An enthusiastic individual who loves exploring new technologies and who has the ability to come up with better solutions.
🌱 I work closely with the local training and development centre Team.EXE to abridge the technological gap separating the current market trends with academic means of webinars, in-person consultation and running local campaigns and meetups.
✔️ I believe in sharing, learning and growing together. Extremely motivated to develop my skills constantly and grow professionally. Also, I possess
great communication and leadership skills.
- 🌱 I’m currently looking for Intership Opportunities
- 🔭 I’m currently exploring C++ and Rust Core
- 💬 Ask me about Web Development and Open Source Contributions
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source Projects
- 📫 Reach me at :
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love creativity and bringing art to life.
- ❤️ Building a community to make an impact by training new generations on cutting-edge technologies to meet future requirements.
I love networking and connecting with people of different backgrounds and hence I'm an active member of numerous technical and non-technical clubs and societies⚡
You can connect with me here-
Check my repositories below 👇