A modern, standards-based Hydra console
- Uses Alcaeus Hydra client. 100% in-browser, no server-side proxy
- UI build using material design web components
- Content and forms rendered using lit-any, a JS library which reduces UI to pure functions returning HTML templates (actually ES6 template strings)
- Generic, universal view for resource documented in Hydra's API documentation
- Specialized views for Hydra collections
- Collections support paging and filtering
- API documentation viewer
- Basic support for operations
Due to HTTP restrictions, the API has to be served over SSL. For that reason the API published under http://www.markus-lanthaler.com/hydra/api-demo/ does not currently work on the published app. You can however run locally
Clone, then:
npm install
npm dev
And open the browser at webpack-dev-server's URL. Typically http://localhost:3000
The behavior of the application can be customized through environment variables. They
can be added in a .env
None of the below are mutually exclusive. All of these settings can be mixed and used together.
API_ENTRYPOINTS={ "https://example.com/api/": "My API" }
The value must be a valid JSON condensed to a single line.
By default the application uses hash fragments, which are more practical when running locally. To run with nice URLs:
The value can be anything. It is only checked whether it's truthy.
The routing occurs by placing the full resource URIs in the address bar which results in lengthy and ugly addresses. To change that, a base URI (namespace) of the resource identifiers can be set:
This will change the addresses which appear in the application. For example
It is no magic. Simple substitution. If the URL does not share this base URL, the whole identifier will still appear in the address.
The application may be deployed in a virtual directory, such as https://example.com/app/
Set a variable, which will sit between the application's host address and the
resource identifier.