minimal reproduction of yargs/yargs#2268 .
When we generate the completion script for zsh, with the description of option having line break, the completion shown is incorrect.
--bar -- Bar option
--foo -- Foo option
--help -- Show help
--version -- Show version number
Should be aligned with foo option The description for foo option
The minimum reproduction in
# If you don't enable zsh-completion, you need to enable it first.
# Clone and configure repository
$ git clone [email protected]:hung-cybo/yargs-escape-line-break.git
$ cd yargs-escape-line-break
$ npm ci
$ npm run build
$ ./cli.js completion > /path/to/your/fpath/_cli.js
# Reload the shell
In the repository, I specified the options as follows.
.option("foo", {
describe: "Foo option\nThe description for foo option\nShould be aligned with foo option",
type: "string",
.option("bar", {
describe: "Bar option",
type: "string",
With the line break, the option --help
display the description easier to read.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--foo Foo option
The description for foo option
Should be aligned with foo option [string]
--bar Bar option [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
The output when I strike the TAB should be the following.
./cli.js completion #Strike TAB
--bar -B -- Bar option
--foo -F -- Foo option The description for foo option Should be aligned with foo option
--help -- Show help
--version -- Show version number
The line break should be converted to whitespace.
The actual output is the following.
The description of --foo
option is displayed at the end of the output.
./cli.js completion #Strike TAB
-- values --
--bar -- Bar option
--foo -- Foo option
--help -- Show help
--version -- Show version number
Should be aligned with foo option The description for foo option
When requesting a completion by striking the TAB key, the completion function calls the original file with --get-yargs-completions
It is specified in the completion script as follows.
local reply
local si=$IFS
' reply=($(COMP_CWORD="$((CURRENT-1))" COMP_LINE="$BUFFER" COMP_POINT="$CURSOR" ./cli.js --get-yargs-completions "${words[@]}"))
_describe 'values' reply
compdef _cli.js_yargs_completions cli.js
With the current version of yargs, the output is the following.
$ node ./lib/index.js --get-yargs-completions -
--version:Show version number
--foo:Foo option
The description for foo option
Should be aligned with foo option
--bar:Bar option
--help:Show help
The description of --foo
option is displayed in multi-lines.
And with the current behavior of zsh-completion, each line will be evaluated:
- If It meets the format
=> mark it as an option - If It does not meet the format
=> move it to the bottom
That's why the description of --foo
option is displayed incorrectly.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.