticsearch
- cstrap/monaco-font - Install Monaco Font on Linux distro (Ubuntu, CentOS...)
- Netflix/aws-autoscaling - Tools and Documentation about using Auto Scaling
- SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium - Docker images for Selenium Standalone Server
- pristineio/webrtc-build-scripts - A set of build scripts useful for building WebRTC libraries for Android and iOS.
- robwierzbowski/grunt-build-control - Version control your built code.
- huacnlee/init.d - 快速安装 Ruby 产品部署环境的批量脚本
- MysticTreeGames/Boost-for-Android - Android port of Boost C++ Libraries
- sameersbn/docker-redmine - Dockerized redmine app server
- omega8cc/boa - Barracuda Octopus Aegir BOA-2.4.5
- bigeagle/gohop - A VPN implemention in golang, with crypto and obfuscation in nature.
- hakobera/nvmw - Simple Node Version Manager for Windows
- jcalazan/ansible-django-stack - Ansible Playbook for setting up a Django app with Nginx, Gunicorn, PostgreSQL, Celery, RabbitMQ, Supervisor, Virtualenv, and Memcached. A Vagrantfile for provisioning a VirtualBox virtual machine is included as well.
- netmute/meteor.sh - Setup a Meteor server and deploy Meteor apps to it.
- zakjan/cert-chain-resolver - SSL certificate chain resolver
- misheska/basebox-packer - Packer templates for vagrant baseboxes
- linrunner/TLP - Advanced Power Management for Linux
- mchung/heroku-buildpack-wordpress - Heroku buildpack: Wordpress on Heroku
- protocool/ack-tmbundle - "Ack in Project" TextMate bundle
- perusio/nginx_ensite - A script to enable or disable a site in nginx.
- ServiceStack/redis-windows - Vagrant redis configuration and the binary releases of MS Open Tech redis port of windows
- brikis98/docker-osx-dev - A productive development environment with Docker on OS X
- lvv/git-prompt - bash prompt with GIT, SVN and HG modules
- Supervisor/initscripts - User-contributed OS init scripts for Supervisor
- morgant/tools-osx - A small collection of command line tools for Mac OS X, incl.: clipcat, dict, eject, ql, swuser, trash & with.
- rosylilly/git-tasukete - gitで助けて欲しい時に
- riywo/anyenv - all in one for **env
- lamw/ghettoVCB - ghettoVCB
- fhd/init-script-template - A template for simple System V init scripts
- ryandotsmith/nginx-buildpack - Run NGINX in front of your app server on Heroku
- philplckthun/setup-simple-ipsec-l2tp-vpn - Setup a simple IPSec/L2TP VPN Server for Ubuntu and Debian
- VISIONAI/clouddream - Deepdreaming in the clouds: A Dockerized deepdream Guide
- shiguredo/packer-templates - Packer templates.
- overtrue/latest-laravel - 每天准时更新的 Laravel 不同分支完整包
- fusesource/leveldbjni - A Java Native Interface to LevelDB
- geerlingguy/drupal-vm - A VM for local Drupal development
- imgo/imgo - Image optimization tool
- brson/multirust - A tool for managing multiple Rust installations
- komljen/dockerfile-examples - Dockerfile examples
- cosmin/git-hg - A git-hg utility for checking out and tracking a mercurial repo.
- jakubnabrdalik/gitkurwa - A sample project containing usefull verbose aliases, for those who feel lost and angry at git. Basically for those Polish folks, who scream "Git, kurwa!".
- startup-class/setup - AWS EC2 setup files for Startup Engineering MOOC.
- HIT-Alibaba/interview - 笔试面试知识整理
- zhuowei/Xenologer - #notglass #untilnow
- keroserene/rickrollrc - Rick Astley invades your terminal.
- gh2o/digitalocean-debian-to-arch - Script to convert a Debian installation on DigitalOcean to Arch Linux
- linux-china/jenv - Java enVironment Manager
- kosborn/p2p-adb - Phone to Phone Android Debug Bridge - A project for "debugging" phones... from other phones.
- hipchat/hipchat-cli - Command line scripts for working with the HipChat REST API
- aspnet/aspnet-docker - Docker image for ASP.NET 5.
- tokuhirom/plenv - Perl binary manager
- begriffs/heroku-buildpack-ghc - Deploy Haskell apps to Heroku
- sstephenson/rbenv-vars - An rbenv plugin that safely sets global and per-project environment variables
- mig/gedit-themes - Color themes for Gnome's default editor Gedit
- CHH/heroku-buildpack-php - A more advanced PHP buildpack for Heroku, inspired by the Node.js buildpack
- meefik/linuxdeploy - Easy installation and running GNU/Linux on Android | Простая установка и запуск GNU/Linux под Android
- xbianonpi/xbian - XBMC on Raspberry Pi, Bleeding Edge
- lxde/lxqt - Checkout all lxde-qt components at once by using git submodule.
- ansible/ansible-docker-base - Ansible base Images for easy Ansible-Playbook-based Docker builds
- jcorbin/zsh-git - Towards better Zsh Git integration
- gabrielelana/awesome-terminal-fonts - Tools and instructions on how to have awesome symbols in a terminal with a monospace font
- github/backup-utils - GitHub Enterprise Backup Utilities
- miguno/wirbelsturm - Wirbelsturm is a Vagrant and Puppet based tool to perform 1-click local and remote deployments, with a focus on big data related infrastructure.
