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Flowdception is a Codeception Extension for integrating the Flowder fixture loader into Codeception test suites.


  1. Install Flowdception as a development dependency through Composer

    $ composer install imjoehaines/flowdception --dev
  2. Enable Flowdception as an extension in your main codeception.yml, or a specific suite's YAML configuration file (e.g. integration.suite.yml)

        - \Imjoehaines\Flowder\Codeception\Flowdception
  3. Bootstrap Flowdception by calling Flowdception::bootsrap in one of your _bootstrap.php Codeception files, passing in an instance of \Imjoehaines\Flowder\Flowder (see the Flowder documentation for more information).

    A simple SQLite example might look like this:

    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Imjoehaines\Flowder\Codeception\Flowdception;
    use Imjoehaines\Flowder\Loader\PhpFileLoader;
    use Imjoehaines\Flowder\Truncator\SqliteTruncator;
    use Imjoehaines\Flowder\Persister\SqlitePersister;
    $db = new PDO(...);
        __DIR__ . '/_data/example.php',
        new PhpFileLoader(),
        new SqliteTruncator($db),
        new SqlitePersister($db)
  4. That's it! Before any Codeception test file runs, Flowder will load your fixture data for you