Mint is a great financial transactions aggregator but when it messes anything up, say by double- or triple-booking it, or doesn't import more than a handful items from an account with hundreds of transactions, there's very little recourse. This extension is an attempt to add missing pieces to an otherwise great and free service. And learn how to make Firefox extensions.
Mint allows single transaction to be added but wouldn't bulk-import them from say a CSV file.
Import process somehow goes astray and two or three copies of the same transaction appear. It also happens if one charges their PayPal to their credit card and both PayPal and the credit card are in Mint.
Firefox Extension is a good start. This Writing a Simple Firefox Extension blog provided a nice beginner summary. Lots of questions answered on the site of excellent web-ext tool including how to build etc.
So how do I test this thing, preferably with automation?