- yixia/FFmpeg-Android - Building FFmpeg for Android neon, armv7, vfp and armv6, used in VPlayer for Android
- fritz-hh/OCRmyPDF - OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched
- ejholmes/vagrant-heroku - A Vagrant base box that closely mirrors the Celadon Cedar stack on heroku
- danielbruce/entypo - Further development of the pictogram suite Entypo
- ClusterLabs/resource-agents - Combined repository of OCF agents from the RHCS and Linux-HA projects
- sequenceiq/hadoop-docker - Hadoop docker image
- rebootuser/LinEnum - Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
- apankrat/now.sh - Pipeable bash script that prints current time while waiting for an input from stdin
- lexrus/ios-dev-playbook - 不会运维的 iOS 开发不是好设计师。这个 Ansible Playbook 能快速配置 iOS 开发需要的服务,安装如 Gogs、GitLab、Countly、Jenkins、Ghost、Ajenti、Seafile 等常用服务。
- kstaken/dockerfile-examples - Some example dockerfiles for use with Docker
- mozilla/minion - Minion
- analytically/hadoop-ansible - Ansible playbook that installs a Hadoop cluster, with HBase, Hive, Presto for analytics, and Ganglia, Smokeping, Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana for monitoring and centralized log indexing.
- technopagan/adept-jpg-compressor - A Bash script to automate adaptive JPEG compression using common CLI tools
- Sensebloom/OSCeleton - OSCeleton is a proxy that sends skeleton information collected from the kinect sensor via OSC, making it easier to use input from the device in any language / framework that supports the OSC protocol.
- sirthias/BlueForest - IntelliJ IDEA Dark Color Scheme for Java, Scala, Ruby, XML and more
- Alexpux/MINGW-packages - Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2.
- progrium/busybox - Busybox container with glibc+opkg
- mesosphere/playa-mesos - Quickly build Mesos sandbox environments using Vagrant. Run apps on top!
- guysoft/OctoPi - Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web
- zsh-users/zaw - zsh anything.el-like widget.
- jedda/OSX-Monitoring-Tools - A collection of scripts and tools to assist in monitoring Mac OS X and essential services with Nagios.
- juven/maven-bash-completion - Maven Bash Auto Completion
- scotch-io/All-Github-Emoji-Icons - A repo of every emoji icon as a separate file and commit.
- johnf/m3u8-segmenter - Apple HTTP Live Streaming Segmenter
- queezythegreat/arduino-cmake - Arduino CMake Build system
- punkave/stagecoach - Painlessly deploy node.js applications to your staging and production servers. Use a standard VPS or dedicated server to host both Node and traditional Apache-based websites. Built on cool things like node-http-proxy and forever.
- tdlm/os-x-self-destruct - Deletes files/folders in OS X based on a time specified in tags.
- spf13/hugoThemes - All Themes Hugo
- hchbaw/auto-fu.zsh - #zsh automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii
- ashinkarov/i3-extras - Repository to keep patches and extras for i3 window manager.
- rocker-org/rocker - R configurations for Docker
- keenerd/packer - Bash wrapper for pacman and AUR.
- jamiew/git-friendly - Pimp your git workflow. Just type pull, branch, merge, push
- jspahrsummers/objc-build-scripts - Bootstrap and CI scripts for Objective-C projects.
- JeffreyWay/Vagrant-Setup - My Vagrant install script
- tonycoco/heroku-buildpack-ember-cli - A Heroku Buildpack for Ember CLI Applications
- Krijger/docker-cookbooks - A collection of Dockerfiles, also shared on the docker index (https://index.docker.io/).
- lolilolicon/FFcast - FFcast has almost nothing to do with FFmpeg or screencast ;)
- jmcantrell/bashful - A collection of modules to simplify writing bash scripts.
- lewagon/dotfiles - Default configuration for Le Wagon's students
- Alexpux/MSYS2-packages - Package scripts for MSYS2.
- rerun/rerun - Core rerun. See also http://github.com/rerun-modules
- ffuenf/vagrant-boxes - baseboxes build with packer.io for use with vagrant
- hchbaw/opp.zsh - # Vim's text-objects-ish for zsh (obsolete for zsh-5.0.8)
- graysky2/profile-sync-daemon - Symlinks and syncs browser profile dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up browsers.
- amplab/docker-scripts - Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images
- omgmog/install-all-firefox - bash script to install major Firefox versions on Mac OS X
- docker-library/docs - Documentation for Docker Official Images in docker-library
- progrium/sshcommand - Turn SSH into a thin client specifically for your app
- HashNuke/heroku-buildpack-elixir - Heroku Buildpack for Elixir with nitro boost
- Azure/azure-quickstart-templates - Azure Quickstart Templates
- wilmoore/php-version - stupid simple PHP version management
- tarjoilija/zgen - A lightweight plugin manager for ZSH inspired by Antigen.
- esden/summon-arm-toolchain - This project is not under active development any more. Consider using https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded instead! A very simple build script for bare metal arm toolchain. NO LINUX!
- tianon/dockerfiles - A semi-random collection of odds and ends.
- pierce403/keyhunter - A tool to recover lost bitcoin private keys from dead harddrives.
- mattias-ohlsson/gitlab-installer - Installer for GitLab
- fcambus/telize - Telize is a JSON IP and GeoIP REST API (IP Geolocation) built on Nginx and Lua
- oliverlloyd/jmeter-ec2 - Automates running Apache JMeter on Amazon EC2
- ianheggie/rbenv-binstubs - A Bundler binstubs Plugin for rbenv
- crosbymichael/Dockerfiles - Collection of Dockerfiles
- funtoo/keychain - keychain ssh-agent front-end
- jbfink/docker-wordpress - Dockerfile and etc for a Wordpress docker image
- icy/pacapt - An Arch's pacman-like package manager for some Unices
- seapy/dockerfiles - dockerfiles
- hgomez/obuildfactory - OpenJDK Build Factory
- CodeCatalyst/mou-theme-solarized - Mou (http://mouapp.com/) theme for Markdown syntax highlighting using Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color scheme.
- sampson-chen/sack - s(hortcut)-ack: a faster way to use ag, ack (or grep)!
