This Repo is strictly for practicing RESTful APis with node js and express
1.New users can create accounts. 2.Users can Log in. 3.Users can register a student. 4.Users can get all registered students. 5.Users can get a single student. 5.Users can update a student. 7.Users can delete a student.
-Express JS - API development framework
- Node - run time environment for JavaScript
Node a runtime environment for JavaScript
Postman to test the Api endpoints
Visual studio code for editing and running the app
- git clone
- cd practo_refactored
- npm install (to install required dependencies)
- npm run start (Start development server)
-POST /auth/signup - create a user account
-POST /auth/signin - Login a user
-POST /students - Register a new student
-GET /students - Get all students
-GET /students/<Id> - Get a specific student
-PUT /students/<Id> - Update a specific student
-DELETE /students/<Id> - Delete a specific student