IBM Event Driven Architecture reference implementation GitOps repository, in support of
This gitops repository supports three types of deployments of the solution, one using Strimzi Kafka to run on OpenShift, one with Event Streams with Cloud Pak for Integration, and one with Event Streams Managed service on IBM Cloud.
The microservices of the solutions are deployed to OpenShift and connect to the Kafka deployment you use.
Updated 09/14/2021.
As presented in the product documentation, "Considerations before deployment", we have to assess user roles and platform requirements.
Here are the assumptions we define for the kc-solution
- Single admin team for OCP cluster and production projects within the cluster.
- Developers manages staging and dev environment. This is a functional team developing the
- For the solution one gitops will define all environments and apps/services of the solution.
- Developers will not have access to OpenShift cluster administration
- Cloud Pak for integration operators are installed in all namespaces, and there is only one instance of each operator.
- Only one Platform Navigator installed per cluster (in all namespaces) and it displays instances of capabilities from the whole cluster.
is unique to the cluster.
For real production deployment, the production OpenShift cluster will be separate from dev and staging, running in different infrastructure.
- Access to an OpenShift 4.7 or later. You can use the bring your own app Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
- Logging in to the OpenShift CLI
- Optional install the Argo CD CLI
- Install the kubeseal CLI
- Install KAM CLI
The Cloud Pak for Integration installation is documented here and a cloud pak gitops repository helps to automate deployment.
In this section we just focusing on deploying Event Streams within an OpenShift with IBM Catalog defined.
- Get IBM product catalog added to your OpenShift cluster
# To verify they are not already installed use:
oc get operators
# If you do not see any IBM operators then install IBM Catalog definition
oc apply -f ./ibm-catalog/subscription.yaml
- Obtain IBM license entitlement key
If you just want event-streams and dependant operators deployed use the following:
# deploy dependent operators if not done before
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
oc apply -f
# deploy event streams operator
oc apply -f
Now create users and cluster using manifests declaration. For example the es-stage
environment defines a shared
oc apply -k environments/kc-stage/apps/event-streams
The manual steps to bootstrap this ci/cd process are:
Obtain IBM license entitlement key
Update the OCP global pull secret of the
project -
Use our bootstrap folder to initiate the GitOps
# Reference ibm catalog oc apply -k # Install OpenShift pipeline and sealed-secrets oc create -k bootstrap/cicd # NOT TESTED YET need release 2021.3 Install CP4I operators # oc create -k bootstrap/cp4i # Bootstrap solution environment oc apply -k bootstrap/kc-solution # Create a secrets for entitlement key oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \ --docker-username=cp \ \ --namespace=kc-dev \ --docker-password=entitlement_key
Bootstrap the argocd app of app within an argoCD project named
using the command
oc apply -k config/argocd
- Log to ArgoCD console: See the exposed route in the openshift-gitops project
oc get route openshift-gitops-server -n openshift-gitops -o jsonpath='{}'
# Get argoadmin password
oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops --to=-
Once logged to the console, you should see the kc-argo-app
synced or performing synch operation.
- Update structure using KAM
- Add Strimzi operators and cluster instance manifest in environments/strimzi
- Add quarkus pipelines
- Strimzi operator not installed via argocd app
- openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller service account need to be able to create or patch resource under target namespace
# verify service account
oc get sa
# Verify existing cluster role
oc get clusterrole
# select the cluster role like below and do under the openshift-gitops project
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user strimzi-cluster-operator.v0.25.0-strimzi-cluster-ope-65df8bbd78 --serviceaccount openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n openshift-gitops
- In cicd: "InvalidSpecError: Application referencing project kc-solution which does not exist". Resynch once the argocd project is created
- In cicd: "Resource is not permitted in project kc-solution.". Change project definition with
- group: "*"
kind: "*"
These example environments will deploy the microservices and their associated configuration to the shipping-dev
This environment is deployable to any Kubernetes or OCP cluster and provides its own dedicated backing services.
- Strimzi operator must be installed, and configured to watch all namespaces.