- jakearchibald/sass-ie - Writing mobile-first styles without leaving IE<9 behind
- kvz/bash3boilerplate - Copypastable templates to write better bash scripts
- jayway/maven-android-plugin-samples - DEPRECATED! Usage examples for Android Maven Plugin
- Answers4AWS/netflixoss-ansible - NetflixOSS Ansible Playbooks
- neologd/mecab-ipadic-neologd - Neologism dictionary based on the language resources on the Web for mecab-ipadic
- 2creatives/vagrant-centos - Scripts to create a lean CentOS Vagrant box.
- leebaird/discover - For use with Kali Linux. Custom bash scripts used to automate various pentesting tasks.
- dz0ny/lightdm-login-chromeos - Installs chromiumos-aura window manager to Ubuntu
- appersonlabs/MakeTi - This repo is no longer supported and exists only for the sake of reference. Please use the new Titanium CLI
- ojbucao/Workman - Workman keyboard layout
- RichardBronosky/ota-tools - A burgeoning collection of tools for Over-The-Air distribution of mobile applications.
- woxxy/MySQL-backup-to-Amazon-S3 - Backup daily/weekly/monhtly all your MySQL databases to Amazon S3 via SH and s3cmd
- steamos-community/stephensons-rocket - Stephenson's Rocket - a modified SteamOS installer, with support for older and virtualized computers
- sstephenson/rbenv-default-gems - Automatically install gems every time you install a new version of Ruby
- octo-online/Xcode-formatter - Simple automatic code formatter for Xcode
- fedora-cloud/Fedora-Dockerfiles - Fedora Dockerfiles
- seuros/capistrano-puma - Puma integration for Capistrano 3
- phallus/fonts - oh gee I wonder what could be in this repo
- pote/gvp - Go Versioning Packager
- nicolasff/docker-cassandra - A set of scripts and config files to run a Cassandra cluster from Docker
- Kloadut/dokku-pg-plugin - PostgreSQL plugin for Dokku
- tmux-plugins/tmux-copycat - A plugin that enhances tmux search
- crashsystems/gitlab-docker - Automated buld of GitLab with Docker.io
- archlinuxfr/yaourt - A Pacman frontend with more features and AUR support
- pblittle/docker-logstash - Docker image for Logstash 1.4
- BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack - Xorg Multitouch Trackpad Driver
- wargio/Twitch-Streamer-Linux - This is a script dedicated to stream to Twitch.tv with Webcam support
- JakeWharton/mkvdts2ac3 - Bash script to convert DTS audio to AC3 within a matroska file.
- julien-c/meteoric.sh - Deploy Meteor apps to EC2 (or your own server)
- fideloper/docker-nginx-php - An Ubuntu, Nginx and PHP stack Built in Docker
- gabriel/ffmpeg-iphone-build - Build scripts for building ffmpeg on iPhone
- altercation/mutt-colors-solarized - mutt mail client color schemes
- openwebos/build-desktop - Build, install, and run scripts for the desktop build of Open webOS
- geo8bit/nodebob - nodebob is a build tool for node-webkit.
- fpco/stackage - "Stable Hackage," tools for creating a vetted set of packages from Hackage.
- cal/vagrant-ubuntu-precise-64 - Automatic vagrant base box building
- swaroopch/flask-boilerplate - A Flask skeleton for Apache/mod_wsgi deployment and many other goodies
- hiteshsondhi88/ffmpeg-android - FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype and fribidi (Supports Android L)
- dockerfile/java - Java Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
- musictheory/rchook - Make Xcode bump build #, tag git, and archive files on Product->Archive
- jpalardy/warp - A bash script to SSH from a list of hostnames.
- grugq/PORTALofPi - PORTAL of Pi - RaspberyPi based PORTAL device. Certified UNIX Network Technicians only!
- X1011/git-directory-deploy - deploy a directory as a git branch
- tobegit3hub/understand_linux_process - 开源电子书《理解Linux进程》
- progrium/nginx-appliance - A programmable Nginx container
- egold/better-xcode-ibeam-cursor - Better i-bar (text cursor) for Xcode for dark background / light text color themes.
- drwetter/testssl.sh - Testing TLS/SSL encryption
- coreos/coreos-xhyve - CoreOS running on xhyve hypervisor
- dotwaffle/rancid-git - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ with git extensions and support for colorized emails!
- marshyski/quick-secure - Quickly secure UNIX/Linux systems
- javer/hhvm-vagrant-vm - Vagrant VM for HipHop VM
- deeplearningparis/dl-machine - Scripts to setup a GPU / CUDA-enabled compute server with libraries for deep learning
- NodeOS/NodeOS-Docker - Build NodeOS on Docker
- saulmm/Android-Notification-Example - A simple sample showing the different types of notifications on Andoid
- felipec/git-remote-hg - Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git
- bartman/git-wip - help track git Work In Progress branches
- dotzero/vagrant-debian-jessie-64 - Automatic Debian 8 Vagrant base box building on OSX, Linux and Windows
- wmanley/git-meld - Wrapper around git and meld for comparing git trees
- stackforge/kolla - Kolla - Deploying OpenStack using Docker
- masterkain/ImageMagick-sl - Install ImageMagick on Snow Leopard / Leopard
- w3ctag/promises-guide - A guide for spec authors on how to use Promises in prose and WebIDL.
- thi-ng/geom - 2D/3D geometry toolkit for Clojure
- sammcj/delete-unknown-root-ca - Delete Known Government-Linked Certificate Authorities in OS X
- r-baker/simple-magento-vagrant - A VERY simple Magento environment provisioner for Vagrant
- nevik/gitwatch - A script to watch a file or folder and automatically commit changes to a Git repo
- tutumcloud/lamp - LAMP base docker image
- scottkosty/install-tl-ubuntu - Install script for TeX Live on Ubuntu
- sapegin/shipit - Minimalistic SSH deployment
- samrocketman/gitlab-mirrors - A set of scripts adding the ability of managing remote mirrors to GitLab.
