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Deep Panel Tracepoint Plugin

This is a custom panel for Grafana that will render the snapshot data from Deep.


Currently, this plugin is not available on the Grafana marketplace. So to use this plugin you need to manually install it.


To install this plugin into Grafana follow the steps below:

  1. Build the plugin
    1. Either build from source or
    2. Download the latest release from Github
  2. Unzip or copy the build output to the plugins directory for Grafana (In docker this is /var/lib/grafana/plugins/)
  3. Now do the same for intergral-deep-datasource
  4. Now start Grafana and you will be able to add Deep as a datasource.


If you are using the unsigned version of the build you need to add an exception to the grafana.ini file.

  1. When using the unsigned
    1. Add the line allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = intergral-deep-panel,intergral-deep-datasource to grafana.ini ( In docker this is /etc/grafana/grafana.ini) in the [plugins] section.
    2. Here we hae also added the allowance for the panel plugin that this plugin requires.

Using Docker

If you are building a container with docker then you can simply use the pre-built image.

Existing builds

If you are already building a custom docker image for Grafana then you can use docker build layers to add Deep.

# Add our image as a build layer
FROM intergral/grafana-deep:latest as deep

# Now continue your build
FROM grafana/grafana
# Copy our plugins from the deep image
COPY --from=deep /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ /var/lib/grafana/plugins/

# continue with your build steps