- Open Liberty operator must be installed, and configured to watch all namespaces.
(note: the following oc adm
command is required only if targeting an OpenShift cluster).
One-time setup to create namespace and Kafka cluster:
kubectl apply -k environments/dev/infrastructure
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z kcontainer-runtime -n shipping
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready kafka my-cluster --timeout 300s -n shipping
Deploy microservices and required configmaps and secrets:
kubectl apply -k environments/dev
kubectl wait --for=condition=available deploy -l --timeout 300s -n shipping
This example configures the microservices to connect to a Postgres database with SSL verification enabled, and to Event Streams using an API key.
The backing services should already exist (for example, hosted on an OpenShift cluster or IBM Cloud). In the case of Kafka, the topics should already exist. In the environments/example-credentials
tree, the Kafka topics are prefixed with itg-integration-
Prerequisites: supply credentials for backing services as files - see credentials README
kubectl apply -k environments/example-credentials
This example configures the microservices to connect to a Postgres database with SSL verification enabled, and to Event Streams using an API key, with SSL verification enabled. The ES certificate is provided as a Java truststore, or a PEM file to the non-Java apps.
Prerequisites: supply credentials for backing services as files - see credentials README
kubectl apply -k environments/example-es-truststore
Create a new branch based on the
branch, using the format of<namespace>/<clustername>
- Example:
git checkout starter-template && git checkout -b demo-sandbox/
- Example:
Update the microservices' Route deployment YAMLs to contain an appropriate
value by uncommenting the lines and replacing the[project]
placeholder values.- Reference: Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud - Exposing apps that are inside your cluster to the public
- Example:
Commit and push your updated branch to a git repository that will be accessible from your cluster.
Create all the necessary pre-requisites in the target cluster:
- Ensure ArgoCD is installed and functional. Link
- Configure necessary backing components, like Kafka, Event Streams, or Postgresql. Link
- Create necessary Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets, which will connect the microservices to the backing components. Link
- The template YAMLs use the reasonable default names of the necessary ConfigMaps and Secrets, so the YAMLs will not need to be altered if you follow the deployment instructions exactly.
- You may use different names for the ConfigMaps and Secrets, but you will need to adjust the references in the YAMLs accordingly. This should only be necessary if deploying multiple times to the same namespace.
- Configure Service Account, as required by OpenShift or Kubernetes. Link
Create an ArgoCD application deployment for each microservice you wish to deploy, using either the ArgoCD CLI, applying application manifest YAMLs through the ArgoCD UI, or apply application manifest YAMLs through the Kubernetes CRDs:
- ArgoCD CLI:
argocd app create kcontainer-order-command-ms \ --repo \ --revision demo-sandbox/ \ --path kc-ui --directory-recurse --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \ --dest-namespace demo-sandbox --sync-policy automated --self-heal --auto-prune
- ArgoCD UI Manifest YAML:
project: default source: repoURL: '' path: kc-ui targetRevision: demo-sandbox/ directory: recurse: true jsonnet: {} destination: server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' namespace: demo-sandbox syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true
apiVersion: metadata: name: kc-ui-ms spec: project: default source: repoURL: '' path: kc-ui targetRevision: demo-sandbox/ directory: recurse: true jsonnet: {} destination: server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc' namespace: demo-sandbox syncPolicy: automated: prune: true selfHeal: true
You should be able to see ArgoCD applying the YAMLs to the target cluster by watching
kubectl get pods
. -
Validate all application
conditions are bothHealthy
before verifying your application deployment in the application UI.
- Generate all your necessary Kubernetes YAMLs by following the deployment steps documented in, passing in specific values for the desired configuration.
- Copy the generated YAMLs to the root of your new branch in the repository.
- Example:
- Example:
- Commit and push your generated YAMLs to this repository on your new branch. Note that the
branch is protected and will not accept pushes, so you will only be able to push to your branch. - Continue with Templates Step #4 above.
- Validate all application
conditions are bothHealthy
before verifying your application deployment in the UI.