- djanowski/hasp - Half-assed CSS preprocessor.
- rvagg/dnt - Docker Node Tester
- AdmitHub/meteor-buildpack-horse - Heroku buildpack for Meteor v1.0+ with support for npm and phantomjs. The horse one.
- janbrennen/rice - rice, hax, etc
- ianunruh/monitoring - 📈 Scripts to configure various monitoring services on Ubuntu 14.04
- bripkens/dock - easily bootstrap databases and other tools that you need for development purposes
- joshuaclayton/dotfiles - Because everyone else is doing it
- henrik/dotfiles - Dotfiles.
- wunki/vagrant-freebsd - FreeBSD with ZFS for Vagrant
- sameersbn/docker-gitlab-ci - Dockerfile to build a GitLab CI container image.
- nodejs/docker-iojs - Official Docker images from the io.js project
- mattandersen/vagrant-lamp - Ubuntu LAMP server implemented with Vagrant
- mseknibilel/OpenStack-Folsom-Install-guide - A full installation guide for OpenStack Folsom with Quantum
- iocage/iocage - FreeBSD jail manager
- imperialwicket/elasticsearch-logstash-index-mgmt - Bash scripts for managing backup, delete, and restore of elasticsearch indexes created by logstash.
- cloudbuilders/devstack - THIS IS A MIRROR OF https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack - PULL REQUESTS ARE NOT MANAGED THROUGH THIS REPO. SEE https://launchpad.net/devstack
- mmozuras/git-playback - Create visual playback of your commits
- mitchellh/packer-ubuntu-12.04-docker - Packer template that builds images that are Docker-ready on Ubuntu 12.04.
- engineyard/vertebra - Top-level repository with the entire vertebra distribution
- calfzhou/autoproxy-gfwlist - A mirror of autoproxy-gfwlist
- wine-compholio/wine-staging - Staging repository for Wine.
- matthewmccullough/scripts - A series of Bash and ZShell scripts
- ynniv/opengenera - Convenience scripts to run Open Genera on Mac OS X or a modern Linux.
- schacon/whygitisbetter - the source code for whygitisbetterthanx.com
- firecat53/dockerfiles - Dockerfiles: Btsync, Couchpotato, Crashplan, Gollum, Headphones, Lazy Librarian, Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD), Plex, Sabnzbd, Samba, Sickbeard, Syncthing, Stringer and Transmission/OpenVPN. Ansible playbook for configuring Nginx in Docker.
- Mins/TuxLite - A complete LAMP and LNMP setup script for Debian or Ubuntu
- wertarbyte/autorandr - Auto-detect the connect display hardware and load the appropiate X11 setup using xrandr or disper
- tj/mad - mad(1) is a markdown manual page viewer
- project-nsmg/figure - Fig powered mini-Heroku
- myfreeweb/zshuery - [DEPRECATED] Minimal zsh framework
- docker-library/postgres - Docker Official Image packaging for Postgres
- yyuu/pyenv-installer - This tools is used to install
and friends. - mietek/halcyon - System for installing Haskell apps
- kura/vagrant-bash-completion - Add autocomplete for Vagrant to bash completion
- RoverWire/virtualhost - Bash Script to easy create or delete apache virtual hosts on ubuntu
- wmluke/dokku-domains-plugin - Dokku plugin to create nginx vhost with multiple domains
- anthonix/ffts - The Fastest Fourier Transform in the South
- aespinosa/docker-jenkins - Builds a Docker image for Jenkins
- stephenh/git-central - scripts and hooks for use with a centralized git repo
- ps3dev/ps3toolchain - A script to autobuild an open source toolchain for the PS3.
- hillwoodroc/winetricks-zh - A setup wizard for Chinese wine usrs
- haosdent/s - s is a tool for ssh like z for cd
- MnO2/learnyouahaskell-zh - Chinese translation of Learn you a Haskell for great good
- jacobsalmela/pi-hole - Raspberry Pi Ad Blocker
- Traackr/ansible-elasticsearch - Ansible playbook for Elasticsearch
- wppurking/ocserv-docker - 用于初始化 ocserv 的 Dockfile 脚本
- taigaio/taiga-scripts - Taiga deploy scripts
- neurocyte/ghc-android - Build scripts for building ghc cross compilers targeting Android
- lehmannro/assert.sh - bash unit testing framework
- fgrehm/devstep - Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks
- corbindavenport/nexus-tools - Tool to install ADB and Fastboot on Mac OS X and Linux.
- cloudfoundry-attic/oss-docs - Documentation for the Cloud Foundry Platform as a Service
- bmaeser/iptables-boilerplate - rock solid default firewall-rules for webhosts
- RoelN/SansBullshitSans - Source for the Sans Bullshit Sans font
- puppetlabs/puppet-vagrant-boxes - Veewee definitions for a set of generic vagrant boxes
- jgallen23/mongroup - Monitor a group of processes with mon
- n8gray/Backup-Bouncer - A metadata test suite for OS X backup tools
- jradavenport/batlog - 1 Year of MacBook Air Battery Logs
- Veil-Framework/Veil - Veil is the superproject containing all tools in the Veil-Framework
- mpalourdio/xps13 - DELL xps13 2015 (9343) Linux Support
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-scala - Heroku buildpack: Scala
- beagleboard/kernel - Kernel for the beagleboard.org boards
- jomo/imgur-screenshot - Take screenshot selection, upload to imgur. + more cool things
- 0xAX/git-cheat - git cheat sheets in your command line
- tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum - Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on.
- chriskempson/base16-gnome-terminal - Base16 for Gnome Terminal
- zardus/ctf-tools - Some setup scripts for security research tools.
