Project goal - to test dropdown, entry ad and contex menu at the Herokuapp in TestNG framework.
Project was created using IntelliJ, Maven Build System.
Project consists of:
- pom.xml (Project Object Model) file, where all dependancies needed are declared. In this project two dependancies were declared: Selenium library and TestNG framework.
- testNG.xml file, where tests are organized and executed. In this project two tests were executed sequentially: 1. VerifySetup and 2. DropDown.
- VerifySetup file, where setup of TestNG is verified, it is printed in the console "TestNG setup is working fine", if TestNG configuration works properly.
- DropDown file. Four tests are located in this file: verification of page title, context menu test, selection from dropdown test (option 1 was selected) and entry add test.
- Results file. Results were generated in test - output package. Report of the results is attached to this repository.