- wnameless/docker-oracle-xe-11g - Dockerfile of Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2
- tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible - basic tmux settings everyone can agree on
- thornomad/dt-s3-backup - Bash script for automated backups with duplicity and Amazon's S3 online storage
- neilorangepeel/Free-Social-Icons - Vector based social icons made with Sketch App for mac
- funcoeszz/funcoeszz - Funções ZZ — 170+ aplicativos para a linha de comando do Linux, Mac e Cygwin
- drewconway/data_science_box - Simple scripts to setup a fresh data science box using an Ubuntu 12.04.* LTS 64-bit server running on an EC2
- docker-library/mysql - Docker Official Image packaging for MySQL Community Server
- cloudfoundry/bosh-lite - A lite development env for BOSH
- asb/raspi-config - Configuration tool for the Raspberry Pi
- s0enke/git-hooks - git-hooks
- relevance/etc - bash scripts, aliases, other misc things go here
- mkropat/sslfie - Generate self-signed x.509 certificates for use with SSL/TLS
- fraction/sshcd - Connect with SSH and cd (change directory) with one command.
- gma/bundler-exec - Automatically run Ruby scripts with "bundle exec" (but only when appropriate).
- frntn/x509-san - Generate self-signed x509 certificates valid for multiple URLs/IPs
- splinesoft/SSBuild - A build script for continuous integration of iOS apps.
- purple52/librarian-puppet-vagrant - An example of how to use Librarian-puppet to manage Puppet modules for a Vagrant box
- meteorhacks/meteord - MeteorD - Docker Runtime for Meteor Apps for Production Deployments
- lucy/tewi-font - A font
- jeffutter/dokku-mongodb-plugin - Plugin to setup Mongodb accounts for containers deployed to Dokku
- cmoudy/mean-vagrant - Vagrant Development Environment for Kick-Starting Developing an application in the MEAN Stack.
- airtonix/ansible-django - django playbook
- terinjokes/docker-npmjs - Docker image for a private npmjs repository
- cikelengfeng/RPAXU - refresh plugins after Xcode upgrading
- aschenkels-ictstudio/openerp-install-scripts - ODOO / OpenERP Install Scripts
- ZeitOnline/briefkasten - a reasonably secure web application for submitting content anonymously
- walshie4/Ultimate-Blocklist - A super blocklist made from the most popular ones on the web!
- roojs/gir-1.2-gtk-3.4 - girs for Ubuntu 12.04 / gtk-3.4
- conda/conda-recipes - build and test recipes for conda
- zfsonlinux/zfs-auto-snapshot - ZFS Automatic Snapshot Service for Linux
- telmich/cdist - cdist configuration management
- ryandotsmith/null-buildpack - a heroku buildpack that runs executables
- dclardy64/ISPConfig-3-Debian-Installer - Auto install script for ISPConfig 3 on Debian
- StreakyCobra/gws - Colorful KISS helper for git workspaces
- JohnAlbin/git-svn-migrate - Helper scripts to ease the migration of Subversion repositories to Git
- lowendbox/lowendscript - Bash scripts to set up/bootstrap low end virtual servers
- GaryJones/wordpress-plugin-git-flow-svn-deploy - Deploys a WordPress plugin from Github (git) to the WordPress Plugin Repostiory (svn), taking account of git-flow usage.
- rbartolome/xcode-cappuccino - This project is no longer under active development. Here for historical reasons.
- poliva/random-scripts - scripts I use from time to time
- kelseyhightower/intro-to-kubernetes-workshop - Intro to Kubernetes Workshop
- elasticdog/genhost - generate unused hostnames by randomly picking from a word list
- victorhsieh/tw-law-corpus - Taiwan law corpus, generated by https://github.com/g0v/twlaw
- anoopdixith/TheConstitutionOfIndia - Repository for the Constitution of India.
- elasticdog/packer-arch - packer.io template for building an Arch Linux base box
- William-Yeh/docker-workshop - Slides and lab materials for my Docker Workshop (in Traditional Chinese).
- zbal/zabbix - Zabbix custom scripts and auto-install
- viljoviitanen/setup-simple-pptp-vpn - Setup Simple PPTP VPN Server for Ubuntu and Debian
- spicycode/ze-best-zsh-config - Ze Best ZSH Config
- junegunn/myvim - 🍱 Script to create a portable bundle of Vim environment
- dustinkirkland/byobu - git mirror of upstream bzr at http://launchpad.net/byobu
- judofyr/perloku - Perl on Heroku
- dflydev/git-subsplit - Automate and simplify the process of managing one-way read-only subtree splits.
- basecamp/xip-pdns - PowerDNS pipe backend adapter powering xip.io
- nvk/sketch-icons - All kinds of icons
- mikeplus64/fun.sh - Functional /bin/sh
- kazeburo/mysetup - my setup scripts repository
- hpc/dcp - dcp is a distributed file copy program that automatically distributes and dynamically balances work equally across nodes in a large distributed system without centralized state.
- conceptsandtraining/modernie_selenium - Manage modern.ie VBox-VMs with Selenium-Support
- SecUpwN/Spotify-AdKiller - Your Party with Spotify - but without ads!
- RangeNetworks/dev - Start Here! Development Environment Tools and System Releases
- ipython/docker-notebook - Docker containers for the IPython notebook (+SciPy Stack)
- hodgesmr/FindGitHubEmail - Bash script that finds a GitHub user's email address based on username
- Graylog2/graylog2-images - Ready to run machine images
- wet-boew/wet-boew-drupal - Drupal variant of the Web Experience Toolkit (WET)
- rtomayko/rpg - Fast ruby package management for unix
- bluss/git-remote-gcrypt - git-remote-gcrypt: A git remote helper for GPG-encrypted remotes
- EnterpriseDB/pg_nosql_benchmark - A tool which can be used to benchmark PostgreSQL (JSONB) and MongoDB (BSON)
- sensorflo/git-draw - draws nearly the full content of a tiny git repository as a graph
- jplew/SyncDB - Bash script meant to take the tedium out of deploying and updating database-driven (eg Wordpress) websites. It rapidly synchronizes local and remote versions of a MySQL database, performs the necessary search and replace queries, then synchronizes all your uploads/binaries.
- dcneiner/html5-site-template - A simple HTML5 site template to save me some time when starting a new site design/development.
- yyuu/pyenv-virtualenvwrapper - an alternative approach to manage virtualenvs from pyenv.
- sukria/Backup-Manager - Versatile yet easy to use command line backup tool for GNU/Linux. Suitable for desktop and servers.
- NixOS/nixos - OBSOLETE (go to NixOS/nixpkgs) - NixOS, a Linux distribution based on the Nix package manager - OBSOLETE (go to NixOS/nixpkgs)
- CenturyLinkLabs/golang-builder - Containerized build environment for compiling an executable Golang package and packaging it in a light-weight Docker container.
- stvs/ffmpeg-static - Scripts to build ffmpeg with all the deps statically (webm + h264 included)
- neilpa/cmd-colors-solarized - Solarized color settings for Windows command prompt
- docker-library/php - Docker Official Image packaging for PHP
- int0x80/anti-forensics - for the louise
- holman/spaceman-diff - diff images from the command line
- syndbg/goenv - 🚙 Like pyenv and rbenv, but for Go.
- chuckha/goenv - Create a go environment!
- Kerwood/rtorrent.auto.install - Auto install script for rtorrent with Rutorrent as GUI.
- smurfmonitor/dns-iptables-rules - DNS Amplification IPTABLES block lists
- pires/kubernetes-vagrant-coreos-cluster - Kubernetes cluster (for testing purposes) made easy with Vagrant and CoreOS.
- perberos/Mate-Desktop-Environment - MATE Desktop Environment, a non-intuitive and unattractive desktop for users, using traditional computing desktop metaphor. Also known as the GNOME2 fork.
- coreos/coreos-overlay - Custom ebuilds for CoreOS
- cmacrae/saveosx - Bringing fast, secure, 64bit binary package management to OS X
- offensive-security/kali-arm-build-scripts - Kali Linux ARM build scripts
- mevansam/cmoss - Scripts for building cross-platform c/c++ open source software libraries for iOS and Android.
- hmans/rbfu - Minimal Ruby version management is minimal.
- igrigorik/heroku-buildpack-dart - Heroku buildpack for Dart
- ghc-ios/ghc-ios-scripts - Scripts for building GHC and Haskell programs for iOS
- awslabs/aws-codedeploy-samples - Samples and template scenarios for AWS CodeDeploy
- Zettt/km-markdown-library - Markdown library for Keyboard Maestro.
- paoloantinori/hhighlighter - A command line tool to highlight terms
- kaltura/platform-install-packages - Official deployment packages to install the Kaltura platform on a server or cluster environments using native OS package managers
- ianb/git-sync - Use git as a sync tool, without munging your source and sync VCS operations
- hectcastro/docker-riak - A Docker project to bring up a local Riak cluster.
- Whonix/Whonix - Whonix is an operating system focused on anonymity, privacy and security. It's based on the Tor anonymity network, Debian GNU/Linux and security by isolation. DNS leaks are impossible, and not even malware with root privileges can find out the user's real IP. https://www.whonix.org
- othercat/CJKFontScript - Use Source Han Sans (all CTJK GUI) or Hiragino Sans (Simp & Trad Chinese GUI) as OS X's default GUI Fonts
- jneen/ry - The simplest ruby version manager
- ghost1227/cdm - Console Display Manager
- ericpaulbishop/yourchili - Bash script library for configuring Debian/Ubuntu VPS hosting, with emphasis on ChiliProject deployment
- dz0ny/docker-wpdev - Wordpress in Docker
- craigcitro/r-travis - Tools for using R with Travis (http://travis-ci.org) in lieu of a website:
- cobbal/python-for-iphone - Build script for compiling python into a static library that can be used with the official SDK
- clyfish/zerosprites - ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using VLSI floorplaning algorithms.
- chriseldredge/git-slack-hook - Git receive hook to notify Slack channels
- centos-bz/EZHTTP - install apache nginx php mysql etc on linux system
- DavidWittman/ansible-redis - Highly-configurable Ansible role to install Redis and Redis Sentinel from source
- ttscoff/QuickQuestion - A simple, text-based system for building an easily-searchable knowlegebase on OS X. CLI, LaunchBar and Alfred included.
- riywo/ndenv - node.js version manager based on rbenv
- pokle/cassandra - A Docker Cassandra container
- alecive/FlatWoken - Official FlatWoken icon theme source repository.
- Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee-old - nVidia Optimus support for GNU/Linux aimed at stability. Rewritten and improved fork
- BloodAxe/OpenCV-iOS-build-script - OpenCV iOS build script
- toleda/audio_CloverALC - OS X Realtek ALC onboard audio with Clover
- shyiko/commacd - When
is just too slow. - iye/lightsOn - Bash script that prevents the screensaver and display power # management (DPMS) to be activated when you are watching Flash Videos fullscreen on Firefox.
- amplab/datascience-sp14 - Repository for data science course Spring 14
- StackGeek/openstackgeek - StackGeek OpenStack Deploy
- SilverFoxx/PwnSTAR - PwnSTAR (Pwn SofT-Ap scRipt) - for all your fake-AP needs!
- zdj/themes - Jetbrains (IDEA) and iTerm2 Themes
- sindresorhus/opn - A better node-open. Opens stuff like websites, files, executables. Cross-platform.
- lvjian700/ffmpegc - Compile ffmpeg for iOS, support armv7s , armvs7 & i386 simulator
- leamas/spotify-make - Experimental, third-party installer for native linux spotify client
- heroku/heroku-buildpack-pgbouncer - Run pgbouncer and stunnel in a dyno along with your application
- drothlis/clang-ctags - Generate tag file for C++ source code, using the clang C++ compiler's parsing libraries
- squeaky-pl/portable-pypy - Portable 32 and 64 bit x86 PyPy binaries for many Linux distributions.
- rkjha/RailsOnUbuntu - Rails goodies for Ubuntu Users!
- owntracks/owntracks - OwnTracks
- imsky/git-fresh - 🍋 Fresh Git repository.
- graysky2/anything-sync-daemon - Symlinks and syncs user specified dirs to RAM thus reducing HDD/SDD calls and speeding-up the system.
- bleis-tift/Git-Hooks - Redmine等のITS/BTSとGitとCIツールを使った開発を支援するためのフックスクリプト集・・・になる予定
- Tarrasch/zsh-bd - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing
cd ../../..
- viljoviitanen/setup-simple-openvpn - Setup Simple OpenVPN server for Linux
- joyent/nhttpsnoop - Trace Node.js HTTP server activity
- hak8or/Embedded-Linux-System - Very rough documentation for my embedded linux system
- dfsq/compressJS.sh - Build several javascript files into the one build file previously compressing them with Google Closure Compiler.
- lhl/chrome-ssb-osx - Simple script for making Chrome-based SSBs (site specific browsers)
- hbons/Dazzle - A script to easily set up a SparkleShare host
- fourkitchens/server-playbooks - Ansible playbooks for use in setting up servers.
- benlinton/bash-slugify - Command that converts filenames and directories to a web friendly format.
- agnoster/git-dropbox - The easiest way to use a Dropbox for git repositories
- SkyFireArchives/SkyFireDB - This Repository will no longer be updated. Download here.
- Red5d/pushbullet-bash - Bash interface to the PushBullet API
- supertopher/dotfiles - dot files
- sabersalv/freedom-routes - chnroutes改进版, 智能生成路由表, 大幅提升VPN浏览国内网页速度
- rkh/rbenv-update - update rbenv and plugins
- ivyl/i3-config - i3 wm configuration files
- ricardoamaro/docker-drupal - Docker with Drupal, running Apache, mod_php, Apc, Mysql, memcache
- openstack/diskimage-builder - Image building tools for OpenStack
- hellais/TAILS-OSX - Contains instructions and scripts to create a TAILS live cd that will boot on OSX without any additional software installed (no REFIT, etc.)
- gregs1104/hppt - High Performance PostgreSQL Tools
- ceph/ceph-docker - Docker files and images to run Ceph in containers
- grayhemp/pgcookbook - PostgreSQL documentation project
- cckpg/autoproxy2privoxy - Convert AutoProxy rules to Privoxy forward rules
- overshard/docker-minecraft - An easy way to get a Minecraft server up and running using docker.
- mietek/haskell-on-heroku - Buildpack for deploying Haskell apps
- embarkmobile/android-sdk-installer - Android SDK Installer Script
- dmotz/jade-html5-boilerplate - HTML5 Boilerplate ported to Jade. Great as a drop and go markup skeleton for Express apps.
- crazy-max/csgo-server-launcher - Counter-Strike : Global Offensive Server Launcher
- boxcutter/ubuntu - Virtual machine templates for Ubuntu
- adapteva/epiphany-sdk - Epiphany SDK build scripts (start here!)
- wurstmeister/storm-docker - Dockerfiles for building a storm cluster.
- phbaer/lxc-tools - Admin tools for LXC
- mbrubeck/android-completion - Bash completion for "adb" from the Google Android SDK
- aldeed/deploymeteor - The deploymeteor script makes it as easy as possible to deploy a meteor app to a standard Amazon EC2 server running the latest Amazon Linux AMI.
- tomas/skull - Object-oriented-like Bash framework
- tj/bm - CLI bookmarks -- dropbox persisted bookmarks in your terminal - view screenshots in your browser
- tagomoris/xbuild - Language runtimes installer for production environment
- dockerfile/redis - Redis Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
- deviantony/docker-elk - The ELK stack powered by Docker and Docker-compose.
- dchest/semicolon-js - Semicolon.js — the most useful JavaScript library for cargo cult programmers
- MisterDA/love-release - A Bash script to make LÖVE games releases easier
- zfsnap/zfsnap - A portable, performant script to make rolling ZFS snapshots easy.
- tj/burl - better curl(1) through augmentation
- thenigan/git-diffall - Script to perform directory diffs using an external diff tool in Git
- sinkcup/AntDemo - 安卓自动打包ant auto build Android Package
- orefalo/g2 - g2 - the friendly git command line client
- dockerfile/mongodb - MongoDB Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds.
- dcarley/rbenv-sudo - Sudo plugin for rbenv
- ahunnargikar/vagrant-mesos - Mesos/Docker/Marathon/Aurora development Vagrant Virtualbox setup
- adaline/dockermail - A secure, minimal-configuration mail service in docker containers.
- Outernet-Project/orx-install - ORx install scripts
- stevef1uk/docker_for_rpi - Docker for Raspberry Pi
- statianzo/dokku-supervisord - Use supervisord as the runner within dokku
- luxifer/dokku-redis-plugin - Redis plugin for Dokku
- karalabe/xgo - Go CGO cross compiler
- jvehent/haproxy-aws - Documentation on building a HTTPS stack in AWS with HAProxy
- hukl/freebsd-toolbox - Collection of Tools and Howtos
- cweiske/phpfarm - Tool to install multiple versions of PHP beside each other
- comperiosearch/vagrant-elk-box - Vagrant box to install elasticsearch, logstash and kibana
- FFMS/ffms2 - A libav/ffmpeg based source library and Avisynth plugin for easy frame accurate access
- zant95/elementary-dropbox - Installs Dropbox and integrates it with WingPanel (for Elementary OS Freya).
- subtleGradient/StandaloneWebInspector.app - a really simple app for Mac OS X that wraps the very latest WebKit Web Inspector and simplifies remote debugging
- opensas/play2-openshift-quickstart - Play framework 2.0 quickstart for Openshift
- mozilla/moz-git-tools - Tools for working with Git at Mozilla
- ask/rabbitmq-munin - Munin-plugins for RabbitMQ
- aplura/Tango - Honeypot Intelligence with Splunk
- eyecreate/ubuntu-chromebook-installer - Installer for Ubuntu/Kubuntu on Chromebook (only tested with c720)
- eskimoapps/ResourceNestingExample - This is a demo app for android that shows how to create nested resource directories using the gradle build system.
- cmaitchison/git_diet - When your git repo needs to lose some weight...
- richie5um/TextBar-Recipes - TextBar Recipes
- rcbops/oz-image-build - Tools to build images with oz. THIS CODE BASE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED
- obdev/CrossPack-AVR - Script and associated files for building avr-gcc and related tools on Mac OS X with Xcode 4
- mislav/coral - Hacker's toolbelt for Ruby, gems, Bundler, git, and more
- RGBboy/mongodb-s3-backup - Mongodb to Amazon S3 Backup
- OpenHFT/OpenHFT - Parent module to include active modules
- Kayven/OneStack - A tool to deploy complete and real OpenStack cloud computing service.(一键部署OpenStack)
- themattrix/sed2048 - The 2048 game implemented in sed
- heroku/stack-images - Automated generation of stack images
- crazy-max/nodejs-portable - Make Node.js portable on Windows
- bkerley/zshkit - My way-overdone zsh config scripts
- andrewd18/df-lnp-installer - An installation script for the Dwarf Fortress Lazy Newb Pack, for Linux.
- radiac/caman - A self-signing certificate authority manager
- orchardup/docker-postgresql - Deprecated - use the official postgres image.
- mgutz/vpsbench - Benchmarks VPS perfomance
- vitorgalvao/alfred-workflows - Collection of Alfred workflows
- mururu/exenv - Elixir versions management tool
- milgner/k290-fnkeyctl - Configures the behaviour of the F-keys on the Logitech K290
- microcai/gentoo-zh - gentoo-zh is an overlay for China and Taiwan Users
- mclamp/JAuth - Java GUI client to generate Google authentication codes
- koush/AnyKernel - AnyKernel is a template for an update.zip that can apply any kernel to any ROM, regardless of ramdisk.
- jweslley/rails_completion - Bash completion support for Ruby on Rails.
- gotbletu/shownotes - notes for random stuff
- docker-library/wordpress - Docker Official Image packaging for WordPress
- coreos/toolbox - bring your tools with you
- Gnurou/busybox-android - A Busybox binary that is ready to be integrated into your Android project
- xing/TinyPNG - Automated mass optimization script for web images
- treyhunner/tmuxstart - Create default configurations for your named tmux sessions
- sdnhub/lorispack - Network Microsegmentation for Docker container deployments
- opengapps/opengapps - The main repository of the Open GApps Project
- flomotlik/packer-example - Packer files we use for Codeship
- juliangruber/npm-diff - Diff two versions of a node module
- harryallerston/RPI-Wireless-Hotspot - Configure your Raspberry Pi to act as a WPA encrypted WiFi hotspot, sharing the attatched ethernet connection. Allows the selection from a range of common DNS providers, including unblock-us for netflix. Chromecast support with this feature is also configured.
- colinkeenan/silentcast - Create silent mkv screencast and animated gif.
- terrywang/vagrantboxes - Vagrant Base Boxes for vagrantbox.es plus veewee definitions
- tav/ampify - Ampify is a decentralised application platform. See the README for more info and join in!
- rhwood/jenkins-slave-osx - Jenkins JNLP slave service for modern OS X systems
- rear/rear - Relax-and-Recover - Linux bare metal disaster recovery and system migration solution (cfr. mksysb, ignite)
- funtoo/funtoo-overlay - Funtoo overlay (all funtoo ebuild/eclass changes in one place)
- chnm/WP-Static - Bash script to turn a WordPress install into static HTML.
- bhilburn/powerlevel9k - A Powerline-Inspired theme for ZSH!
- tutumcloud/influxdb - Docker image to run an out-of-the-box InfluxDB server
- javierarce/epub-boilerplate - A simple template to help you create ePub-formatted books.
- gitlabhq/gitlab-recipes - Mostly unofficial GitLab recipes for setup on different platforms, update etc...
- tryolabs/metamon - Collection of Ansible playbooks to quickly start your Django Application
- karalabe/srcbox - Source code inside Dropbox
- jasonreece/css-burrito - An organizational Sass template.
- chenzhiwei/linux - Linux related notes.
- wsargent/docker-devenv - Docker based development environment
- aglover/ubuntu-equip - Equip Ubuntu with Ruby, Mongo, CI, Java, you name it.
- substack/alarm - wake the fuck up
- ibuildthecloud/coreos-on-do - Script to install CoreOS on Digital Ocean
- dreamerslab/nodejs.production - Some tools and scripts that helps for node.js on production
- oscardelben/git-diff-grep - Run grep across git diffs history
- berfarah/LESS-build-sublime - Less build sytem for Sublime Text 2
- jwerle/mush - Mustache templates for bash
- Goles/Battery - Battery is a little bash script that uses Spark to display the battery status on your tmux sessions or the terminal.
- fz - Seamless fuzzy tab completion for z
- athityakumar/colorls - A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons. 🎉